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Geocoin Design

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Everything posted by Geocoin Design

  1. Received blueprints from the mint this morning on these!! Oh, how fun is that! LOL - they 'almost' got it right the first time, but alas, they didn't. I will post blueprints throughout the day.
  2. LOL - 250? Really, Lois-Ann?? :blink:
  3. DING! DING! DING! WE HAVE OUR WINNER!!! Congrats Pingos! AlliedOz created their GeocoinDesign Webstore account on Saturday, Aug 6th prior to the presale going active for Geocoin Designs' 1000th customer! Both AlliedOz and Pingos have scored an XLE 1 of 20 Artist Edition Circle of Four geocoin! Thanks to all for playing, and expect more cointests for other limited editions down the road a piece!
  4. LOL Edit: Oh, by the way... Somebody "Just missed"
  5. I just noticed something on the art that's missing, but is shown on the coin - Do you see it? That's not final art you're showing is it? <grinning>
  6. Mark, That is a beautiful design and the color is stunning. Well Done! ~J
  7. LOL Shall I provide a hint or do you think it's too soon for one? Ah, so you haven't just minted your billionth geocoin? Far too soon for a hint!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA According to your number, that would be Trillionth, but no, not yet - and we aren't looking for a coin minting milestone... (that could be another cointest down the road methinks).. we're looking for a milestone number for my webstore customers...
  8. LOL Shall I provide a hint or do you think it's too soon for one?
  9. 2nd COINTEST As originally written: As you all know, I put "Circle of Four" on presale on Saturday... now I want to have a bit of fun This cointest is for my newsletter subscribers only... but in order to win, you must post your answer to the "Circle of Four" thread on the Groundspeak Geocoin Forum by following this link: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=278559&view=findpost&p=4802118 Here are the rules and the EXACT FORMAT in which your forum post should be written. Back story: Geocoin Design went live on the internet in 2006. Since that time, I had integrated the Geocoin Chatroom and the Geocoin Design Webstore and started amassing a large customer base. On Saturday, Aug 6th, Geocoin Design reached a milestone prior to the Circle of Four presale. COINTEST Rules and Specifics: First, what you are playing for: ============================================ || A "1 of 20" XLE Artist Edition "Circle of Four" geocoin. || ============================================ Rules: 1) Only 1 post every 2 hours - If you post prior to 2 hours, both posts will be disqualified, and you will have to wait another 2 hours from the time of your last post, to post again. So please, give yourself that extra 2 minutes! 2) Edited posts are disqualified. 3) Somebody in my customer base, who is also a newsletter subscriber, is Geocoin Design's milestone customer. 4) The first to guess who that person is, by caching name, followed by their Customer ID# wins. 5) The person who actually made the milestone will receive one by default. 6) Specific format for your forum post shall be as follows: "Caching Name, XXXXXX" (where the XXXXXX will reflect their Customer ID#) (quotes aren't necessary, just used here for emphasis) 7) ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN THE "CACHING NAME, XXXXXX" IN YOUR POST WILL DISQUALIFY YOU. (Signature lines and comments within your signature are exempt) SO, DON'T ADD ANY OTHER COMMENTS IN YOUR POST!!! 8) My cointest, my rules! 9) HINT: That Geocacher has posted in the "Circle of Four" thread 10) GO!!!! ========================================================================= It was brought to my attention by she who tilts at 23.5° that I must include everyone on the forum as well, so this cointest is open to everyone at this point. ========================================================================= Dr. Neal has responded as of this post at 4:26pm Pacific time, so that is the starting point, and his first guess. Good Luck!!!
  10. Very, Very soon..... You all are going to be seeing Cachers' Names and Significant Numbers pop up in this thread... Muh hah ha ha ha!!!!
  11. Just so you know, Craig... The version you are doing is assigned Version "K" (11th version) - Ironic that Keewee chooses colors on version K. Maybe the "Kiwi" edition? Congrats!
  12. Jim, I have a doubt, only about numbers. When you said that 'Version G will be available in sets only', do you mean that Version G will be available in this sets only', or that also will be available in all sets, in future sets? Version G (NEON) were available ONLY in the sets that sold out yesterday.
