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Posts posted by Bodoni

  1. Hey, I'll make the extra effort. If you post the time/date, I'd love to help out. This was the cache that started it all for me, and is the cache that I would recommend to visitors, so I feel the need to keep it clean. I like the idea of a crew to pile up and a crew to haul to the dump -- whatever it takes to get it done. Here's an idea -- post the trash location as a new cache, the next morning there'll be a pile of Geocachers who can't pass up a "trash out" opportunity!

  2. Hey, I'll make the extra effort. If you post the time/date, I'd love to help out. This was the cache that started it all for me, and is the cache that I would recommend to visitors, so I feel the need to keep it clean. I like the idea of a crew to pile up and a crew to haul to the dump -- whatever it takes to get it done. Here's an idea -- post the trash location as a new cache, the next morning there'll be a pile of Geocachers who can't pass up a "trash out" opportunity!

  3. And you can choose to PopIt! for the NW forums so you get mailed any time there's a new posting. Jeremy's said he's going to try to narrow it down to just a state, but for now the NW forum is closest you can get to home.

  4. Oregone's enthusiasm's going to make me bust a button! I voted for April, but any of the three will work. April's just soonest! Count me in for taking pix, but I also want to whack some ivy and want to chat, so don't want to be the "official" photographer.

  5. Hmmm, could we be using the same container? I have the same thing at my Detention cache -- smaller than a normal, bigger than a micro, and found at an Army/Navy surplus store. I just listed it as an "Other (See Description)". The cache page says nothing where you'd normally see a cache size, so that sort of forces you to read the description and I've described it there.

  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Exocet:

    Vernonia was archived because I guess we somehow screwed the coords up and haven't been out there in 6 months to try to figure out what the hell's going on.



    Vernonia was a particularly perplexing cache. The concept was great, as was the hunting ... even though we never found it. We started looking after you had to cancel the one clue on the trestle. A friend and his wife searched for it, without success. We went back weeks later, in heavy snow (excellent!) and searched for miles, with no luck. Four people pooling resources on that one. We didn't have a fear of heights or anything -- we crossed a huge trestle we thought must be it, but our GPSes said we were .6 miles away. I'm sure we tried approaches that probably were never intentioned, but we were having a grand old time! I tried to contact Exocet with no reply, so I also contacted the very helpful people who had already found it. They gave hints that pointed us to a trestle, but there was no trestle like that one near the coordinates. The coordinates actually pointed to just about 50ft off the road in someone's garden! We knew it had a trestle involved, we had a gazeteer, but there was something funky with the coordinates. Please repost it so we can close that chapter!

  7. The Northwest forum has a thread about starting a mailing list for Oregon. While the idea appeals to many, it would either take posts away from the forums or force people to post twice. I noticed that I can choose to PopIt! for the Northwest region, but I don't seem to be able to for just a state or two. Can you add the ability to PopIt! for a state, or is that out of your hands? Or . . . am I missing another option?

  8. I just realized that you can use the Pop-It! feature to do the same thing for the Northwest forums. You can select the Northwest forum then choose to Pop-It. I wonder if it's possible to get Jeremy to add the feature on a state by state basis. We'd have the advantage of almost realtime updates, without getting deluged with all Northwest posts, and all posts would be available to the list members as well as the general Northwest forum. Thoughts?


    I posted this question in the Geocaching.com forum.


    [This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 08:40 PM.]


    [This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 08:58 PM.]

  9. quote:
    Originally posted by makaio:

    btw - how long after one pays until the CM takes effect?



    When you subscribe you should receive a "subscription notification" e-mail. It'll have a "subscription ID" in it. You go to your My Cache page and click on the "activate your subscription" link and pop that number in. Hope that helps and the excessive use of quotation marks didn't temporarily blind you icon_eek.gif


    And mine appeared instantly after I did that.


    [This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 07:19 PM.]

  10. quote:
    Originally posted by makaio:

    btw - how long after one pays until the CM takes effect?



    When you subscribe you should receive a "subscription notification" e-mail. It'll have a "subscription ID" in it. You go to your My Cache page and click on the "activate your subscription" link and pop that number in. Hope that helps and the excessive use of quotation marks didn't temporarily blind you icon_eek.gif


    And mine appeared instantly after I did that.


    [This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 07:19 PM.]

  11. This thread clears up a bit of mystery surrounding hitchhikers vs. TBs. MarkL32 picked up GeoRover #2 while in WA. After he logged it the owner asked him to hang on to it so he could send a new tag with a better explanation of what to do with it. The confusion stems from the fact that it doesn't have a TB # and it's not immediately obvious that you should go to its waypoint to find a hitchhiker page. Now that that's all cleared up Mark will log the fact that it's sitting here in our office waiting to be placed this weekend. If someone wants to hunt for it at these coordinates, the instructions will be in his log . . .

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