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Everything posted by jmundinger

  1. Based on your description, I really think that is your only option. I'll be curious to hear what they say.
  2. was the correct advice, but for the wrong piece of hardward. Thanks for the follow up with us. By the way, if you have not sent the unit off yet, I wonder whether your computer really can see it. If it is stuck in mass storage mode, it should be listed as another drive under my computer.
  3. Suggestion #1: if that doesn't work, try: and, if that doesn't do it, you might take a look at "device manager" and see if there is an error message associated with one of the "Human Interface Devices" or with one of the "Universal Serial Bus Controllers". If there is, go back to suggestion #1.
  4. Actually, I should have been a little more complete with that description. I get to GoogleEarth by first viewing the data in MapSource. Sometimes I will also look at the data in EasyGPS. Both MapSource and EasyGPS give you the capability to measure the distance between the waypoints and to also look at possible interpolations between the data points. I also might look at those points in USAPhotoMaps - both the 1/24 quad and the Imagery. I am only able to get the older black&white for my area. But, even with that, I am able to evaluate two points that measure about 10ft. apart in MapSource or EasyGPS. And, looking at the points in GoogleEarth will show what the waypoint looks like on the map, once the cache is published and, for the caches that I have hidden, that the coordinates are not going to direct people to a spot that is 30 or 40 feet off.
  5. My approach is similar to that described by gratefulHIKE. I wait a moment or two to allow the unit to settle and then lay it as level as possible, as close as possible to the hide and turn on the "average" feature. I leave the unit for awhile - typically while I'm doing other things to hide the cache - and then save the waypoint (the count on the average page usually exceeds 100). Typically, I will then walk away a short distance and do a find on that waypoint. Then, I might take second averaged waypoint. If I have saved more than one waypoint, I will compare the two on a map/air photo/googleearth and pick the one that looks better (or take a point that is somewhere between them).
  6. I agree with the recommendation regarding the eTrexH. But, if you are planning on having the students do activities that include a gps/computer interface, I think the Venture HC would be a better option. The USB cable comes with the unit. The eTrexH uses a separate cable that is purchased separately and, if the computer doesn't have a serial port, also would require an adapter. The extra features of the Venture HC, in my opinion, more than make up the cost differential.
  7. So I tried this approach; edited the waypoints in MapSource and saved the result, as a .gpx file, in a separate folder, which I then uploaded with POI Loader to my gpsr. This created a separate icon on the find page and all the waypoints, with the corresponding information, was there. I did noticed, however, that the gps did not recognize the waypoints in the file as "geocaches". Thus, navigation is in "normal" rather than "geocache" mode. Thus, the note is not accessible from the compass page. Is there a workaround for this issue?
  8. I'd suggest going to the Garmin website and downloading the pdf file for the user's manual for the Vista C. The functions for the two units are about the same and the user's manual for the discontinued model is much more complete.
  9. So, do you need GSAK to edit and save the waypoings as gpx files or is it sufficient to build the files in EasyGPS and then load those files with the poi loader?
  10. So, do you need GSAK to edit and save the waypoings as gpx files or is it sufficient to build the files in EasyGPS and then load those files with the poi loader?
  11. I assume that your gps is communicating with the computer. If you are running windows, the driver for that should install automatically the first time that you connect the gps and turn it on. The communicator plugin is useful for downloading geocache waypoints directly from the page on which the cache is described. To do more than that, you need additional software installed on your computer. If you are using an eTrex that came with a USB cable, I presume that it also came with MapSource. If you are using a basic eTrex, then I'm assuming that you are using an adapter that allows use of the use of the serial port cable through a USB port. If that is the case, you might have issues related to the driver for the adapter, i.e. your computer might not be able to see your gps through that adapter. If your computer can see the gps, you still need a software for manipulating map data. EasyGPS is a piece of free software that works fine for managing waypoints. If you have the basic eTrex, you can't put map data into that unit. But, you might appreciate USAPhotomaps - it downloads quads and satellite imagry from the TerraServer website and you can move tracks and waypoints back and forth between that software and a gps. USAPhotomaps is shareware available from jdmcox.com.
  12. I am the same Gasket issue with my Legend C that others have referenced on this board. I tried to fix it myself with Pliobond, but that did not adhere. One phone call to Garmin and I connected with a very helpful person and the repair kit is in the mail. By the way, one temporary fix is to hold the gasket in place with a wide rubber band - like the kind that comes on grocery produce. It is tight enough to hold the gasket in place but not so tight as to depress the buttons and I can operate all of the buttons with the rubber band in place.
  13. I haven't tried to track with it, but USAPhotoMaps will show the current gps position so I assume that it will also track. The software is shareware and free from jdmcox.com. Try it, if you like it, please send the guy a donation. I don't know him and have no affiliation with his product, other than the fact that I'm a satisfied user.
  14. Which is better really depends on how you are using the GPS. If I were using the GPS with a compass, but without a map, I would probably set the GPS to magnetic north. If, however, I were adding a map to the mix, I would set the GPS to true north and also set the declination angle on the compass, i.e. the location-specifici discrepancy between magnetic north and grid north (assuming you have a compass with that feature). That way the map, compass and GPS would all show the same north.
  15. I'd suggest that you go to the Garmin website and look up the Vista C in the discontinued models and download the pdf file for the user's manual for that model. The functions on the two units are the same and the user's manuals for the older model has a lot more information.
  16. I think you will find that there are a lot of Vista HCx users on this board and, as near as I can tell, most of us are pretty satisfied with the units. There have been a few bugs but the worst of those seem to have been corrected with the most recent firmware and chipset software updates. For the money, you probably one find a better choice.
  17. Are you sure? Even my old yellow eTrex (before the "H" model) had WAAS, and the Garmin website says it has WAAS: https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?pID=870...mp;locale=en_US With its high-sensitivity, WAAS-enabled GPS receiver, eTrex H locates your position quickly and precisely and maintains its GPS location even in heavy cover and deep canyons. I stand corrected on the new eTrex H. I did not realize that feature had been added - my only eTrex did not have WAAS capability and that feature is not included in the description for the discontinued model.
  18. Two additional considerations are that the data cable for the eTrex H is an extra and that it is a serial port rather than a USB connection which, depending on your computer, might mean you will also have to get an adapter. Also, the eTrex H does not have the WAAS enable feature.
  19. That's not a problem, either. You can save your track log for each day, then clear the log and start over. In fact, if you don't do this, the log will eventually max out and clear the oldest data as it stores the newer information. You can also take advantage of another feature. On the track log page, select setup. From that page, select "data card setup" and on that page put a check in the box for "log track to data card". With this approach, you will have an automatic backup for the track data.
  20. Don't base your decision whether to purchase a vista/legend HCX based on anything in this thread. This is not really a hardware/software issue.
  21. Bingo! Imho, bogus track points are an artifact of operator error and not the fault of the equipment.
  22. One of these would probably be my choice , at a base price of about $3,700 and opportunity to spend quite a bit more on accessories. But, for all that money, I don't see anything in the product description that says anything about operating in a geocache mode, or auto-routing or installing maps, etc. etc.
  23. Somewhere in that area of your GPSr you should also have options related to map orientation. It sounds like you currently are set on north up. You should also be able to change it to "track up", in which case the map will be oriented to the direction that you are moving.
  24. Thanks. I guess I didn't dig deeply enough at their website.
  25. I'm curious whether there is information at Delta's website that specifically says that it is permissible to use a GPSr while in flight. The last time I flew (Northwest), I didn't see any specific reference to a GPSr and concluded that it was in the category of "all other electronic devices" that were prohibited to use.
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