  13. WOW - It took this long for someone to ask WHAT THESE WERE BEING PLATED IN!!! Congrats Mamoreb, you have just scored yourself an Artist Edition!!! Circle of Four is being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium - Artist Editions are being plated in Black Nickel + Polished Gold and Black Nickel + Rhodium. Artist Editions will have NO ENAMELING. Wow, that's incredible! Thank you, Jim! You're very welcome... I'm really surprised it took this long for anyone to ask what metals the coin was being plated in.. :blink:
  14. My purchase occurs when the 5 days of ordering ends.. that's when I will order from the mint, purchase tracking numbers and pay the icon fee. Glad I changed my mind then So my third guess is Azure Sky (I was going to guess her last time, but other factors made me change my mind - for better or worse) DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Azure Sky had the fastest finger! Congrats Craig! I will send off a color chart in email today and explain the design. Ill even make it simple for you and send a color coded design. After Keewee chooses colors and a plating, I will post that art to this thread. Nooo!! You cant let Keewee choose the colours - he'll just go for all Blacks :ph34r:
  15. My purchase occurs when the 5 days of ordering ends.. that's when I will order from the mint, purchase tracking numbers and pay the icon fee. Glad I changed my mind then So my third guess is Azure Sky (I was going to guess her last time, but other factors made me change my mind - for better or worse) DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Azure Sky had the fastest finger! Congrats Craig! I will send off a color chart in email today and explain the design. Ill even make it simple for you and send a color coded design. After Keewee chooses colors and a plating, I will post that art to this thread.
  16. My purchase occurs when the 5 days of ordering ends.. that's when I will order from the mint, purchase tracking numbers and pay the icon fee.
  17. I refer you to rule #4 - This post is disqualified.
  18. I emailed the person whos order came in first. That's how they know.
  19. 1st COINTEST!!!! Here's what you are playing for: 1 of 20 XLE Edition of "Your" color choice! How it works: 1) Somebody in this thread (after my 1 hour fair warning pic) scored the first purchase of "Circle of Four". That person knows who they are, so they are not eligible to guess (unless of course they choose to guess incorrectly to throw everybody else off). 2) The first to guess who got the first order in will win a '1 of 20' XLE, get to name the edition, choose the colors (I will provide a color chart) and choose the plating! 3) The person who actually ordered first will receive one by default. 4) Only 1 guess per every 2 hours. 5) Edited posts are disqualified and you will lose your guess for 2 hrs. 6) My cointest, my rules! 7) GO!!!!
  20. There will be opportunity via cointests soon to come....
  21. No you didn't. The regular versions are still available in my store and just by taking a first glance, some folks got multiple sets... leaving the possibility of trades!!!
  22. Time will tell, Craig!
  23. I refer you to post #63
  24. ME TOO!!!!! Yay for quick typing fingers! Or mouse clicking fingers.... I am happy now. This will make you laugh - I was in such a rush to order the set when entering the quantity I hit the F1 key instead of 1 key... next moment my page pre-order disappeared and I was seeing a help screen. I got a distinct sinking feeling at that point!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on the sale Jim, and congratulations mamoreb on scoring an AE version! Are the other versions that will be sold elsewhere going to be in Polished Gold and Rhodium also, or might they use different finishes? It's a shame the Set was only in Polished Gold and not Rhodium. Jim - Is it an option have the Polished Gold ones swopped for Rhodium? (Just asking ) It's quite funny you should ask - The regular versions are being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium. The extra (set version) is being plated in Polished Copper and will have a clear epoxy so as to not tarnish. That is the only distinction other than the enamel colors. However - it will not be the only version plated in Polished Copper. Worldcaching will have THEIR STORE version plated in Polished Copper with epoxy as well.
  25. WOW - It took this long for someone to ask WHAT THESE WERE BEING PLATED IN!!! Congrats Mamoreb, you have just scored yourself an Artist Edition!!! Circle of Four is being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium - Artist Editions are being plated in Black Nickel + Polished Gold and Black Nickel + Rhodium. Artist Editions will have NO ENAMELING.
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