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The Herd

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Everything posted by The Herd

  1. I'm in full support of this bill. There is an intrinsic value in knowing these last great places are being preserved.
  2. we're getting a couple! One of a kind.
  3. No one has replied so far, so I'll throw out one possibliity. However, I think it would be unwise for a wolverine to venture that far into Badger country! If you get a day to cache, head 30 minutes west to Baraboo. Devil's Lake State Park is amazing, with its 500+ ft cliffs, and some real difficult caches. Brad
  4. Not the first time it's been done. GCV9PZ
  5. Edited because I can't read right.
  6. Anyone see this story on WANETV news tonight? "Fort Wayne - WANE) A bomb scare outside the Apple Glen Wal-Mart turned out to be nothing more than a false alarm. At about 11:15 a.m., police got a call from Pastor Jaime Flores. He told police that as he was leaving Wal-Mart and heading to his truck, another shopper told him someone had stuck something under Flores' back bumper. When Flores looked underneath, he found a strange package, "I bend on to my knees and I grabbed it. I see a plastic bag with a device, something with wires. He (the shopper) say ya know what, leave it there and call police." Police arrived and secured the parking lot and took the suspicious package. They also brought out their bomb robot just in case. However the package turned out to be a GPS tracking device. The man who put it there said he was a private detective and had place the GPS on the wrong truck. He was questioned and released."
  7. Congrats to the both of you on your milestone!
  8. edited
  9. edited
  10. We found one!
  11. That is sweet Clay...Christmas is such an important holiday...but you will NEVER forget that first one! My kids are grown, but I know I would NEVER miss a chance to spend Christmas Day with them. Just getting to watch them open all their presents, and knowing it just wouldn't be the same without all of us together...makes it the most important day of the year! By the way...congrats on the new GPSr!
  12. I'll be coming back thru on Thursday (more than likely) so see ya there. BTW I'm there now, but did check to see if you came in anyways. Oh, yeah, see...no. I get enough of that place during the week, I need a day off now and then. Had a BLAST caching with PairOMedicChick today, though a nice new coin would have been the icing on the cake.
  13. As much as I would LOVE to have another coin, I will NOT be going into work on my day off...lol! I will be there every night but Saturday, if'n you are in the neighborhood. It would be great to see you again. Ahh...the remodel...Yeah, that was fun...NOT! 3 1/2 weeks of listening to a jack hammer in there. Not my idea of a good time. Though, the adhesive fumes seemed to put all the drivers in a better mood.
  14. Wait...shouldn't she have been working!?!?!? Yep she was, I arrived 30 minutes before she was scheduled to end her shift. However I had to wait an extra 15 minutes because it got busy towards the end of her shift. That is a busy place!! Glad to know of that a cacher will be working there when I return in future visits!! BTW will be stopping by there again this monday and on my return trip later that night. Funny thing is that I stop at that Pilot probably 5-6 times a week for the past 2 months and she did once before asked me about that garmin hat I was wearing, however I was too much a hurry to talk much. Too much of a hurry to talk...that doesn't sound much like a cacher! Anyway, it was great talking with you. Nice way to wind down after a REALLY busy work day! And I REALLY like the coin. Wish I had one to trade with you...if I could only talk Brad into it! WHEN I do...you will be on our list. I have Monday off, going caching all day in the Hillsdale area. To bad you are working...you could join us!
  15. Wait...shouldn't she have been working!?!?!? Yep she was, I arrived 30 minutes before she was scheduled to end her shift. However I had to wait an extra 15 minutes because it got busy towards the end of her shift. That is a busy place!! Glad to know of that a cacher will be working there when I return in future visits!! BTW will be stopping by there again this monday and on my return trip later that night. Funny thing is that I stop at that Pilot probably 5-6 times a week for the past 2 months and she did once before asked me about that garmin hat I was wearing, however I was too much a hurry to talk much. Please don't feed her coin habit! It's like a raccoon. You give them one treat, and they won't go away. Eventually the campers leave for the season and the raccoon dies of starvation because they never learned to find food for themselves! Brad
  16. Not coming off very modest here, but one of the event caches at the Pokagon event in Indiana this fall was unique and well received. Coincidentally, the event was held on the 200th anniversary of Lewis and Clark's return to St. Louis, so a multi cache was developed around their discoveries. The first stage was a bag in a tree with a coyote pelt. The question was to ID the animal that Lewis wrote up for science. Three tags were on it, with different coords (gray fox, coyote, and gray wolf). The second stage sheet described how LnC flooded out a prairie dog, so a pvc pipe was anchored into the ground near a natural spring. A nearby gallon jug could be filled to pop the dog out of the hole, which contained the coords to the third stage. At the final spot, near the base camp, was a decorative paddle. We had an artist paint the event logo onto the end, and tied a sharpie onto it. At the final stage, you simply signed the paddle with your team name. After dinner, we raffled the paddle off to a team who had actually completed the cache and signed the paddle. I remember a few teams hoping that they would win it. It was neat to see all the local known geocacher's names on it. It went to Rupert2's daughter (Hit n Run). They both seemed excited about it. Here's a pic from stage one.
  17. My first thought when I saw the photos was deja vous. However mine weren't as good, taken through my spotting scope in Oct 2004. We have a cache here at Wing Haven (Your Boat or Ours) that almost didn't make it out in time for a meet and eat because a crane nest was 10 feet from the pier. Fortunately they were off the nest before we listed it. Should of named it after them! Coincidentally, it's on the same lake chain where the first sandhills re-nested in Indiana in the mid 1980s. Nesting sandhills all over northern Indiana today.
  18. JP is a great place! I didn't know there was a cache there. I typically make an annual pilgrimage over there, but didn't make it this year. In recent years I have been lucky enough to see one of the Wisc. Whooping Cranes there. It's neat to see one white crane in a sea of 10,000. Side note: Outdoor Indiana listed the 20 things every hoosier must see before they die, and the Jasper Pulaski cranes was the number one wildlife spectacle. Brad
  19. This is just....FUNNY!
  20. Congrats on the milestone Doobie!
  21. I had been under the now false impressions that International CITO day was somehow aligned with Earth Day. Am I wrong? The two seemed to go hand in hand. Earth Day is April 21st, 2007. Double Whammy, the place I planned on holding the CITO day this spring opens for the season on April 21, not April 14th!
  22. Here is our dog...Geo, the caching beagle. She has her own cache (doggy themed, of course!) and is also a TB. http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i230/lilmztude2u/geo.jpg
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