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Posts posted by Bodoni

  1. I updated my original post to say that the regular rate is reduced to $13 between 4 and 6pm on Wednesday, not half price. Ladies are still half price on Wednesdays. Sorry. Good thing I take notes (and then don't read them).

  2. I forgot one thing . . . I placed the spike in a cache in Bolivia and won't retrieve it until after the racing. You race against each other on this track, unlike the Malibu Grand Prix, so I don't want anyone using it as an offensive weapon!

  3. Here's the plan. How about we meet at Hot Track, in Vancouver? Address, map, and directions are on the web site, but you don't want that, you want this N 45° 43.404 W 122° 40.11. These coords should put you in the parking lot, but I have not been on site to verify them. It seems the customary meeting time is 8pm, but if you haven't raced before, how about your get there 15-30 minutes early to fill out the forms and get racing instruction? I'll be there way early to assist in pointing people in the right direction.


    Key points:


    This is a family event. Minimum driving age is 14, under 18 must have a parent's signature. The facility has video games, a pool table, air hockey, TV, all that stuff.


    There is a cost associated with this! Eight-minute rounds are $16, or $14 if you buy the $10 membership (which has other benefits). Wednesday is ladies night, so ladies race for half price. The regular rate is reduced to $13 between 4 and 6pm, if you want to warm up early. Most people will race two or maybe three rounds -- they're longer than they seem, so don't be deceived. It's great fun! More details are on the Hot Track site.


    If you have a motorcycle helmet (no bicycle helmets) you should bring it. If you don't, you can wear their helmets but it'll cost you $1 for a helmet liner.


    Key points for selected individuals:


    fractal: They have pizza and wings. They claim that the pizza is "really good". She swears.


    oregone: We can go to Billygan's Roadhouse afterwards.


    soup: The race track is haunted.


    LaurenCat: Billygan's Roadhouse has free peanuts. All you can eat. Throw the shells on the floor.


    makaio: I'm still game for a weekend -- it'll just take a little more planning and consultation with the family activity coordinator.


    Please reply with questions or mail me individually if you don't want everyone to know you're a novice icon_cool.gif


    [This message was edited by Bodoni on June 06, 2002 at 02:49 PM.]

  4. Here's the plan. How about we meet at Hot Track, in Vancouver? Address, map, and directions are on the web site, but you don't want that, you want this N 45° 43.404 W 122° 40.11. These coords should put you in the parking lot, but I have not been on site to verify them. It seems the customary meeting time is 8pm, but if you haven't raced before, how about your get there 15-30 minutes early to fill out the forms and get racing instruction? I'll be there way early to assist in pointing people in the right direction.


    Key points:


    This is a family event. Minimum driving age is 14, under 18 must have a parent's signature. The facility has video games, a pool table, air hockey, TV, all that stuff.


    There is a cost associated with this! Eight-minute rounds are $16, or $14 if you buy the $10 membership (which has other benefits). Wednesday is ladies night, so ladies race for half price. The regular rate is reduced to $13 between 4 and 6pm, if you want to warm up early. Most people will race two or maybe three rounds -- they're longer than they seem, so don't be deceived. It's great fun! More details are on the Hot Track site.


    If you have a motorcycle helmet (no bicycle helmets) you should bring it. If you don't, you can wear their helmets but it'll cost you $1 for a helmet liner.


    Key points for selected individuals:


    fractal: They have pizza and wings. They claim that the pizza is "really good". She swears.


    oregone: We can go to Billygan's Roadhouse afterwards.


    soup: The race track is haunted.


    LaurenCat: Billygan's Roadhouse has free peanuts. All you can eat. Throw the shells on the floor.


    makaio: I'm still game for a weekend -- it'll just take a little more planning and consultation with the family activity coordinator.


    Please reply with questions or mail me individually if you don't want everyone to know you're a novice icon_cool.gif


    [This message was edited by Bodoni on June 06, 2002 at 02:49 PM.]

