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Posts posted by zoisrus

  1. :laughing::rolleyes: I'm having a major problem. I'm leaving for Vegas and wanted to go Geocaching. I've successfully downloaded all the Las Vegas Maps into my Garmin Map60CS GPS but the 3 Vegas area PQ I set up for the trip won't send to my GPS (using GSAK). I can't figure it out. They open up just fine via GSAK on my computer and I hit the sent to the gps button to the set of waypoints to my gps same. I get the bar showing they are sending and the finished appears on the computer screen as always and yet after the send is complete, there aren't any waypoints in my GPS. I've tried turning my GPS off and then turning it back on. I've tried sending each of the three PQ for the Vegas area and none of the three lists of waypoint shows up in my GPS. But I went back and sent a previous PQ from a location in my area and IT DID download the waypoints into my GPS as always. I even went back to to check all three of the Vegas PQs in my account PQs and all that info is same as it should be(save for zip code of course). This is making no sense. Why would these three PQs not send properly when previous ones do-so not the cable or GPS. hope someone can help me as I am very frustrated to say the least. I've never had a problem with PQs not loading into the GPS ever before. I'm hoping it is some little thing I just am missing that is causing the problem although I can't figure out what that would be as I do this process at least once a week and have for a long time.


    Thanks, zoisrus

  2. I have a Garmin Map 60CS and have the City Select software loaded to make use of the autorouting feature. Love it for use geocaching and for navigating in my vehicle-comes in handy as well when I want to locate the closet food source for a quick lunch. BTW there is a brand new model out- Map 60CSX which is supposed to be even better under heavy tree cover than the CX and has an sd card for extra memory.

  3. I cache with my dogs and I like the idea of a canine coin and some of the proceeds used to support dog rescue groups since I'm involved in that on a personal level. Of course I think the next coing should be a Borzoi or at least a sighthound (i.e. Borzoi, Greyhound, Saluki, Afgan...)



  4. Excellent upgrade. I appreciate having the ability to customize my search to my specific criteria. I also like the ablity to to eliminate caches I've hidden/found if I choose to do so.


    Now when can I expect the found caches feature to be restored to the maps pages! That is a feature I relied on quite often to play Geocaching excursions.






  5. Are there any women Geocachers in the Lewiston, ID, Clarkston, WA area who wouldn't mind showing another woman Geocacher the Geocaching sites in your area for a couple hours or a day during the week while I am visiting relatives in the area. However my sister is NOT interested in going Geocaching and it will drive me nuts to be in Idaho and not get to go Geocaching at all. Hoping I can go Geocaching for at least for the morning or for an afternoon sometime during the week. zoisrus (NEOGeocacher)



  6. I am doing an informal survey to see if North Eastern Ohio Geocachers in Eastern Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula would be interested in getting together to discuss Geocaching activities in our area of NE Ohio.


    I've talked with several Geocachers in the area already and they are very interested in getting involved as a group.


    Please let me know if you are interested.


    thanks, zoisrus

  7. Geauga Park District is offering a free Intro to Geocaching Class with hands on practice finding a temporary Geocache after the presentation. The presentation is being offered at the Meyers Center in Big Creek Park (located in Northern Geauga County) north of Chardon. The East Entrance to the park and the visitor's center is off Robinson Road. The class is on Sunday January 5, 2003 at 2 p.m. For more information call 440-285-2222 and ask for the Meyers Center in Big Creek.

  8. Unless I know an area is not dog friendly for whatever reason or has tick warnings, I usually take my one or the other of my Borzoi Geocaching. If they see me gathering up my Geocaching Gear and my hiking boots, they are racing to the door. They enjoy hiking and I enjoy having company especially when my Geocaching friend can't join me. It does help that both of my dogs are obedience trained and walk quietly on a leash (unless of course they see little furry beasties-i.e. chipmunks-they are sighthounds after all) and they can be place in a sit or down-stay if need be if the Geocache container isn't in an open area or is in a rocky area. The sit-stay and down-stay commands also come in very handy when I want to check out the cache container and read and sign the log book. I can't imagine hiking or living with a big dog who is not obedience trained in at least the basic commands. Sure makes Geocaching with my dogs a pleasure, not a hassle. Caching with my Borzoi is one of my favorite pastimes.



