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Chris n Maria

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Everything posted by Chris n Maria

  1. but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris I DO hope you're taking the piss? Please tell me that writing English correctly is not 'nonsense'. Nope not extracting the urine - if someone could explain to me the logic of having 3 words that sound the same spelt differently then I might change my opinion. Otherwise I can see no reason for it. And don't say "its right" - its only right because someone made it up, it can be unmade just as easily. And don't say "its what the dictionary says" as the dictionary is just another book, if you follow that logic Mein Kampf, The Bible and The Lord of the Rings are all guides to how to live your life Chris The logic is simple - the three words mean completely different things. Whether people care about this fact in everyday written English on forums and in logs is another matter; and I guess that that is the loose connection to geocaching. By Logic, I mean why write words differently whenwe don't say them differently? Why have an extra layer of complication in English as she is writ as opposed to english as what she is spoke? I have never ever understood the need for it. Chris
  2. but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris I DO hope you're taking the piss? Please tell me that writing English correctly is not 'nonsense'. Nope not extracting the urine - if someone could explain to me the logic of having 3 words that sound the same spelt differently then I might change my opinion. Otherwise I can see no reason for it. And don't say "its right" - its only right because someone made it up, it can be unmade just as easily. And don't say "its what the dictionary says" as the dictionary is just another book, if you follow that logic Mein Kampf, The Bible and The Lord of the Rings are all guides to how to live your life Chris
  3. There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!! but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris
  4. My Pet Peeve, is people who think its easy to spell or understand the difference between their,there and they're - for some of us it is virtuall impossible to tell the difference. Also if they sound the same, why the blinkey flip have people decided to spell them differently? Its- just so they can smugly sit there and say "you've spelt that wrong". Chris
  5. okigetwhatursaying iwilltrynottoshoutinfuture.
  6. That blokes a nutter......Oi Nutter behave.....
  7. love them.....
  8. I really enjoyed the universally challenged series - it was a great walk and you can pick up a series of caches on the way. Another series like this would be welcome in my book but 20-30 caches and ten miles of walking would take quite a time to complete, If you allow 10 minutes searching/logging per cache thats up to 5 hours gone before you allow for the time it takes to walk it! The nice thing about UC was it made it clear how far you were going and how much walking you were signing up for. The problem with a lot of multis is you dont know if you can walk between the points or have to get back in the car. Chris
  9. If its a nice day the try to do one of the three peaks caches - well worth the effort. Chris
  10. The answer to No. 1 is Great circle distance for sure. Chris
  11. Yes we had 2 units replaced FOC so far. Garmin are supurb at customer service.
  12. We once did a FTNF 4 hours before it was listed. Havinhg had advanced notice of a cache from some caching friends we tried to find it before it was listed and failed miserably No change there then.
  13. I doubt every kid is aware of that - most of the kids in my school had enough trouble finding the geography class.
  14. Ahhh but there are so many more caches you can fail to find in the USA thean the UK
  15. Not long at all - I managed 3 on Sunday
  16. Can anyone beat this? So far we have logged 52 DNF is this a record ?
  17. It happened with virtuals And they became almost impossible to place.
  18. Nope not exactly what I was saying. In my ideal world all caches would be in great locations and would involve a reasonable walk to the cache and could be found with under 30minutes of searching. Multis that take you on an exploration of somewhere interesting are fine but if the puzzle element completely overides the walk and the location then I am not a fan. IMHO caches that got it right were Mashers Mission impossible and SimonGs Dance of the dead both of which had a puzzle element that added to the fun rather than dominated it. Chris
  19. I must get a badge made up with "MCL has summed it up, I agree with him" it would really save a lot of time. Chris
  20. We would have done Wicked Lady awhile ago as it is one of our nearest "to do" caches but we couldnt decide if we would be able to walk between each stage or would be spending all our time jumping in and out of the car. If it was the former we would be up for it but the latter we are not so keen on. Chris
  21. Frame 9 is me (Chris) - looks like I'm really enjoying it.
  22. Surly they would leave the grid as it is and replace the lat/long round the very edge with one based on WGS84?
  23. I like the way it is now, all that confusion and complexity means that UK cachers soon learn much more about mapping systems, coordinates and datums than cachers in the rest of the world. All part of the fun Don't they have similar problems in the US with most of their maps being a different NAD and in Aus don't they use UTM ? Chris
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