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Team Tate

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Posts posted by Team Tate

  1. Just wanted to add that we are not Geomuggles!!!! I think that the picture that is labelled as such is mainly cachers icon_biggrin.gif. With 18 months experience under our belts we're not exactly new to the sport, just sit back & input quietly on a regular basis - you know, the odd TV & radio appearance etc!

    Why does that picture make me look pregnant again - god I must lose weight! icon_biggrin.gif

    We also have a few oiccies taken at the BBQs which have been posted on the Cache page.



    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  2. Ah! Good old Auntie Beeb! After being informed that the article was going to be broadcast today, they didn't do it icon_frown.gif. Just something about disabled access in churches instead!

    Maybe it will be on tomorrow......

    I may have to catch it on Solent instead.

    Sorry to those who wanted to hear it.

    Sarah x


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  3. If anyone is interested, there will be a broadcast on Radio 4 today, 24th July, between 12.00 & 13.00 about schools & geocaching. Sarah & George from Team Tate recorded it last week & will be making an 'appearance'!

    If you missed it then it can be heard again on the BBC Radio 4 website.


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  4. Just wondering, as we are camping out Fri & Sat nights, is there access to mains for the campers or anywhere that we can keep our food cool. If it's going to be hot again, then I dont want to spend Sunday being ill! We do have a camping fridge but also don't want to run the car battery down!


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  5. If it's a family thing mainly for the kids then we could all end up sing the Teletubbies or, three blind mice, or worse....The Barney song.....mmmmm. Mind you if the 10 yr old is coming it could be Busted, or Girls Aloud or worse...Tatu icon_eek.gif

    I hope that kiss chase & skipping aren't on the agenda either....Mind you, kiss chase could be fun depending on the talent there icon_wink.gif

    Sarah xx


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  6. We have already got a travel bug - Fawley Owl that is currently in South Africa, travelling on behalf of the children at Fawley Infant school. Mind you I am a governor of the schoo; so it was easy to set up! The Owl has been out & about for about a year now.

    Sorry this was off topic! We are still coming to the event!



    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  7. Must add another big THANK YOU from Team Tate. The times that we have met some of the moderators, we have found them extremely friendly, helpful & generally nice people to know. I am saddened by the news, but can totally understand their decisions. This is our hobby, can't we all just enjoy it together?

    Sarah x


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  8. I agree too. After trying to trawl through all the other posts on the forum, my head hurts! I have sat back & not commented but this time I feel I have to participate. icon_smile.gif

    Sarah x


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  9. It seems to me that most cachers seem to come from the South coast - around a 50 mile radius of Winchester. Am I right in thinking that this is the most densely populated area for us lot or are they lurking elsewhere?

    Just interested? icon_biggrin.gif




    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  10. W've just had a new addition to our Geocaching family (Maggie) as seen on our avatar! We have another 4 weeks yet until she can go public, so have been practising around the garden! Get them while they are young!

    We haven't managed to do many caches recently as we aren't able to leave her too long so will have to make up for lost time icon_biggrin.gif




    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  11. That's me on twenty three - a very well dressed cacher don't you think? I was on my way back from a customer when I stopped to do this one. Trying to set new trends in Geocaching atire!


    Bob (Team) Tate


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  12. We will be visiting our local caches tomorrow (Sunday) to have a bit of a tidy. We couldn't do this today as we had some other business to attend to - WE HAVE A NEW TEAM MEMBER!


    Team Tate are pleased to annouce the latest arrival to the Geocaching community - Maggie - a boxer pup born in March 2003.


    She will be joining us on our excursions just as soon as she is all jabbed up!


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  13. Any chance of deciding a date soonish as we really would like to attend, but I need to request the day off work before the rota gets done and don't want to miss out on what sounds like a fun day.

    Sorry to be pushy icon_biggrin.gif but wouldn't want to miss it!



    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  14. It's my birthday on the 13th, not Bobs! And I bet the Hornet is a bit older than me by about um....... a few more years.....maybe even twice my age! Nah! If you're going for a cake for him then better have those extinguishers handy! Mind you would make a nice beacon for people to see the event from miles around icon_biggrin.gif




    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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