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Team Tate

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Posts posted by Team Tate

  1. As an employee of one of the companies involved in it's development, I dont think we (Geocachers) have much to worry about regarding interoperabilty between these two system, PLUS the third system (the name of it escapes me at the moment) being developed by the Russians.


    The main reason for these new systems being developed in to improve accuracy for air-traffic, war, etc., and the last thing they will be worring about are a few walkers looking for metal boxes hidden around the countryside - there's not enough money it it for them!


    I am sure that as things progress and technologies improve, there will be new developments in handheld personal positioning anyhow (remember Decca and Loran? - the mariners out there might!), in the same way as we are now on our third generation mobile telephone network in little over seventeen years. When comparing the size and features of mobile handsets from the mid eighties to those that we have now, as and when development happens it can only be a good thing all round!


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  2. Forgive me for intercepting this forum, but I am trying to contact the M&M's who have had a travel bug of ours for some time, but who are not replying to my e-mails.


    There is probably an innocent reason for this but I would dearly like to know how our 'Jaffa Man' is doing in your fair land.


    Link to Jaffa Man


    If anyone is in contact with the M&M's, please could you ask them to give us an update.


    Many thanks,


    Bob (Team) Tate




    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  3. As the nominations for the CAGB are still currently running and I am standing as a candidate, I can't directly deal with this issue at present, but I sent a mail to T&J yesterday detailing the concerns and am awaiting a reply. So things are in hand!


    Sarah xx


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  4. Just some infomation - I have looked at the New Forest caches & have found that the most of them have gone missing - verified by the cache owners. So a good idea to check before you go - will be checking ours within the next couple of days. These caches include multis so some care has been taken to remove these. Some even included Travel Bugs which is a real shame.

    Not sure where we should go from here - perhaps we should refrain from placing caches in the NF at present until the situation has been sorted out.


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  5. Something to consider - have the FC got the right to remove unauthorised caches as permission hasn't been sort to place them, which any land owner can do?

    I may have the name of the possible Ranger that could be doing this as he has removed one cache before, but at present, I personally am not in the position to talk to anyone at Queens House to find out the situation - we don't want to rock the boat or cause any problems and we do need to tread very carefully with this one as I don't want any false accusations flying around until we can find out what is actually happening with these caches.

    We have no proof at present about what is happening to these caches and who is removing them, but hopefully things may come to light in the future. It may not even be the FC at this present time. To date I only know of one definite cache that has been removed by the FC but having no links now with them am not able to verify any more information.


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  6. Since I originally posted this back in March, my Dad has now retired from being a Ranger. He thinks that he knows which Ranger was against the caches & was a bit of a 'jobs-worth' type and who was keen to lift any unauthorised caches. I don't know if he is active now & that is why the caches are going missing, but I don't think that he would think to contact anyone, just wanted to get rid of the 'offending' items.

    Can't find the thread at the mo, but will have a good look as there is a contact name which we found at the FC for obtaining permission to place caches on NF land.

    Sarah xx


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  7. Sorry, don't know how to copy!

    I did say towards the end of the message that 'thought should go into the placing of the cache etc...... & a bit of a challenge!! So I hadn't forgotten about those of you who don't just go for a bit of a stroll icon_biggrin.gif.

    We all have our own reasons for doing caches - challenges or not and that's what I think Geocaching is all about - a bit of something for everyone.


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  8. Guidlines & common sense are needed. I would say that the majority of people have common sense (especially the ladies icon_biggrin.gif) so wouldn't put themselves or others in danger or awkward situations (beware the landowner with the above cattle-prod icon_wink.gif).

    You could try to place a cache anywhere, but would anyone bother finding it? I always thought that the whole idea of Geocaching was to enable people to visit interesting & different places, but thought must go into the placing of the cache to make the whole thing worthwhile, fun & a bit of a challenge(apart from the odd cliff face!)

    Sarah x


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  9. Team Tate are pleased to announce they are arranging a Geocache Fox Hunt in the North Hampshire region!


    The date is likely to be the 21/9/03, and will start and noon for a period of four hours.


    As this is a social event, we would very much appreciate it if you could register your interest in order to find a suitable final venue for meeting up, with consderation to numbers of people, kids, animals, (OK T&J, BEARS), etc.


    The cache page will be published shortly - we hope you can make it as much fun as it was before.


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  10. On a similar note, I heard a snifter of information today that may be of interest...


    I can only state that this is a rumour, but can be backed up by a statement made by the man on the Garmin stand at the recent HCC event. Impressed by the integrated Palm/GPS combo Garmin are about to offer, he hinted to 'watch this space', but would not say anything more.


    The information I heard today has added to the speculation. Apparently, a GPS manufacturer (which isn't Magellan) are developing a handheld GPS with full colour screen capable of displaying full OS Landranger maps. This is not supposedly a Pocket PC or Palm type device - but a true handheld GPS receiver. It is due out sometime next year.


    This is complete hearsay, and please do not quote me to Garm*n if you phone them up. I just thought you might like to know what I had heard.


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  11. It should be worth noting that the only term used through the broadcast is Geocaching - there is no mention of any specific website other than the BBC's. I thing this is fair enough as the BBC have to remain impartial to any one organisation (gc.com or otherwise).


    I will admit that the term 'Travel Bug' was used, but this was because the school's mascot is attached to a gc.com travel bug.


    The main emphasis for the broadcast, however, was to promote our hobby to a wider audience and to show how the hobby can be benficial educationally (basic maths/geocgraphy/culteral studies, etc.) to young children.


    I have been involved with several debates over the past twelve months as to whether public media (TV and radio) is the right way to promote our sport, and I don't plan to go into any arguments over who has the best website, or who should represent the hobby on a regional or national basis.


    All I know is that geocaching is a hobby I enjoy with all my family, and I am proud to let people know what I have been doing when I return to work on a Monday morning to be asked "What did YOU do at the weekend?"


    I hope this clarifies some of the issues raised.


    Bob (Team) Tate


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  12. A later addition to the ModAnts thread is that they feel that they have a rogue trasher and it does seem that most (I think) are happy to leave our caches alone. As long as we don't spoil their sites etc and hide the caches well, then we should all live in harmony!

    IT seems to me that they are keen on us adhereing to our guidelines which I'm sure that the majority of us do.... icon_biggrin.gif

    Sarah x


    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

  13. The website has stillnot been updated with last weeks programme but I managed to get a copy on the day which I have placed for download as an MP3.


    Its file size is 6.2 Mbyte (OK - I'm new to this MP3 lark) and is published without any authority from the BBC. If you choose to download it, it's your risk. I'm just keeping a backup on my webserver as my hard drive is full (ahem)...


    The file can be found at the URL:








    Team Tate


    Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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