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Chris n Maria

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Everything posted by Chris n Maria

  1. Wow, missed that one? (I think?) Me too - paranoia any one? Chris
  2. How about a cache, placed without landowners permission. And were there is no legal access! After trying for a FTF, and finding out that there was no access, and after querying the cache owner, it turned out he'd walked through 2 closed gates, the first with "No Entry" clearly signed on it. On asking for permission he was refused on safty grounds. Dave Even though that cache seems to have been incorrectly placed, there was still a point to it. To find it!! Sorry - Can't agree there. I've always seen a cache as a way of saying "here is somewhere interesting/pretty/chaalenging/fun that I want to show you". I would rate a pointless cache as one that is only placed so that the setter can say they have placed it. IMHO A micro stuck to the lampost outside my house would be completly pointless. Chris
  3. You mean there might be a downside to organic farming ? That not everything "natural" is good for us ? Hush, whisper it not ! Not sure its anything to do with organics - the sheep dip in question is organo-phosphates which are derived from reasearch with nerve agents. If nerve gas was one of the hazards I faced at work I think I would want it banned too
  4. WW supports 10 digits too In this case it looks like GPSU is the way to go as it can read tracklog files nativly and I wont be able to get WW to do this.s Chris
  5. Just another thought - if you let me have an example tracklogs format file I will see if I can add the conversion directly thus eliminating the need to type them in.
  6. That only converts - I am trying to find a program that will download directly to the GPS. I am hoping that by going through as few steps as possible that errors are not introduced. Thanks. The errors arnt introduced by using more software they occur in 2 places: 1. Good old GPS accuracy which can be 3meters to 30meters depending on tree cover. 2. conversion limitations - WW (and others) use a conversion method that is accurate to 5 meters. AFAIK Grid inquest is the only tool that provides a better conversion. All Exports from WW are done in WGS84 format so whatever it displays as the WGS84 coords are what will apear on the GPS. Is the difference in the region of 10meters or is it much higher? A difference of 100meters or so usually points to using a wrong datum. Chris
  7. We have a cache in an SSSI and the warden of the site was perfectly happy with it, there is no need to treat them as no go areas just ask permission. The warden of our site has much more to worry about with vandals, rubbish and kids setting light to the haystacks in the summer. Proper managment of this SSSI (which features some very rare orcids and wildflowers) involves chopping down all the wildflowers to make hay, ensuring the ground is trampled by cows on a regular basis, Hacking back encroaching woodland using heavy machinery and flooding the fields. In amongst all this managed damage a few people visiting a single ammo box dosnt have any discernable impact. As wildlifewriter said there are a number of reasons why an area can have this designation so its best to find out from those involved in the areas management. Chris
  8. and of course: Where do seedless grapes come from? Do dogs have bellybuttons? Why do you never see baby pidgeons? etc.etc.
  9. Our sympathies to the White family. We had A similar thing happen last year. They smashed the window because the boot cover was over (but nothing in there).. We make a point of always leaving the cover rolled back now. Chris
  10. I recommend seeing a doctor straight away - thats not normal ! Chris
  11. Not always - a rubbish location is a rubbish location whether it is a physical or a virtual. A really good virt can be much better than half adozen easy physicalls. IMHO. Chris
  12. Autoroute uses decimal degrees whereas GC.com uses decimal minutes. There are many ways to convert between the two but if you have Excel then Waypoint Workbench will convert between lots of different formats. Chris
  13. Hope they get better accuracy than the 8 meters I usually get! 8 meters would put you on the wrong line completly!
  14. Good stuff Paul - nice little segment. The rest of the program seemed like an extrended guide to our caches with at least 4 of them shown. Does this count as advertising
  15. I wonder when they filmed it. I cant see them getting any TV gear up to loughton camp at the moment as it is very soggy indeed. Setting the video now
  16. Doesn't Chris's excellent Waypoint Workbench do this? You will need a copy of MS-Excel to use it though. WayPoint WorkBench It should do - any problems let me know Chris
  17. We would recommend that one too - one of the best days caching we have ever had. And its all virtual
  18. Made me laugh - but I am a big fan of tran strikes. It means I get to stay at home Chris
  19. I had to read teasels post twice before I realised E meant England not East!!! Doh! Chris
  20. In effect yes. GC.com list caches on the principle that you have sought the landowners permission. If you place one and ASSUME permission then that is completley your responsibility. In the UK we have rights of way and now right to roam but there is no right to place a cache anywhere so you should get permission. Chris
  21. That only works because you had driving lessons at some time and learnt how to drive a car. Then with each new car all you had to do was learn what the differences are from your last car. I'm afraid we are a long way from computers (and cars) that are that intuative that you don't need to take the time to learn how to use them.. one day perhaps
  22. I've downloaded versions and looked lall over the place and I agree with the Birders! Chris
  23. Wrong! A benchmark in the UK is solely for vertical reference. hmmm, I think the question was relating to benchmarks within Geocaching.com which are the US ones. In the uk the equivelant is trigpointing which can be found at www.trigpointinguk.com. Chris
  24. Thats where I usually put my handie
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