is it just me or does everyone else have the very anoying google ads that keep popping up in the middle of the search lish for the caches. im sure it isnt something i have done. if so how do i get rid of them or is it a fault
just me an im a little miss.
though sometimes my boy will tag along as he enjoys finding treasure.
i also cache with my little brother simon sydney an my mum an dad who go under the name the herons.
right i have spoken to the camp site who unforchantly can not put us all up as they only have a very small rally field. i have called anothe place who instantly said they were not intrested (maby they have heared of us before) so if any one knowes of a camp site that i can call plz let me know location of london ish.
i have been looking at hoasting an event darrrnnnnn saaaalllfffffff.
would any one be intrested maby for august kinda time. hope it to be london way i have found a really nice campsite but need a rough idear on numbers so can find out if they have enough space for us lot.
i have seen a lot of men mainly weraing strange junpers, who hold big sticks an hit their little white balls.
i think they use it as a kinda greating as they are always shouting BOGIE at each other.