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Everything posted by Wienerdog

  1. Thanks for the warning. That sounds like cruel treatment to the animal! I'd just move it far away. Yes! I saw that too! They had some "Bear Expert" on there explaining that this was a "Tough Love" approach to releasing bears back into the wild. The idea being that if they were scared off they wouldn't come back to the same place. It is however, a new theory. Your are right. We will have to see. I used the "Tough Love" approach on one of my kids when they were of age and it was time to leave home. After a certain date I told her that she needed to find herself a place to live. She left. But guess what? She came back! Never did shoot her with rubber bullets though! Hummm.....? That was some years ago. They now have their own place, a little boy and making it in the world just fine! MS WD PS Lucy (of LucyandRickie) and I saw a bear cub in that neck of the woods on a caching trip last year. It was very close to the road. We never did see the mother and knew she had to be close by.
  2. Congrats to EGH on 1500 at Check the Mail! Nice pictures too!
  3. We came and got your cache! We came and got your cache! I must say nolenator... GOOD JOB! Well thought out and very creative. Blindleader, Kathy (of Phil and Kathy) and I (Ms WD) had a great time searching for this one as a team.
  4. Yes, yes and yes. Anybody can throw a bison tube into a briar patch and call it a clever hide but saying so doesn't make it so. Mr Wienerdog
  5. Good job finding this place to meet and have dinner. They had a section roped off for us and it was QUIET! We could actually hear what each other was saying. Nice to see you all!
  6. Thanks for the congrats. Went to the West Sound Area this weekend. It was funny though. We lost track of our count and didn't know until I logged today that we hit 1400. AND it was the very last cache we did! We had more no-finds than usual. What's up with that? Seems like it's hitting everybody lately. There was a real nice muti we did over there that had been PLUNDERED BAD TIME! The owner had his ammo. box chained to a tree with a lock and someone used bolt cutters to cut the lock and steal it!
  7. Let me know when you're ready to head up, I want to go just to see that slowing down thing going on. Seriously though, I wouldn't mind tagging along on that hike. "Tagging" ??? Doesn't that mean to be attached to something? Maybe you meant 'TAG'. Which is a game where you try to catch someone. Sorry John! Crim and I have both been hiking with you and we are still getting a lot of miliage out of our experiences of trying to keep up!
  8. Well Nolenator . If you have truly gone over to the DARK SIDE then I think you should quit signing off with "peace". You will have to come up with with something like... unhappiness, Nolenator. D (WD)
  9. Congrats. to you!
  10. MarcusArelius found his 700th cache on this one! Congrats. Does your head still hurt today Mark. Or am I the only one taking Excederin?
  11. Way to go Markus! Congrats. to you on you 700th. That was not an easy cache!
  12. Hadn't look at this post till now. TAB is something I got into drinking back in the 70s. It's been around since the 60s according to somebody I know. Blabbermouth! I'm just kidding him! We are good friends.
  13. I found this cache yesterday. It's soaked and a real mess. Log book is soaked also. No one is reponding to the logs. Pay the Piper, Jaffrey! Maybe the PBB can adopt it?
  14. EraSeek's Mom! She geocaches? Don't let my Geo-Girfriend Buddies see this. I keep using the excuse I have 10+ years on them!
  15. We might be out of town that day! Dang. I wanted to come to this one. EDIT!!! Whoops! wrong date. I think we will be around! Duh!
  16. Ah... Mr. Fen Dweller...what's up guy? Have you been hanging around Miss Two Shoes? The "Golly Gee Gosh" is what tipped me off. Typically that's not your 'speak'!
  17. I just have to tell you Dr. Bad, you did a great job on this cache. A smart gal/guy you are! Even though it made me this week. Now... I am just going to go after 1/1's the next month until my brain heals and I get my stitches out of finger! Thanks, MS. WD
  18. Hi weightman! Were you talking to me? If you were thank-you! Yes, I was having trouble trying to do this right. Is it working okay now? I am, hum... what would you call it? http and url challanged! Donna Oh fonts, colors and things of that nature too! I can do smilies real well!
  19. I just Re-Activated my: MAY POND - A LITTLE ONE Ms. WD
  20. Well Golly Day, Mom always taught me not to make value judgements when it comes to what other folks like. But I have tender feelings and I still cried all night. I'm OK now, though. Mom says if you don't like my caches, then you can darn well not hunt 'em. So there!! xoxoxoxox and Happy Easter Bunny, BD Beamin Demon! You were crying? AND you sent some hugs and kisses. Been hanging with MGTS lately? This is how I feel about your caches: 1. They are very difficult (for me especially). 2. I HAVE A CHOICE if I want to look for them or not! No one forces me to! 3. I'm not afraid to ask for a hint or nudge. Now, I did find two yesterday (haven't logged yet). There was one I looked for that I couldn't find. Even with a hint. I must admit (now this is Mrs. Wienerdog speaking) that I did cry a bit walking back to my car. Truly . I'm just a big baby. I think to myelf I'm not doing anymore of these! Then I get over it after awhile. BUT think of this: Beamin Demon states on the cache pages (ie. I Wipe), that this is the very state she/he wants to bring you to. Also, the low star ratings can be a trick. I don't know if this was done intentionally, but you think you are going to find a regular 1+1/2 and it's really not! . It depends on what you want from caching. Yes, these are evil hides. I too would love to see some new boxes. There are a COUPLE new ones. But there is a way around that also: 1. Hide some yourself. 2. Don't cache in Redmond. (There are lot's elsewhere). This doesn't apply to new people who haven't cached the whole Redmond area yet. Again... it's a choice you have to make for yourself. PS. BTW. There is no kleenex left in 'I WIPE'. This was the one I found after I left cying from the other one!
  21. Hey! How did I miss this post. Congrats. you two!
  22. We, the Peanut Butter Brigade, did a clean up on that cache Nick Nolte's Diary last summer. It still needs things. It's really to far for any of us to maintain. It could use a better hiding spot and coords too!
  23. Hey... that's a mighty nice number Jon. Is it now a foot race between 2000 and the due date?
  24. I GOT MY COIN TODAY! I recorded it on your tracking site. Everything looked fine from this end! I thought I was going to have to wait forevever. What a treat! Thanks Pepper!
  25. Why, Eggs, of course! Fenny's House of Omeletes BEAUTY! A must see cache. Wienerdog.
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