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Posts posted by badger10

  1. I tried an experiment. I loaded two caches. One I had already found and one I had not. These were not part of the Geocoin challenge series. I did what I had done ealier and both of the caches were still there. The ones from the challenge were gone again. Can there be a problem with certain caches? I know they are setting up a new 2013 geocoin challenge but that should not cause any conflict.

  2. This may not be it, but a while ago I had this problem with my 62s and it was due to me getting version 1.0.1 .gpx files vs the v.1.0. I had switched back to the old 1.0 and haven't had the issue since. This is a setting option under Your Account Details/Your Preferences/GPX Version.

    No, that isn't it. We are both using 1.0. Both 62S's are having the same problem at the same time. I used mine a couple of days ago and it worked fine.

  3. The wife and I both have these GPS's. Today while doing some caching the caches that I loaded up, and saw on the gps, earlier disappeared. I turned the gps off/on and they came back. Each time I found a new cache, showed it as found, and then went back to select a new one they were gone again. Turn it on/off and they are back. The PC says the caches are there. I updated my gps and tried the same thing again with the same result. This happened on both our gps's. Any ideas? These caches were ones we had found earlier. I checked both the current caches and the recent finds section as well. We were taking some new cachers around with us. Garmin is closed until Tuesday and we are trying to get our friends one of the remaining coins from a geocoin challenge.

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