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Everything posted by Wienerdog

  1. Humm.... Evergreenhiker was at 1699 yesterday
  2. That's cool Jury! 150 finds. Sounds like your friends the Riddlers are glad you introduced them to geocaching!
  3. Criminal.... It only took me a day. LOL. I thought... " why is he posting a picture of a headstone?" I now see it is a milestone!!!
  4. John Evergreen is joining me, Cathy and Blindleader tommorrow for some caching in Issaquah. We usually just do Mult's or Hard Evil's together. I'm trying to talk EGH into doing a 1/1 for his milestone! BTW WeightMan... I like your saying on the bottom of your posts. I am my own worst critic about my grammar and writing. But hey, isn't that why Engineers invented spell-checkers?
  5. We have used a G-3+ on caching trips for over 2 years now. It has logged 1700+ finds and was just replaced last week with a 60CS to give us the mapping capabilities that the G-3+ lacks.
  6. HURRAY!Conrats. to you Pepper! Number 1500! Which one? PS I think she may even be getting close to (or is) being the cacher with the most hides around here!
  7. Congrats. Shunra on your 400th! You lucky guy! Caching in Europe. How much fun that would be!
  8. Congrats on 600!
  9. Well.... La Tee Da .... Travis! Do you think they will let you in? I see you must first have your request processed!
  10. At the risk of being accused of self promotion might I suggest that your Wednesday group give Frink's Folly a try. It is a multi that I tried to make fairly hard without being really evil. But Weightman... one of those two people is blindleader. He's already done your cache! He highly recommends it though!
  11. I must be off today. I missed this post by Runhills about M10B. I thought it was RWW that noticed first. Actually it was niskibum. Help I'm confusing myself
  12. Funny what you can make out of a persons geoname. Cin (Cindy), you know how you can look at 6-PackRats two ways? I always thought you had a twist to yours. Cache-In-Sin!!! Oh dear!
  13. Sheesh! Looks like I caused confusion by starting that other thread for Moun10Bike. We have all been looking forward to this event and I guess I got too excited! Guess you'll have to draw straws now! Hah! I missed niskibum's hidden message in his post early this morning! It was almost like working a puzzle cache!
  14. We will be staying at the Rolling Hills RV park along with Team Sagefox. It is a reasonable compromise between the starting point and the meeting place.
  15. RWW.... thaks for posting M10B's 2000th find. I thought I'd start a seperate thread since he is the first in our state to hit that milestone. Hope you don't mind! Wow you are on top of things!
  16. Wienerdog


    Rightwingwacko just posted a note on the NWM thread that Moun10bike officially has hit 2000! Sounds like Mrs. M10B almost gave birth at the site! Poor Shauna! We were wondering all weekend what cache it would be. I bet MR (Mr WD) it would be close to you hometown! Read his story here: The Dog Box Congrats. to you!
  17. Wow! That sounds like fun. It would be nice to have that amount of vacation time and ....."money, plenty of it".
  18. The HaFamily has reached a most memorable milestone! Their 100th! Oh cool. It was one of our caches! The Old School
  19. I agree! congrats Donna and MR!!!! Thanks everyone! Actually... we did have a plan. It was NOT to catch up to MTB! We thought maybe we could get enough caches to get our 2000th at the Portland Cache Machine. But time is closing in and it looks like we won't be close enough for that to happen. Unless we make it a full time job , but then it woudn't be fun anymore! Other things are still important to us too. Like: There is a Event Cache in PT that we plan on attending (We still like the social aspect of caching and meeting people!). On Wed. I cache with two other people. Our goal isn't numbers, but to work on hard (or evil!) multi's together. Just found out someone else reached a milestone! Gotta go post it!
  20. I'm a woman. Initially I did most of the caching myself. Mr. WD has taken more of an interest this year and we are caching together quite often now. It's strange... I love clothes and I love shopping and all those other girly things. But I also like hiking and geocaching. I have lways believed you can have the best of both worlds.
  21. We are actually bringing our motorhome down to this CM. In the past people have stayed at a variety of places. Sometimes gathering at one in particular that is dog-friendly. When MR WD and I go on our own personal Cache-O-Ganza's and spend the night, our favorites are the Motel 8's. We always know what to expect and they are the most reasonable prices around in our opinion. You might check to see if Portland has one.
  22. That is cool John! We will be watching. Now don't forget the clues in the cache. Sorry, I'm starting to sound like your mother. I've already told you that a couple times haven't I? Mostly, have fun!
  23. Whoa Nellie! Moun10Bike is sitting on 1999! What will 2000 be?
  24. Neatl Runhills! Congrats. to you. Looks like quite a trip!
  25. Well here is my Yippee! MR (Mr WD) was able to take part in finding this most satisfying final. All I can say is thanks again Bill! Now where are The Gang of Three headed next?
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