  9. I am having an annoying problem with TopoZone and MapQuest. I was in process of printing the cache sheets for a cache in my area. I had no problems printing the corresponding TopoZone and MapQuest Maps (using the links on the specific cache page) for that particular cache. Did this for a second cache site. However when I attempted to do the same for the third cache I had a strange problem. Went to the TopoZone map and the MapQuest links for the third cache and when I click on the Topo Zone link I get a blank gray screen showing only the TopoZone header and a blank gray screen showing only the MapQuest Header. I've had this happen before-thought it was just a fluke at the time. I even tried logging out of the Geocaching.com website and then logged back on and picked different cache pages and corresponding maps to print. Same problem. I was again able to print two TopoZone and two MapQuest maps. Then I attempted to print the TopoZone and MapQuest maps for the third cache. Once again the blank gray screen appeared with the cursor being a line with an arrow tip at top and bottom (no hourglass). The actual cache page prints fine no matter how many I choose to print in one session. I wondered if there was a software change to the sytem-and is there a limit now on the number of TopoZone and MapQuest maps you can print from these sites at one sitting?


    thanks, zoisrus

  10. Would like to know about hunting seasons in the state of PA. Went GeoCaching in PA recently in a rural state park and heard shots in the distance and were surprised to encountered bowhunters on the hiking trail as we were walking back from the cache site to the parking area. The hunters were friendly when we spoke to them and didn't seem annoyed we were there, but I wonder if we should not have been there even though it was a state park. We stayed on the trail all the way back. No mention was made of it being hunting season in the cache description which we would have apprediated since we are non-hunters from out of state. Do people just not hike in rural PA parks during hiking season or do they just dress in orange and stay on the trail? I guess we didn't expect to encounter official hunters in a state park-but obvious PA allows this. We don't have a problem with legitimate, safety conscious hunters as they have just as much right to pursue their interests as Geocachers and hikers do. We are also aware people do hunt even in areas where hunting is not officially allowed-but in the future we will be careful about choosing our Geocaching adventures during hunting season.

  11. I did 10 in one day when I was visiting out of state and my friend had to work. I started in the morning and finished as the sun was setting-but didn't enjoy the last couple-too rushed. I prefer 3-5 in one day with some nice hiking mixed in so my dogs and I get a workout and a relaxed day. It is supposed to be fun-and not about the numbers.

  12. Lighthouse Cache (Presque Isle Park just north of Erie, PA) by Renée, Mike, and Jim of Team Cache-ing In

    N 42° 09.866 W 080° 06.708


    This cache is less than five feet off the trail-but I don't remember if the side trail is paved orgravel as I found it in January or February-you could write to the cache owner and double check.


    Hellbender Jackpot (south of Erie in Crawford County)by Doug and Heather

    N 41° 47.587 W 079° 59.112


    You get to the cache site by waling along on a wooden boardwalk (approx 1/2 mile-one way). I would imagine that would be wheel chair accessible at least before the snow flies, but I can't say for sure. Only thing is the actual cache site is maybe 20-30 feet from the end of the trail and that would NOT be wheelchair accessible. But at least your father would be able to participate in a very nice trip into the woods in a beatiful conservation-wildlife area and he could watch you find the cache from not too far away. Also Wine Country I Canine Cache is near a paved bike trail about 45 minutes from Erie, PA over in Ohio just south of I-90 and a litte east of Ashtabula City. Finding the cache itself though requires going maybe 10 feet off trail and downhill a little bit so again your dad could get close to a cache site, but he couldn't go the last bit via wheelchair.


    Hope this helps zoisrus

  13. Lighthouse Cache (Presque Isle Park just north of Erie, PA) by Renée, Mike, and Jim of Team Cache-ing In

    N 42° 09.866 W 080° 06.708


    This cache is less than five feet off the trail-but I don't remember if the side trail is paved orgravel as I found it in January or February-you could write to the cache owner and double check.


    Hellbender Jackpot (south of Erie in Crawford County)by Doug and Heather

    N 41° 47.587 W 079° 59.112


    You get to the cache site by waling along on a wooden boardwalk (approx 1/2 mile-one way). I would imagine that would be wheel chair accessible at least before the snow flies, but I can't say for sure. Only thing is the actual cache site is maybe 20-30 feet from the end of the trail and that would NOT be wheelchair accessible. But at least your father would be able to participate in a very nice trip into the woods in a beatiful conservation-wildlife area and he could watch you find the cache from not too far away. Also Wine Country I Canine Cache is near a paved bike trail about 45 minutes from Erie, PA over in Ohio just south of I-90 and a litte east of Ashtabula City. Finding the cache itself though requires going maybe 10 feet off trail and downhill a little bit so again your dad could get close to a cache site, but he couldn't go the last bit via wheelchair.


    Hope this helps zoisrus

  14. THANKS Olar-your replay was the one step missing in the directions!


    Glad I asked even if it is a repetative problem. Obviously other folks have encountered this snafu besides myself. If the EasyGPS For Groundspeak-Help page (directions for use) mentioned the simple step of changing the format to match the format of the coordinates provided by geocaching.com cache pages people wouldn't be asking the same question. It would only take one more line in the directions and save a lot of headaches.


