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Everything posted by jonny65

  1. create a message and in it a concatenate box with 2 (string) values and the code itself. drag the object property from the left frame "objects and properties" > player > completion code and drag it into the concatenate box. dont forget to set the cartridge to status complete. output of the code only works, if the real cartridge is downloaded from Wherigo.com. in emulator a dummy code like 012345678901234 will be shown.
  2. @Josh : Rangerfox has brought a large and good update for you I go with Ranger it would be better to choose shorter names especially for the task NAMES or lets say for all names which were shown on any buttons on the player (items, characters !). They appear on the buttons and will be truncate if they are too long. The taskname "Go to the Kitching Creek Pavillion" would appeare on the oregon such as "Go to the Kitching Cree" A few words to these problem : Some weeks ago i noticed nearly the same bug. If a message is shown when the zone was entered such as "you have entered the park" : Enter the zone, input appears, don't make an input, now leave the zone and reenter it (the same if i have jumping koords). Now we have an open input TOGETHER with the message "you have entered the park", which appears again. A Workaround in my cartridges : When i call an input, i also set a variable "InputActive" to true. Before the zone enter message pops up i compare if the variable is true. If it is, i don't show the message. After input i set the variable to false. The bug can be reproduced to 100 percent, also in the emulator ! Edit : With exception of the 1st zone, i find the other zone toooooo small
  3. Hello, does anyone know what the media typ "Text" does or how it works or how i can use ?
  4. Very crazy, something has copied 2 things together Ok, open your "Kitching Creek Pavillion" Zone, click "When the player enters a zone" > Edit Script > highlight the 1st line > edit script line > click the link "set ztask ...." choose task, then mark the right one. With the 2nd line do the same procedure with the getinput command. You have to link the task and the input new. Don't know why the task and input name has become corrupt. Ok thats it, the emulator starts....till the next crash Edit : I have seen, there are still several bugs of the same kind. For example after entering Zone "Sign", an input was expected. I think the correct one should be the input called "sign" but you have linked it with a not defined "zinputsignanswer". Looks like if one have changed the source manually and then reimport in the builder.
  5. Nene, da steht nirgendwo was, war mein Schulenglisch . In einem englischen Forum soll man ja eher englisch schreiben, zumindest die für die Allgemeinheit interessanten Dinge. Das Thema hatten wir kürzlich im Forum von geoclub.de bzgl. Open Source. Und da kam einhellig raus, daß die Lua Datei in Urwigo kompilierten GWZ nicht DAS Lua ist, was der (alte) Builder versteht. Über eine Testcartridge unter meinem Account hab ichs dann so durchgeführt wie oben (englisch ) beschrieben. Um es proform zu "simulieren" hat ein andrer Account diese GWZ downgeloadet und die *.urwigo Datei war wie erwartet drin. Hab den Therad gefunden : http://www.geoclub.de/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=59456 Beitrag von Pingu am Fr 4. Nov 2011, 08:48 und mein folgender.
  6. Hi Astrid, Von deiner Cartridge hab ich mir bei den ersten Gehversuchen vor 3 Monaten bissl was abgeguckt, dankeschön Inzwischen hab ich 2 eigene und bin vom antiken Builder auf Urwigo umgestiegen. Und genau DAS ist das Problem. [English on] Only if the source is generated with the original builder the _cartidge.lua can be used, otherwise (Urwigo) a failure will occur. [English off] Opensource anbieten hat also nur Sinn wenn du im Original Builder programmiert hast, ABER es gibt ein Hintertürchen um Interessierten die Urwigo Sourcen mitzuliefern : [English on] - Compile a GWZ - when ready, open it with a (un)zipper - copy the *.urwigo source to the archive (gwz) - upload these gwz to Wherigo.com - the urwigo source will be handled such a pic or sound [English off] Grüße Jonny Edit: Daß ich "damals" das Lua File importieren konnte, liegt sicher daran, daß das frühere GWZ File mit dem Original Builder erstellt wurde und somit auch die passenden Sourcen enthielt. Inwzischen hast das GWZ mit Urwigo erzeugt und dann passts nicht mehr.
  7. Hello, Anyone else who has generated some SIMPLE sound files as XML or FDL ? Simple means only a very short notification, "sounds" not longer than 1 or max 2 seconds. Greetz Jonny
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