Team Tate
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Posts posted by Team Tate
Sounds like a great idea, so count us in - we will have our new addition to Team Tate by then - our own Geocaching pooch & not a borrowed one this time!
I know that I will definitely not be working the weekend of the 12/13th as its my birthday on the Sunday - I don't mind it being on that day!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
You could try Weymouth. There are loads of camping sites, some at very reasonable prices if you don't want to stay at the big commercial sites.
There are quite a few caches down that way - Portland, Swanage & Durdle Dor, areas within a short journey of Weymouth itself.
Easy to get to as its on the main run to the South west.
mmmm - no, I don't work for the local tourist board as it may sound like! I just visit the area alot to see family
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Update on the previous info that I posted.
The situation is that if anyone is planning to place a cache in the New Forest then they need to obtain permission from the Forestry Commission prior to placing the cache.
What actually has happened is that a cache was placed & the owner then contacted the FC to let them know, and because permission hadn't been sought first, they came onto the web-site & armed with the co-ordinates went out & lifted the cache. They then proceeded to have the cache archived from this site.
To me, that then means that they would also have the means to be aware of the other unauthorised caches in the Forest and hence there wouldn't be anything to stop them lifting them. My Father (a Ranger) does not know if this is going to happen yet, but the FC have the means and the right as it is Government land
So the moral is that at present, anyone planning to place a cache in the Forest MUST seek permission first!
But hopefully in the future, as with other land owners, we may be able to get blanket permission. T&J over to you!!!!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
My Father is a New Forest Ranger & I have just been informed that there is a plan to lift any caches that are on New Forest land without permission. Being a cacher himself, he is actually trying to fight our cause but as far as I know they are still planning to lift caches. I will update with more information when I can speak to him again & will post to keep everyone updated and if & when anything is likely to happen with regards to this.
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Having taken part in the Inside Out broadcast and the previous Carlton TV one, I do not have any desire to go as far as appearing on the TV with R&J this time. It was embarrasing enough the 1st couple of times!
It is pleasing to see the number of new cachers that have joined us since seeing Inside Out and hopefully we have managed to attract some long-termers, but I'm not so sure about national TV at this stage - have you seen the map of the caches in the UK recently?!! Mind you the more the merrier! We could have boxes around every corner soon!
As to attracting troublemakers - I do believe that following the broadcasts that we have had, we don't appear to have had any MAJOR trouble with trashed caches. (I know there have been some but maybe not due to the TV) and those who want to cause trouble for people don't appear to want to spend the time doing it to us!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Congratulations T&J.
I'm sure that some people have too much time on their hands!
Any tips on helping us reach the 100 mark?
Gosh - I feel so inadequate now!
Sarah x
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
We were planning to do a cache on Sunday, but couldn't access the site to obtain the details, it just wouldn't load after many attempts, so caching was out for us on Sunday. Anyone else have this problem?
Sarah x
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
George is with his 2 cousins in one (Lady H & the Cool Bros) and then with just one cousin, Sam, in the last picture. We weren't sure if the camera had taken the first picture so we took another one. Sorry to be greedy!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Great to have a chat room but every time I log in it seems to be only me! Maybe we could consider a suggested time, say 8pm, for people to meet up in the room, and I just might get the chance to talk to someone!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
was lost, but our entry was the one on the 1/4/02.
Bob, George and Beckie
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Just a note to maybe let you think a little.
In the UK we have temporarily archived our Airport Bug hotels due to the recent security scares, particularly near Heathrow & Gatwick. Both of these airports have been surrounded by the military looking for anything suspicious.
The thoughts being that if anyone was seen wandering around near the airports with a gadget in hand, then it could be seen as suspicious behaviour and I'm sure that the police would act first & ask questions later, so alot of time wasting. Also as the caches are mainly ammo boxes then I don't think that they would last very long if found!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Maybe it is a good idea to let the Police know about our pastime, but I think that if they were to come across a suspicious package they would want to act on it quickly and I don't think that they would hang around each time to have a look to see if it could belong to us. I'm sure they would want to dispose of it sooner rather than later! But I suppose it may make them think twice about what the package is if it was visibly marked as a geocache.
Then again, whose to say that with our publicity and more people knowing about our sport, that an incendiary device could be disguised as a cache and made to look perfectly innocent!
Or am I taking this a bit too far !!
Just a thought!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
If a GPS was to measure the distance to a cache on the other side of the world, would the distance be as the crow flies, or as the mole digs?
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Don't have any connection to animals, but welcome! Oh maybe we have - do our 2 little monkeys Beckie & George count?
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
...onlookers laugh!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Just use the 'Post a Note' option. This will still allow you to drop off or collect Travel Bugs.
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
I know someone who is a Letterboxer, but she seems keener on us joining their activity than she does on joining ours!
Maybe they are trying to infiltrate us to drag some people away!!!!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Not sure if anyone saw Meridian tonight last week, but the circle & X that Kouros uses has been seen shining like a reflection on walls & buildings around Brighton way. It has been attributed to E.Ts, but has caching got another way of advertising itself?
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Can anyone tell me of any caches that are suitable for wheelchair users. I know some are ok for pushchairs etc, but wheelchairs are a bit bigger & more cumbersome. I look after a severely disabled chap who would like to do some caching with his mother & aunt and would like to suggest a few that they could try. Their dog was the one that we borrowed for the Inside Out filming and they are keen to have a go themselves.
I'm also wondering if there was a way that we could add wheelchair accessibility to the cache pages and not just pushchair or do we have to rely on the cache owner to make a note?
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
I think that it seems a common trend that 1st time cachers have trouble with the initial one! We did, due to putting the wrong co-ordinates in the GPS! Keep at it you'll find one soon and then you'll be well & truly hooked!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
...for around the same time. Could this be the afternoons activity? It would also save having too many 'Socials' close together.
If you are wondering what a Fox Hunt is (because you did bot take part in the Southern or CIN events), a basic explanation can be found at our Team Website:
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
...to whoever gets the chance to appear on the telly. We really enjoyed the experience of seeing ourselves, and its a great thrill when people come up to you to say they saw the feature.
All the best, and we look forward to seeing the webcast!
Bob, Sarah, Beckie and George
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
if you would to leave the hobby, we (the aged community) would only be able to 'Extract the Michael' out of Pid for some of the 'more interesting' aspects of the sport that you two have got up to.
Take what Chis Packham said as a compliment - You're unique!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Please don't take too serious an action. What you did was in all innocence and I'm sure by no means did you intend to cause any trouble. Please stay around coz we're all here for you!!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...
Winchester BBQ Cache Bache
in United Kingdom and Ireland
We will be willing to help out. Can help out with speakers etc if needed for the music - maybe even a microphone or two to reach the back of the crowd.......
Would we be able to bring a trailer tent? As taht is all we have to camp out in?!
Team Tate
Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...