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Posts posted by Wienerdog
Originally posted by lucyandrickie:I KNEW it was a mistake to tell you about
those Doubleshot drinks!
Yeah! It's your fault Lucy! Oh, please don't tell Pepper I snuck back online. Okay?
Originally posted by SuperGenius:Donna,
Hea girl if you drink coffee don't have anymore today!
Please get to work missy so we can go caching next week.
I was just having trouble with my quotes
I'm not online anymore. Really I'm not. Truly. I'm working right now.
What's with the quotes today. Dang!
Oh Dear!
I really messed up that last post. Whoops!
Hey! I fixed my last post. Why can't I delete this message?
[This message was edited by Wienerdog on June 26, 2003 at 10:52 AM.]
Originally posted by Seth!Yes, it has been an embarrassingly long wait. I think that many of the geocachers in the area were not involved in the sport when I did the first Misson: Impossible.
I can tell you this: I HAVE been plotting it. I'm not sure how soon it will be executed, but I really will try to get to it soon. (Thanks for the nudge.)
As an aside, is there anyone in our community who knows a lot about HTML besides BillP3rd and me? I need to tap into the expertise of another mind...
I never got to do MI-1. I noticed it when I first started caching last year. I heard a lot of great things about it. I think it was archived about the time I was going to go for it. Is this a good enough excuse to nudge you a little more for a MI-2?
RE: HTML. CachinCin seems very knowledgable in that area.
[This message was edited by Wienerdog on June 26, 2003 at 10:48 AM.]
Dang. With this information, someone might be able to pinpoint my driveway
Whoo whee! Now I know where you live. The next time us girls plan a caching day (me Donna, Lucy, CachinCin and Pepper) we will be sure and stop by for a visit. We usually quit about dinner time. What do you girls like? I think BBQ chicken would be good, potato salad and ohhh, some nice corn-on-the-cobb.
We will send you a menu soon!
PS We will stop and get the dessert!
Originally posted by leatherman:quote:
Originally posted by Wienerdog:So did you and Pepper do it? If you did we want to hear. Was it great?
_Now that sounds NAUGHTY!_
Leatherman! Ohmygoodness! I didn't notice that when I wrote it. I'm sitting here trying to think of a good reply to YOUR naughty post, but all I can do laugh at your kissy smilies!!
Originally posted by CachinCin:Evergreenhiker,
We'll be doing your Cherry Cache tomorrow (can't wait!). I was wondering if it's a good trail for dogs. Aurie needs a hike.
So did you and Pepper do it? If you did we want to hear. Was it great? I love this cache and the suprise. Hard to leave isn't it?
Originally posted by Seth!:Adrian and the kids are out of school for the summer. Wheee! If any Eastsiders are heading out on a kid-friendly hunt some day and would like the company of a cute little red-headed kid (and his dad), give us a shout. We've gotten a bit behind on the Kirkland/Redmond geocaches.http://www.geocachingwa.org<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Cool! I think there are a couple women out there that have kids out for the summer!
Hey Seth! How about some more of those neat caches that YOU come up with? You have a special talent in that area. One of the most creative people I know!
Cache on!
Originally posted by WallieDawg:Hi all
Am I just nuts(retorical question) but how do you get the caches you have already found and your own caches OFF of the closest to you page.
I like th look it is easy to read, but to have to scroll thru everything to find the new ones is a bit of a pain in the phanny.
I was wondering about this too! Glad you asked Walliedog. It works! CachinCin has helped me with a couple things. She is always right on. Thanks Cin!
Originally posted by CachinCin:With extremely low tides this weekend, it seems like a great time to visit beachside caches. Anyone have suggestions for caches near Puget Sound beaches?
Here are two areas that I've enjoyed:
http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=27893, a Richmond Beach multi-cache by Weinerdog. There are several nearby caches, including two in the same park.
http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=36384, a multi-cache by Rustynail. 2 miles down and 2 miles back up, but the beachview and picnic area are really worth it.
Hoping to get some suggestions for tomorrow,
I'm glad you liked ours! There are some wonderful ones on Whidbey Island. Then going north on the island to Deception pass. Have you been there? Beauty
. Then you can go farther north to a couple of Eraseek's caches on the bluff in a park near Anacortes. Two beauties!
Sorry, I don't know how to insert the names for these. I know it's a little late tonight. Maybe I could send you a list for you and your husband to plan these out for another day.
Hey Cin, if you need a driver let me Know!
Don't forget about the eight airbags! Hee, hee.
Originally posted by evergreenhiker!:May be bagging out of this event. Too expensive...factoring in motel rates, ferry, etc. Maybe I'll go on a spree over in Wenatchee and bootleg camp on the Icicle River.
Oh darn John!
I want you to come. I understand if you can't. You will be missed. I don't know if you realize how well you are liked by a tremendous amount of people! Everyone loves EGH!
Originally posted by evergreenhiker!:Hey Donna congrats on your 700th!!!
Thanks John! I was lucky to hve CachinCin with me on that day. It made it fun.
BTW, I happen to hit the Jacknife cache in the Yakima canyon right after you got your 700th. I like what you did in the cache log book! Wasn't that a lovely place?
