Team Tate
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Posts posted by Team Tate
I do now have a volunteer. We are going to take part in interviews etc fairly soon so will let you all know when it is going to be broadcast.
Not sure if I want to do this bit though.....they are looking for another interest in geocaching - i.e people who are opposed to it! Anyone remember what the site for the Mod Ants is? Don't think I want to give them that one really!!
Sarah x
BBC Southern Counties radio are looking for a Geocacher in the Brighton area that is willing to go out with a reporter to do a feature.
If anybody is interested, then could they email me at sarah@teamtate.co.uk.
Sarah x
The owners - Nia, are no longer caching.
I have the cache boxes in my possession which I retrieved from the NF Rangers ready to be replaced as soon as the New Forest becomes a caching area.
They haven't been archived permanantly yet until this all goes through & then the caches can go up for adoption and all the details changed then.
Sarah x
The ticks do seem to be more prolific this year. Our dog Maggie has had 3 in the space of a week, which I suppose is pretty good going, but she is a short haired dog. The first 2 were removed using the vaseline method and came away easily apart from the 2nd one which squished. Ewwww!
I bought a tick remover from the vet just in time for the 3rd one which appeared in a nasty place for poor old Maggie - won't go into too much detail, but it was just inside a hole at her rear end, which meant it kept disappearing each time we tried to get hold of it!!!
It did eventually get got! Ewwwwww again!
So we have now applied the solution to her which hopefully will do the trick - none as yet. Living in the New Forest though, I'm sure we will have some more.
I hate the things they are horrible and I don't want to see them again for a while!
Sarah xx
I'm another one in the medical profession - a nurse on a cardio-thoracic ward at a private hospital and Bob is in Telematics, working for a company that does tracking systems for vehicles.
He is the gadget freak and the one that got us into geocaching whilst doing some internet searching for work.
Sarah x
Even stranger was this log for a travel Bug that we had retrieved in the past - the 12th May entry!
5/12/2004 LiquidEric grabbed it [visit log]
I found this smiley in a case along with geocaching supplies. The case was in the middle of the road in a Folsom, CA neighborhood. I think someone stole it and probably decided they didn't want it. I'm sure whoever owns the equipment in the case wants it back. If you own the equipment or know how I can contact the owner please call Eric at (510)
The guy, LiquidEric, appears to have found the details & then logged onto the site to report that he had found the TB. He registered on the 12th May.
Another act to restore our faith in humans!
Sarah x
Can we have your snail mail address too please!
We have a calling card too!
Sarah x
I am planning a holiday in the New Forest in the near future, but it appears that most of the caches have been removed. Is there a special reason for this that I am not aware of??
The GAGB are currently working with the Forestry Commission to obtain permission to place caches on their land within the New Forest. Unfortunately the process has taken us a little longer than we originally anticipated and we are now just clarifying the final details with them. Once we have the full permission in our hands then caching in the New Forest will be able to start again.
For those that weren't aware, prior to the agreement, the FC lifted all the caches that were placed on their land without permission last year, which is why no caches exist there at the moment. Hopefully, not much longer now, but we will keep you all posted.
Sorry to go off topic, but just thought I would let everyone know seeing as though the question was asked!
GAGB Commitee
I have just been informed that an article on Geocaching will be published in the Manchester Evening News this weekend.
Can anyone from that area keep a look out for it as I don't think their deliveries come this far South!
If you want to join the forums or just register as a member then you do need a log in. It's up to you if you want to use the same username or you can opt for another.
Sarah x
No 7 is Steve from Nia who sadly isn't among our ranks anymore. Letterboxing seems more attractive!
Sarah x
Well done & congratulations to The Hat too, who I'm sure accompanied you on the majority of those!
Sarah x
Caching is ultimately a game/sport (whichever way you want to see it!!) so if you did log it without going back then you would only be cheating yourself and no-one else!
This isn't a race and there are no winners or losers (well for some of us
) so it depends on whether you can live with the knowledge that you really didn't actually go and do it when you log it!
Sarah x
Are there any Hollywood film directors out there? That is the sort of stuff that could only be captured on film! - UFO's etc!
Are they all on THIS planet?!!
Sarah x
I have had a few OEM GPS boards come into my possession which I will be happy to sell on to anyone willing to take on the project.
Check out my homepage where you will be able to get the details:
These are sold as is, and I am not able to offer any technical support. However, I have sold a few of these on E-bay without any complaints.
All I will say is that you need a basic knowledge of electronics to complete the project.
Bob Tate
PS - I am only prepared to sell to customers based in the UK. I simply can't be bothered with all the overseas export stuff (sorry!).
Well done Paul!!!!
He finally managed to hit the mark whilst out and about doing 6 caches and a pub with us today! Celebrated with a pint or two!
Sarah xx
Hi to all from the sunny (ahem) UK!
I hope you don't mind me interupting your forum, but I am seeking our Travel Bug - Jaffa Man - who was headed towards your country but seems to have been lost enroute.
His page is as follows:
The last log was from a group of cachers known collectively as the M&M's, but they passed it onto someone who was visiting Australia without logging the exchange.
Jaffa Man now appears to be missing but I am hopeful he may turn up in a cache SOMEHWHERE!
If you have any news, I would be very much appreciated (even though I'm a whinging Pohm!)
We are still eagerly awaiting the draft permission from the NFFC, although we really did expect to hear from them by now. We are chasing them up so hopefully not much longer now.
We can't wait to get back out there too as there are so many lovely places to visit in the NF and caching makes a great excuse to go be there.
Any news & we will let everyone know immediately!
Sarah x
(GAGB Committee)
Thats true - complaint withdrawn!
Sorry to add a spanner to the works - but is this not a blatent plug by the UK's main Memory-Map distributer to plug their product?
I didn't think that was allowed!
Digital Signal Processor!
Good write up!
For those of you that have joined since Feb 03 the BBC Southampton have still got their link to a similar write up too!
Tho I'm sure that the competition is over & done with by now!
Sarah xx
If we all did that, I wonder how many more caches 'From the Log Book' would have - May even beat the top 3!!!
Sarah x
Bbc Southern Counties Radio
in United Kingdom and Ireland
I don't really think that the 'article' will go that way as I will try to persuade them to look at all angles as positive. I wasn't keen on the idea of a conflicting angle so haven't really given them anything to point towards in that direction.
They just wanted to look at caching from a different perspective - us as a family, out and about with a cacher & then something else. Will be discussing this with them in the week. Although English nature does seem to be another good option so may suggest that one.
Will also obtain a recording somehow so that you can all hear it - and us as we can't pick it up from here either!
Sarah x