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Everything posted by MadSons

  1. Beste cincol. Ten opsigte van die finale skat (of is dit nog net 'n gat? ) gee ek graag die volgende inligting deur: Bestuurderes is Mandy Venter, tel 084-250-9587. Opvangs is baie swak, los dus booskap of bel die kantoor in Pretoria. By die kantoor kan 'n besoeker vir Paula kontak. Haar nr is 012 664 1116 of 082-474-9304, e-mail is media@hat.co.za. (Haar handle is Pikkedis) Indien cachers verblyf soek vir die naweek kan hulle op Riverman Cabin oorbly. Daar is 3 gastehuise met slaapplek vir tot 15 mense. Geocachers kan vir die huidige 20% afslag op verblyf kry. Groetnis Ns. Wanneer word die cache weer geplaas? Sal graag dit wil gaan log.
  2. When do you plan this trip to Wazatville?
  3. I understand that geocaching means different things to different people, as athletics means different things to different people. If you are a marathon runner, does that mean the sprinters don't understand athletics, etc etc? My take is that each player / participant / geocacher does what he love, and let the other guys do what they like, may it be walking in a park, solving puzzles, collecting badges, or chasing numbers. I am proud to say that I have managed to log 390 odd caches in RSA in December 2010, but a number of guys would think "what a a**". Again, different folks for different strokes. I have done a bit of research. The ET trail was published in Jun 2010, and has by now received more than 380 logs. Lengthy logs that is. Other caches much older, in the area, in Las Vegas and in LA, received less than 150 and normally less than 100. It seems that there is an interest in such an item on the program. We are currently in a planning process to create a route in Gauteng (the place with probably the highest number of muggles (and mugglers ) per square meter)where those who want to, should be able to achieve the busy cacher diamond badge. We would need some help with this. Should you be interested, or willing to help and assist, kindly indicate so on this forum, or e mail me.
  4. OK Oom RedGlobe, ek maak so. Ek het reeds die fotos op die listing verwyder, en ook my briefie hierbo ge-edit en alles wat die finale posisie van die Groot Skat kon weggee. Ek wou maar net bevestig dat die Groot Skat nou net 'n Groot Gat is. Ek is maar 'n newby wat nog maar net 5 maande cache en nog maar net 600 caches gekry het (waarvan 2/3 indie laaste maand) so ek weet nog nie veel van die reëls en regulasies van hierdie stokperdjie/tydverdryf/sport nie. Ek het nog maar altyd verstaan die ondertekening van die stukkie log, (en moontlik 'n paar antwoorde en 'n foto op 'n earthcache) was die vereistes om 'n cache te kan log. Nooit geweet ek moet eers 'n klomp ander caches kry voordat ek kwalifiseer vir sekere hoogere caches nie. Is daar nog ander sulke hoogere caches waarvan ek nie weet nie? Ek wonder verder of mens darem nie self die ou cachie moes opspoor om hom te kon log nie. Ek lei uit die YouTube video af sekere ouens het sonder kompas opgedaag en maar gewag dat ander ouens die cache kry, voordat hy ook doodluiters die log onderteken het. As dit egter die geval is, moet al die ouens wat in spanne saam reis en saam caches soek (soos ek en ou Leon St die afgelope week), dalk hulle logs delete indien hulle nie self nie cache gekry het nie. Ag nee wat, dit klink nou heeltemal te ingewikkeld en deurmekaar. Ek het wel nie die land deurreis nie, maar wel baie grondwerk gedoen, en tegnologie en wetenskap toegepas. Vriendelike groete. Ns. Ek dink dit sou sinvol wees om die kontakbesonderhede van die nuwe plaasbestuurder beskikbaar te stel. Netnou skiet hulle as iemand sommer uit die bloute opdaag, soos bv Rodnjoan wat Maandag oggend daar was. Cachers is natuurlik ook welkom om Riverman Cabin oor te bly in die week of op 'n naweek om die soektog soveel makliker te maak.
  5. Sodra al die besluitnemende rolspelers oortuig is dat ek wel die regte plek opgespoor het, en die cache eienaars so op hierdie forum aandui, sal ek my vorige "posting" edit en al die inligting wat ek deurgegee het, "delete" Sien ook my DNF op die listing asook die twee fotos wat ek daarop gesit het. Groetnis
  6. I am the owner of the property Riverman Cabins, where the Tondeldoos Groot Skat is hidden. It was hidden in 2009, with the consent of Jan and Ina du Plessis, who were the managers of the farm at that stage. They also knew where the cache was hidden. At that stage I was informed about the cache, but not of the final position. Jan and Ina left the farm during July 2010. I became a geocacher in August 2010. During the last week of 2010 Leon St and I spend a couple of days at Riverman Cabin, using it as a base to do caching in Mpumalanga. As we knew that the Groot Skat was on the farm we did some research. By solving the Suduko puzzle we determine the South co-ordinate. We plotted this on mapsource and identified the line as E-W through the poplars. We then draw in the various waypoints per direction, ignoring the distances, to determine the directions. This indicated that the final position was probably to the E. We then set off by foot, with Leon’s laptop in hand, searching for beacons. We soon found two landmarks that looked similar to that on the listing, that of waypoint G and the Final. We then searched the stretch from waypoint G to the final location thoroughly, but found nothing. When I spoke to Pine he suggested that I take over the responsibility to maintain the cache, and he then send me a link to the forum. Here I saw that the cache was probably not there anymore. Why was it then not indicated as “temporarily not unavailable”? Ek sal volgende keer Afrikaans skryf.
  7. Hi guys, I think it is great that you take the initiative. MadSons (Mad, wife, 2 daughters, 3 Sons) will attend the Mega. Now you only need 493 more people to attend. I will gladly assist should you want my help. I am a bit confused about cachers traveling or not. I thought the whole idea of caching was to take you to places you've never been, see things you've never seen, experience new things and from time to time meet other cachers who share the same strange passion.
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