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Posts posted by Wienerdog
A very interesting and satisfactory resolution to the “problem”.
The choice may get more interesting in another month or so.
A 62 with a geo tagging camera built in.
Loaded 3.0 on my 62s and I have no problems with Geocaches showing up.
Garminfone or Nuviphone?
The Gizmodo review cited above is about the Nuviphone. The Garminfone is a totally different unit and works on the Android platform.
As for accuracy it is spot on. In a side by side comparison with a co-workers iPhone G4 the location accuracy is around 15 feet with the Garminfone, as viewed in Google earth, INSIDE the building where I work. The iPhone G4, at 25-50 feet, never came close as we walked around inside the factory.
The Garminfone probably deserves a smackdown for running with Android V1.6 but when it comes to GPS accuracy it is no wallflower. In fact it appears to be in the same league as the 60Cx or the 62s.
I put the micro SD version of CN 2011.10 in my 62s and have had no problems. It works with SW V2.4 and now V2.44
I see lots of talk about the squeak but not much about how it works in actual usage in finding caches.
When the 62s became available I knew it had the features that I wanted. Now after some 90 cache finds I can say it is a delight to use. And yes mine does have the squeak issue but out on the trail I don’t notice it. It is only when I am at home retrieving cache information that I notice that problem and yes it does bug me. But… compared to the ease of use and the versatility out in the field it could be whistling DIXIE and I would still be happy. For me it is a 5 star machine that gets a 4 star rating. It is one or two squeaks away from a 5 star rating.
The 62s has a CN micro card installed. It was not removed for the update.
As for the update proper it was a straight forward SW download , open the file and let the process run itself. The instructions say let the unit restart but I had to do the restarting.
Updated unit. No hangups, shut downs or other problems found. The multicache function and calender log dates are working great now.
I don’t think you can delete individual caches on the 62s. The files are loaded as individual waypoints on the 60 but they are a single GPX file on the 62. If there is a way to delete a cache on the 62 I too would like to know about it.
Excellent choice! It will be a very nimble car to get around in.
Now the next question is... what color will the Lucyandrickie Mini be?
Congratulations on 4000 Grossi. That’s a lot of lat/lon visits since that cold day at Seattle University!
It’s been a lot of fun. Times sure do change though. We still have a copy of what must have been the first PQ we ever ran dated December 30 2001. At that time there were 25 caches within 8 miles of our zip code. Just for fun I ran the same PQ again but this time there were 500 caches within 6 miles of our zip code! Woof.
Some of the caches and cachers that stand out in that first PQ are:
EraSeek… Reverse World (GC2597), The Nightsea Cache (GC96D) and 16 Ancestors (GC16AE)
The Rookie by Aaron (GC245) adopted by Seth!
Carkeek Cache by Ol Nevcowpok (GC33A)
Urban Cache: Overdue by Seth! (GC21DC) and many others.
Those old caches were a real kick in the pants but hey, the new ones are a kick in the pants too.
Oh my…
well it seemed like a 1.5 at the time. Maybe a contribution to the KUOW fund drive and a rating change will help to remove the ‘Wienerdog curse’ in the arboretum. It was a real nice radio presentation though.
Wow… congratulations on 10K RdR! That is truly an amazing achievement.
Whooooops! Just happened to be using a friends log in. Oh mY
Wow! With a snorkel and some goggles she will be ready for a trip to Hawaii!
Posted in wrong location.
WOW Rey! Congrats to you on 5000.
And here comes that filly Prying Pandora coming up the backstretch!
..and congrats to dsvaughn for his amazing 1,000 milestone!
Congrats. Aviatrix on 800! And to dsvaughn for 1000!
It's true what they are saying. I don't know how long you have lived here, but this spring and summer has been more typical Seattle weather for this time of year. We all got a bit spoiled the past four years or so by what us Seattleites would call a drought. It used to be uncommon to see brown lawns. Maybe a few in the neighborhood, but almost always green. The past few years people have let them go because it cost a fortune to keep them green.
You might want to invest in a few things that can make you more comfortable. Gortex boots for one. They keep your feet dry. I would be lost without my Gortex pants. Love em! Then of course a good waterproof jacket. Oh, I also have a nice rain hat you can get at REI.
We actually keep these things in our car all the times. So whenever we head out to cache we are ready.
Like with any sport, the better equipment you have the more you will enjoy it. Skiing for instance. I tried going low budget at first and was miserable.
Have fun if you go!
And no smart comments about the contents of my trunk from those who know me!
Bob Newell/Half of Puppers Passed Away
in Northwest
Oh my, we are so sorry to hear about your loss. Our thoughts are with you.
MR, Donna and Chloe