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Hey, I'll be there in less than 2 weeks! Feb. 10 - be sure the passes are clear for me! Are there lot's of cahes over ther Ab's? Can you find them in the snow?
Lucy at the mine on Cougar Mountain. The mine. I think it was my 300th find. Gosh how time flies! My friend Lucy, of the LucyandRickie fame was with me that day. We did toss a few rocks down the mine. We never heard where they landed! All the caches up there seem to be straightforward. We never had to cross-country or bushwack. I don't know about the new ones that have come out. But my guess is they would be right off the path. A typical geocache hide! Are there reports of a cacher trying to make a straight shot to the cache and running into a mine? I'm guessing it is all hyped up! And with the thousands of other people that hike that area on a regular basis, you would think they would have all the mines covered with the grates that Lucy and I found. I think they need to take some responsibility here! Ms. WD
Oh yeah! Are you saying you have been shopping or caching in that Expensive Gortex? Shoot I just ripped my very EXPENSIVE Gortex pants crawling over a chain-link fence into a baseball field in Arlington a few weeks ago! Well the gate was closed and Lajoie put out a bucket to help with the insanity. I still ripped my pants. I didn't tell you about that Janna, when I saw you at the Cito Event last weekend did I? That is what they make duct tape for. Do they make BLACK duct tape? I hate to have that silver showing. Especially where the loaction of the rip is! It doesn't match my outfit. Gosh, I sound like Miss Goody Two Shoes!
Gosh! I found a note in the WD mailbox this morning. Blindleader actually visited the first cache site (Ivy Steps) on this his 3 yr. anniversary and 2000 finds day. He traded coins. That must of been neat to visit your first cache!
Hey toothfamily! Chloe seems to be getting all the attention here! Toothydog is so cute. A very nice picture!
Nice picture Criminal. Wow, you are pretty brave to go up into the snow like that. It sounds like you have had lot's of experience though!
My son is an Alaskan fisherman out of Pelican, Ak. Has his own boat and that's how he makes his living. He called the other day and said it was 10 degrees. He had been out fishing that day. Man, you have to be tough to do that. It must of been all the backbacking trips I took him on when he was a kid. Made him take baths in that glacial water. Yikes! Oh well he's a tough guy now! Ah the coastal tropics lol. Still, they have wind down there. Does he cache? No, he doesn't cache. You actually have to fly into Pelican via a floatplane.
My son is an Alaskan fisherman out of Pelican, Ak. Has his own boat and that's how he makes his living. He called the other day and said it was 10 degrees. He had been out fishing that day. Man, you have to be tough to do that. It must of been all the backbacking trips I took him on when he was a kid. Made him take baths in that glacial water. Yikes! Oh well he's a tough guy now!
Oh yeah! Are you saying you have been shopping or caching in that Expensive Gortex? Shoot I just ripped my very EXPENSIVE Gortex pants crawling over a chain-link fence into a baseball field in Arlington a few weeks ago! Well the gate was closed and Lajoie put out a bucket to help with the insanity. I still ripped my pants. I didn't tell you about that Janna, when I saw you at the Cito Event last weekend did I?
Congrats. to you Funnynose!
Oh, boy! This rain is getting to us. Especially if the only time to cache is on the weekends. Even though Mr WD and I are Seattle natives we are suffering. Today we found two caches that we could do without getting ourselves wet. The first was Ravena Housing (GCQYDT) by OldBaldEagle. We were able to locate all the houses while staying warm and dry in our car. We confirmed by the checksum our coords were right and decided we would attempt the final on a drier day. But we got the legwork behind us. The other was A Simple Multi, but a Long Drive (GCRV9N) by BHMP. It took us jumpin out of the car for a moment and finding the four coordinates to the cache. We were able to complete this one, as the final was VERY close to where we parked. Both of these are perfect to do on these rainy days. At least it gets you out of the house and able to keep dry! I will be able to use my sunglasses soon. Thinking postive (yeah right!) Ms WD
You're too fast for me, OBE! Hey I was waiting all day for this too! I had checked awile ago but he hadn't posted yet!
Blindleader.... Mr and I would like to extend out congrats to you on your 2000th find! YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL TO US! Why? because your first find was on one of our caches.... Ivy Steps to Nowhere. And the neat thing about this was, you found it WITHOUT a GPS! It wasn't until awhile later I discovered you were into maps. Well, your success in the DeLorme challange proved that. It's been a pleasure knowing you! Thanks Mr. Puzzler. You know what I mean! Donna and M.R.
I was making her pose for the picture and Chloe was asking. "Mom, do I really have to do what HE says?" But is was a good day for Chloe. She found an NC Flyers cache all by herself! And there is a benchmark two feet west of this photo but she's not really into benchmarking. Yes, your right Bro-in-law! I was telling her to stay there so you could take the picture. She was not pleased! Oh we did have fun on that trip to visit Sagefox (Mr. WD's brother)! Yes, that was the first time I saw Chloe verge to the left to find the location of the cache. She still does that on occasion. I think she is getting all the local cachers scents in .... wherever these dogs store this stuff! What a nice avatar Sagefox. See you Sunday at our house for the game!
Hey Weinderdog, I don't mean to fry your brain! Check back at the page for My Seattle puzzle cache and you will find a far easier jigsaw puzzle has now been posted. This easy one is only about 35 pieces and the pieces are rotated to the proper orientation already. In face, one graduate from an unnamed university from the east side of the state solved the puzzle in under five minutes so it should prove fairly easy . peace fishiam Thanks Fish! I have a big contract coming up which is about as stressfull as some of these puzzles. Maybe I will take a peek this week. We will be saving the Zoo and Aquarium caches when our grandaughter comes to visit possibly on spring break!
Ohmygosh! That's a " I don't want my picture taken and I don't want to geocache if I am cold! Get me back to the car Mom..please!"
Congrats to you Rey Del Roble on 1000. We have had a lot of fun doing your caches in the last 6 months and hope to see you again on the trail. Wienerdog
Gads! I spent this week working on puzzle caches to clean up the area that appears closest on my nearest list. Today I found a new cache by fishiam! A jigsaw puzzle. My brain is fried. I will have to work this out next week! Maybe!
AWE! That's cute what your son said. Welcome to geocaching! You should try to attend some of the events. That is where you get to meet a whole bunch of neat people (geocachers)! If you ever need any help or information don't be afraid to contact us directly! M.R. , Donna and Chloe (the WD)
Ohmygoodness! That is so cute! Thanks so much for posting this cool picture! Chloe the WD says it's making her hungry. We do have her on a special diet. WD's tend to get a little fat if you don't. But we still love Oscar Mayer Wieners! Hum... I think I'll see if there are any in the fridge now. Perfect bedtime snack!
Just running a couple weeks late looking at some of the forums. Neat nickels Markus. We need to do something like that. We don't have any kind of sig. item.
Congrats OBE! And congrats to all of you who have reached milestones the past couple weeks. I haven't been paying attention!