    What makes even more sense would be to simply change the default format to match the geocache coordinates-since they provide the link to download directly to EasyGPS. Makes no logical sense to have the default set in one format in EasyGPS and have the default as something different in Geocaching.com Especially since Geocaching.com directly links you to EasyGPS. Just my opinion-not all of us are computer gurus and don't automatically know this stuff!


    Again thanks for the missing step.



  15. Question about using this software. I downloaded the program to my desktop, picked a local area cache and then downloaded it directly from the cache page to my EasyGPS program.


    How come the actual cache coordinates (minutes and seconds) are significantly different from the coordinates that show up for that same cache in the EasyGPS program???? For example the minutes.seconds was ;osted as XX 15.063 in EasyGPS, but the actual coordinate on the cache page was XX 09.038. This is not merely rounding up or down-being off by 6+ minutes. A lot of people use this software to download coordinates quickly for a large number of Geocaches-perhaps I am missing something-and yet I followed the simple directions. HELP.



  16. My friend Alpha Wolf and I are from the Ashtabula County area (Extreme NE OHio). Been caching since January of 2002.


    BTW We've got some great geocaches and multi caches (thanks to MIT the Nomad) in this beautiful corner of Ohio as well as some some good ones next door in neighboring NW PA.


    "Keep your mind open, but not so open your brain falls out"


    zoisrus (NE Ohio Geocacher)



  17. I have a Major pet peeve and am asking suggestions and comments.


    Several Caches in my neighboring areas aren't owned by responsible owners! The contents and log book are in these various caches are waterlogged (container leaked, someone dumped contents on grown and a cache put contents back in container, etc). Finders (sometimes mutiple finders) have mentioned this in their posts back in May-June. However the cache owners have not been responsibe IMHO because they have NOT bothered to go back and maintain their caches properly-restoring contents and log books/using water tight containers-etc. I've e-mailed some of these folks privately and the typical response I get is "I haven't gotten around to it-I will post a note to the cache page when I do". I could understand if they were out of town or had some personal problems that prevented them from getting back to visit their caches. But just not maintaining a cache cause they can't be bothered-BOTHERS ME. In fact I remember reading some posts about a particular cache in this area were finders had gone back and provided the cache with a better container because the owner apparently was ignoring posts that his cache container had a cracked lid and had not taken care of the problem himself.


    When I own a cache I visit it at least monthly to make sure it was intact and no social trail was forming. IF I was made aware of a problem (from a post or e-mail) with my own cache, I would take care of it immediately. If a cache owner can't take the time to check out a known problem that he/she has been informed of for a month or more they don't deserve to own a cache-just my opinion! Lots of Geocachers like myself will drive an hour or more to go Geocaching. We take the time to visit a cache-the cache owner ought to be responsible enough to maintain a cache that people are traveling long distances to find.


    Any thoughts?



  18. Deffinitely would appreciate your help Dekaner as we need to extend the northern "pink" chain of caches from Crescent Hill near Fairport, NY further east through Syracuse and further east towards Albany.


    If you can connect any of your central and eastern NY caches with Crescent Hill that would be great.


    Also any Geocachers near Morristown, NJ area who could connect caches they have found or hidden heading west and north to Sierra Bravo-03-Lewis Morris County Park Geocache would help


    Thanks, zoisrus



  19. Attention Central and Eastern New York Geocachers


    Has anyone reading this forum found or hidden Geocaches in central and or eastern New York? If so, it would greatly help CacheAcross America if you would take the time to connect those caches you've found and/or hidden to the existing pink chain that crosses western NY heading east or one of the existing Atlantic Chains crossing NJ or Mass heading west. That area has remained stagnant for a while and I am trying to stimulate some interest in this project in that region. AM hoping Eastern Geocachers reading this forum will help this fun project out.


    For further info:





  20. Yes Ohio is well covered with regard to the CacheAcrossAmerica project-but I appreciate your interest. The IN-IL Chain has almost connected with the OH-NY chain thanks to the hardwork of Markwell and others. Hopefuly the NY Geocachers will get going on the other end and extend the northern chain south and east toward one of the Atlantic chains covering NJ or Mass that were recently started. Some Geocachers in Iowa and Nebraska are busy working on a segment to connect with the eastbound CA-NV-UT chain the the westbound IN-IL chain.


    Looking forward to the Geocaches you mentioned you will be placing in this area in the future!

  21. There are several of us NE Ohio Geocachers out in the Lake County and Ashtabula County areas who have discussed getting together to share Geocaching stories over a meal. Depending on location and date we might be interested in participating.


    Lake County and Ashtabula County areas

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