Looks like you have been hitting a lot of neat places lately.
Lucy, Pepper, CachinCin and I are still planning on doing the Pipeline cache. Can't wait!
WOW It worked.
Your a great teacher Totemlake.
I appreciate this so much. Thanks again.
I know I don't deseve an A grade yet because I need to work on my quotes. Maybe a B. Huh?
Hey TotemLake,
Well it looks like I kind of got it. Need to work at it a bit.
I'm testing the signature on the avatar now.
I logged out and came back in.
Hi TotemLake,
Thanks for the lesson I am practicing lesson 1 now.
.You'll notice the little green buttons above the dialog box when you are posting your reply. Click on any of those and you will be able to select the appropriate icon or blank to fill out.
In order to quote somebody's message, you will see a folder with quote marks in it in the lower right corner of their reply. Click on that, and it will open a reply dialog with their message quoted in it. Just scroll to the bottom and continue on with your remarks.
Now for your missing exclamation marks... what browser are you using and if you could click on the Help menu and select the About..., please tell me the version of your browser.
The browser I use is IE 6.0
Well, we will see if this works.
Cache Dreamin!
Hey. My Cache Dreamin is suppose to be under my avatar.
Cache Dreamin!
Hello All
I am most definately Forum Challanged. I will be suprised if my avatar shows up. Even though I tried to follow Peppeer's instructions on March 7th. I still don't know how to insert the quotes from other posts.
I have watched this thread and it has got to be the most positive one I've ever seen. I like it. This is how they should be. Informative discussions and everyone so pleasant to each other.
Even though I live North I asked if it was okay to participate in this Eastside forum. Mainly because I lived over there my whole life and just moved up here to Shoreline 7 years ago. I guess it's okay for anyone to use from what I've been told.
Had a great day with CachinCin. She was with me on my 700th find. TravisL's MisLed. Thanks Cin.
OhMyGoodness. I hope I didn't drive you too insane. I had a great time.
Hey. How come my exclamation marks don't show up? Oooh. My question mark did.
See. I need lessons.
Donna (WD)
Cache Dreamin!
I am afraid I cannot be as diplomatic as the last few posts.
What I have read here today is utterly DISGUSTING.
You are not reasonable, funny or smart. It's just a couple of you that are on the ground floor of killing this sport, not the Cache Machines.
I know that you have already scared some people away by your sarcasim. I can only hope that they will look beyond your insults and know that MOST GeoCachers are likeable people that are out to have a good time in any caching style they choose.
I'm a woman cacher and have 550 finds as of today.
In response to the "Woman being too smart to be at the Cache Machine"... I was there and had a blast! Does that make me stupid. Actually, I think my husband likes me caching. It keeps me out of the malls and spending all his money! At least some of the times. I like shopping too!
As far as the people who want to rag about Cache Machines. Why don't you all start your own thread and you can complain together?
That way you can save space for those of us who are looking forward to the upcoming event to discuss it!
Thank-you Artful Dodger!
I appreciate your quick reply and help.
AND it worked too!
Case closed!
Hi Everybody!
This is the first time I have entered into the realm of the forums.
I have placed a number of caches, but just yesterday I finally (after having my t-bug tags for months) wrote up the pages.
I took pictures and uploaded them to the page.
What I don't know how to do is get the picture to show up on the page when you call it up. At this point you have to click on the (whatever) to see the picture.
Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to post the picuture on the page so you see it right away along with the information.
I would appreciate any input.
Donna (aka Wienerdog)
What I've seen Caching
in Northwest
I have stood on huge boulders and cliffs everywhere,
while wind from the sea whipped through my hair.
I have lifted up bark seeing a lone Salamander race,
then gently restored his home with grace.
I have stood on abandoned railroad tracks,
imagining the women and the trunks they packed.
I once entered a cove on the Oregon coast,
watching seals play as I stood quiet as a ghost.
I have stood in a cemetery honoring men of great,
looking at stones nearby of children and mate.
I have laid in a sea of grass where the wind did not hide,
as it swirled above me like the water and tide.
I have seen peaceful ponds where the otters play,
and mother birds trying to scare me away.
I have been kissed on the lips by the salt from the sea,
and warmed by the sun that comforted me.
I have seen Llamas, Elk, Deer and a baby fawn,
that tickled my heart at the break of dawn.
I have seen fossil rocks, crevices and caves so old,
stood back in awe of the Maker of this mold.
I have felt mists, sprinkles, showers and rain,
was pelted with water that caused me pain.
Eagles, Osprey and Herons I have found,
bird of all colors living above the ground.
Feet that were blistered, sore and weak,
only to be forgotten as I gazed at a mountain peak.
Steps uncountable down to the beach,
reaching for a prize barely within my reach.
Lighthouses twirling and steps climbing so high,
prisms of glass that kept ships safe nearby.
Fir trees and pines giving scents and sound,
only to enter my head with a peace rarely found.
Bridges, bunkers and the biggest barn,
unigue individuals and their interesting yarn.
So many more things, so much to say,
recalling all this made a most wondrous day.
For starting this thread I thank EraSeek,
my mind is now an album of pictures to keep!
It is always sunrise somewhere!