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Posts posted by heroj_ulice

  1. Ako pitate slovence što koriste, reći će Locus maps. radi se o app za android, ima besplatna inačica i premium. obje podržavaju priču sa geocahingom, premium uz malo bolje feature. radi se prvenstveno o mapama (rade s onim već spomenutima mapama) i možete učitati gpx s cachevima. razlika je dakle u tome da se manje vipe radi kroz mapu (mada postoji i lista s cachevima) na koje dodate cacheve i imate sve pto vam treba. koliko znam od funkcionalnosti ima manje više sve kao i c:geo, prednost je što bolje radi s mapama, mana je što nije prvenestveno GC orijentirana pa je rad malo manje ugodan (osim ako pitaš slovence :))

    eto čisto da se i ovo spomene :D:D

  2. rečeno i spremno za učiniti. za one koji žele ili imaju nekoga tko bi probao plan je sljedeći:

    subota, 31.8. skupljanje u 17:00 kod donje stanice uspinjače. idemo po uspinjaču, pa trg, pa TB hotel, pa streetart - multi. dalje se dogovorimo gdje ćemo na pivo i riječiti maksimir mystery pa idemo po to, po viteze i na kraju po noćni. znate već što treba ponijeti pa da im kažete (sjetite se lampi za noćni :)).

    tko od vas hoće ići družiti se, a tko ima zainteresiranih? ja trenutno imam dvoje sigurnih, dvoje vjerojatnih, a još se raspitujem :)

    pitanja, prijedlozi?

  3. na poticaj jednog agilnog kolege koji se vratio (dobro došao sova ;)) pripremio sam gpx-e za cijelu hrvatsku (u dva dijela), grad Zagreb i za okolicu (55 km tako da ufati i krško :)) pa kome treba ;) možete preuzeti ovdje

  4. Hello! First, i apologize for writing in English, but my Italian is not good enough :)

    My girlfriend (maki433) and me are going to spend our vacation in Italy starting on Saturday 3.8. and ending on Saturday 17.8. We plan to travel by car, reach Rome and than return home. Rough plan can be seen at: http://www.travellerspoint.com/member_map.cfm?tripid=484489. We still have two days unplanned so if you have suggestions what to visit - would be much appreciated (exluding Florence, Venice and Padova - we visited those :)). Can we fit San Gimignano and Siena in one day or should we make it in two days? Should we drive around in car when in Rome or should we take public transport (suggestions)?

    We would very much appreciate help on caching matters (i.e. nice caches not to be missed, especially of less common types).

    We plan to get accommodation via couchsurfing, but it's likely we'll have to stay at hostel, camps, b&b's or something as well - suggestions are most welcomed. As well as recommendations considering things like where to eat, what to visit, where to go, where to shop.

    Of course, once there we would be delighted to meet local cachers and have a cold beer :)


    cheers, robert & maja

  5. probao i radi samo s open mapama (premium useri imaju pravo na google mape i na njima mi ne radi :() - inače dobra fora. ja koristim c:geo za te potrebe, ima istaopcija i u Locsu Maps za one koji to koriste, a postoji i makro za GSAK koji to radi pa se gleda u google earthu... ovo je definitivno jednostavnije ako se ne služite GSAK-om :) ili androidom :)

  6. Other places to visit


    on your way i would definitely recommend stopping at these places :)

    Plitvička jezera - Plitvice - Croatian national park; the most beautiful one...

    Rovinj - Rovinj

    Nin - listed in the caches departement :)

    Two small towns in central Istria - a bit out of the way but nice places :)

    Hum - the smallest town in the world




    looking forward to see you soon and hope this helps a bit :)


    @others - feel free to fill in :)

  7. Zadar and surroundings


    in the city itself:

    Zadar sightseeing - (GC31NHX) - nice multi... will take you about an hour but worthwhile; getting all the best from it :)

    Zadar´s first - (GC2XNVP) - less known location but we loved it

    Zadar Sea Organ - (GC322MF)


    beautiful town Nin nearby:

    Nin - (GC3WREJ) - great multi that will show you around

    medieval box - (GC31NH1) - brilliant little chapel on small hill


    this one is not on your route but not to far either:

    Vinnetou in Pueblo - (GC2D5TE) - nice story and incredible scenery


    this one is on route:

    Zavratnica - (GC2DXRK)

  8. Zagreb


    once in Zagreb these are my recommendations (i apologize for including my hides as well - i tried to be as objective and use favorite count on my hides and my enjoy in finding others :)):

    Funicular / Uspinjaca / - (GC30VBE)

    Trg - (GC34M6A)

    Zagreb TB Hotel - (GC3APNM)

    Šetnja starim gradom - (GC43XVF) - multi, will take abour 45 mins

    Park Ribnjak - (GC439M2)

    Poštanski sandučić - (GC47NHN)

    Street art - (GC30E08) - another nice multi

    Scout barack - (GC3PXGC)

    Pimp my pump series - this is my favorite but any one is great Pimp my Pump: Mile & Lale - (GC4D4TF)


    As for the mysteries these are my favorites in ZG but any one from ArizonaSmith will do:

    Hello! Is it me you're looking for? - (GC3HK4F)

    For a few Numbers more... - (GC34Y34)

    might be a bit difficult but worthwhile - if you need hints ;)


    These caches will take you to a less known but great places:

    Botanical garden - (GC314R2)

    Crkvica Sv.Jurja/St. George’s Chapel - (GC3NNB9)


    If you have time to visit Park maksimir (nice park for a walk and peaceful enjoyment including canoing on a lake) there are quite a few caches there - these i'd recommend:

    Monkey business - (GC48ZCF) - the only Wherigo cache in Croatia

    Knights of the Round Table - (GC48X76)

    A walk in the woods - (GC491A4) - a night cache


    In case you like to climb:

    DenOS - (GC1Y7NA)

    Thank you! - (GC3VHZD)

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