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Everything posted by mesillywoohoo

  1. No but if I am logging actual maintenance and add it I will. I had to unbury it today because leaves have started to fall and it's an accessible cache so I needed to clean up the debris and added swag. So I said I cleaned up the debris and added swag. But I'm not going to log just when I add something. But I'll add it on if I do something that I also left something.
  2. Thank you! That's very helpful! I will do that! Only do the log if I've done or added anything to it like a new log. Like today I added swag and cleared up some brush to the cache. So I'll log that but then other weeks when I just check don't log that.
  3. My caches are in heavily muggled areas where others have vanished. Two of them are super special containers and I don't expect them not to get walked off with at some point. Not fragile but they get gushes about 'oh it's such a neat container!' And I've had neat containers wander off. And I won't log the maintenance log every time we go but I was thinking doing it periodically. They are in locations we're at every other week so we're like might as well check them and make sure they've not been stolen and stick some swag in there.
  4. So we are currently visiting our caches every other week for general check and maintenance if needed. Should I be logging a note with something like: All is good here at the cache ?? I never have before but now I've seen it on a few caches I've looked at and wonder if that's something I should be doing too?
  5. Oh thank you! I would not have considered that either! I will include my geocache name on my stuff! <3
  6. Great idea! Thank you! I do have very small bags so I'll do a note with them!
  7. Sorry for bumping an old thread. But would small ceramic stars I've made and 3d printed personalized coins be something you all think people would be interested in swag wise? I've been thinking about making our own swag to leave in caches .
  8. I've never attempted to move one that was a real electrical plate. The magnetic ones are very easy to remove and to spot around here tbh. And the birdhouses are obviously not real as the hole is plugged up by black fabric or sometimes wood. Some of them have no holes. If you are going to worry about consequential items. Then the entire game could be seen as bad and I've seen it said as such by conservationists because humans are traipsing into the underbrush to go after what is essentially plastic often times hidden in the wood. Wouldn't that be seen as a kind of littering? The entire game could be seen as consequential if you start going down this path
  9. I really like ones that blend in. Magnetic electrical plates or birdhouses are my most favorite. I can't get out to the more adventurous ones anymore so I appreciate the ones that blend in so well people are scratching their heads
  10. I have NEVER found signature items but this has inspired me! Tomorrow I'm working on some
  11. You are "people" so at least someone does! That's a good idea! Of the 17 trackables I have found, only one had such a tag. I was not originally impressed by the idea because the info tag was in horrible shape and barely readable. The trackable was only about a year old. I suppose that depends a lot on how big the add-on tag is and how it is laminated. For those really concerned about their trackables and want them to stay moving as long as possible, this can only help. I may try this next time! From what I've seen of my TB released in 2010 it's info sheet laminated with those laminating sheets is still in good condition! I was sent a pic of it recently!
  12. The last few travel bugs I've moved along (including the one I have picked up yesterday) none of them have their info on a laminated tag, like their name and goal and most specifically 'I AM NOT A COLLECTIBLE'. Back when these first started we'd do a tag like this Do people not do this anymore? I do. Just released the one above with a tag. But none of the new ones I see have this. I think it at least keeps newbie cachers from unknowingly pocketing the bugs.
  13. I adore the place and special day souvenirs! I now have Virginia too!
  14. I found one the other day but the log was completely in accessible unless you had plyers. So I logged a find but didn't sign the log. I just didn't have plyers on me to get the log out
  15. You are very sweet and kind to worry about tbs that aren't yours! That's how it should be! For me? I look for long standing caches. I've got two TBS in my possession that I am taking to Virginia Beach with me. There's a nice cache there that has never been muggled and I watch it's contents to see if things don't get logged lol
  16. Unless the family of the gravesite have put it there it's SUPER disrespectful. A few years ago I realized that people were suddenly tearing up my daughter's gravesite decorations. Her flowered were being rifled through and someone had DUG by her grave and crushed some of her statues. I was suspicious and did a search. Someone had hid a cache at MY child's gravesite. Well this is my family's graveyard and I posted a new rule 'NO GEOCACHING IN THE CEMETERY' people were being so distructive
  17. Found another tb today! I've got two that I'm taking to a tb hotel in Va Beach on the Boardwalk
  18. I always read the description. I'm in a wheelchair and that's where I'm going to get details if I need my kids to help out lol
  19. Thank you!! It's a really fun username for sure! I like writing it. It amuses me
  20. I was traveling all day Saturday so I didn't get the Get outdoors day but I got one for Dublin, Ireland yesterday. Ohhh!! Dublin is exciting!! Way to go!
  21. I've had some since 2010 and never knew lol!
  22. I've never checked my profile before! LOL I have 7!! So whenever I find a cache in another state I'll get a souvenir? That's cool! I'll get WV and Virginia soon then I guess I got one yesterday too! Get outdoors day!
  23. It may be a reality of the game, but it certainly isn't a sanctioned part of the game. If it were a recognized part of the game like infractions in football, then there would be penalties for those infractions. "Holding TB too long on TheAuthorityFigures! 5 smiley penalty!" "Retrieving TB from cache without loging, mesillywoohoo, 10 Smiley penalty!" "Giving in to Childs demand to keep TB, FamilyTryingThisGameOutForTheFirstTime, automiatic game ejection!" Of course it's not a sanctioned part of the game. But this is real life and people suck and you've got to accept reality and stop being bitter about it. Your TB disappears. Release a new one. They aren't super expensive. Or make a replacement for the lost one. It's not hard. The fact is a lot of people start geocaching but don't keep with it. They get bored or burnt out and just never do it again. Or they die. My friend's tb ended up with a lady who got hit by a car and killed. She knows because the lady's brother found the tb and contacted her. It's unfortunate but that happens. Then if you have a cache somewhere where it floods and your tb was in there? It's lost. They might turn up years from now they might not just like any buried treasure which is what this game is about. Finding things hidden. looks like someone read my post the wrong way. This ( ) was suppose to clue you in on the nature of the post. It was in jest. What is supposed to clue me in that it was a jest? Is it an emote? They aren't working on my tablet for some reason. They show as a box with an X I'm glad you were jesting. I've heard people truly get upset and suggest points and such if people did something 'wrong'
  24. Getting to my 100th find and releasing some TBs in Va Beach when we are there next week.
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