  5. I'll race on a Wednesday and a weekend. I've been on a weekend as soon as they open and not seen a crowd. The cars, tires and track are cold, so speeds are down and slippage is up, but it's still just as fun. I don't know if it ever does get crowded, but I used to go to a track that would get huge lines right after work. A big plus about Wednesday night though -- it's ladies night, so ladies race for half price -- and it's their slowest night. It might be better to mail me if you want more specifics. I don't know how far off-the-Geocaching-topic we can get.

  6. I'll race on a Wednesday and a weekend. I've been on a weekend as soon as they open and not seen a crowd. The cars, tires and track are cold, so speeds are down and slippage is up, but it's still just as fun. I don't know if it ever does get crowded, but I used to go to a track that would get huge lines right after work. A big plus about Wednesday night though -- it's ladies night, so ladies race for half price -- and it's their slowest night. It might be better to mail me if you want more specifics. I don't know how far off-the-Geocaching-topic we can get.

  7. I can't make the 5/29 thing (out of town), but I have a suggestion for a group activity. I'd love to go racing at Hot Track one day. Not too cheap, but a helluva lot of fun! Then there's the roadhouse back at the I-5 exit/entrance.

  8. I can't make the 5/29 thing (out of town), but I have a suggestion for a group activity. I'd love to go racing at Hot Track one day. Not too cheap, but a helluva lot of fun! Then there's the roadhouse back at the I-5 exit/entrance.

  9. I've been withholding input because I will not be able to make it this week -- Jennifer's birthday and I would be in deep doodoo. I also will not make it next week because I'll be in Kirkland, WA doing the Mission: Impossible cache (wish me luck). I'll be there in spirit though . . .

  10. 1. When you print the cache page, look at it before you take off. If the right side is cut off, print it again in landscape. The graphic sometimes messes with the margins.


    2. If you can't put your hand on the white railing I mention, you're not in the right place.


    3. Here's the starting point from MapQuest. You can even get an aerial shot.


    p.s. I e-mailed the info to soup.


    [This message was edited by Bodoni on May 15, 2002 at 06:28 AM.]

  11. Part of me says it's not a competition, so if he says he found it, he found it. The other part of me says it's not a competition, so who cares if you get to log a find? So using my wishy-washy logic, he found it (which is more than I've done), but he didn't fulfill the rules of the cache. No Find.

  12. I finally got the photos uploaded to MSN. When you follow the link you'll be able to use the VCR-like controls to go forward and back in the pictures or view them as a slide show. Anybody know the Unknown photos? Some were in the logs, but the camera's numbering system and the people who didn't log a photo number make it too difficult to be sure. Careful, some are spoilers. While I'm at it, is it possible to make a more friendly link in the cache log? Here are the photos.

  13. Ok, I'm a NY native. My official papers say I was born in Bronx, NY. That's where my mother was when my birth "happened". So even though I didn't live in the Bronx, I was in fact born there. So I've lived in (in order) NY, CA (yeah, we moved there and back when I was 2), NY, CT, NJ (only 6 months, so it didn't 'stick'), England, VA, Germany, England, CA, and finally OR. Where do I feel I'm from? Connecticut. That's where I lived when I developed my particular sense of values. Do I like CA? Some of it, such as the fact that where we lived didn't rain from April to November (makes picnic planning a breeze). Do I dislike Oregon's dankness? Just when I'm planning a picnic. Out of all the places I listed, where did I choose to live that wasn't forced on me by my parents or the US Air Force? Oregon. So what round hole does my square peg fit? Am I ruining OR by being here? Should I feel guilty for . . . something? As soup said, I've come over to the "Dank" side. Lord help me.

  14. Hey, I wasn't serious! Just referring to how people pounce on new caches. As Makaio says, it would give away the Contact Cache location, or nearly. Maybe we need a new type of cache - a reward cache. You come and help clean up, we'll show you how we solved the Contact Cache puzzle icon_wink.gif

  15. Hey, I wasn't serious! Just referring to how people pounce on new caches. As Makaio says, it would give away the Contact Cache location, or nearly. Maybe we need a new type of cache - a reward cache. You come and help clean up, we'll show you how we solved the Contact Cache puzzle icon_wink.gif

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