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Everything posted by arisoft

  1. Open the gallery from the listing page (not from the editor) Click the image and then right click the image to get the link. Remove _l from the link if you want to use the original size.
  2. Even your analogy does not fit to this situation properly, you are right. Speeding will stop when the limit is high enough.
  3. Definitions are fine but cacher owners do not follow them. You can't change that. You can only change the definitions to follow the current practice. For example, the regular size do not match what is regular in the reality. When I am searching a cache that is "small size" I am used to trying to find a micro. I am ok with all these quirks. I'll just say that the new class probably won't solve any problem.
  4. Right, but they are published as a small, so this change fix two problems at the same time.
  5. Current practice is to overestimate the size classification of caches. Caches that are actually micro, has been regularry published as a small ones for a long time. The easiest way to create category for nano caches is just change the sizes to meet the current practice: Micro = smaller than a film canister Small = smaller than an apple Regular = smaller than a shoebox Large = larger than a shoebox If you think about this new ranking, you may find it's pretty close what you actually see on the field.
  6. Just noticed that links to images in the gallery will not work anymore if the gallery item is deleted. Earlier, every image was stored permanently even in the case when the gallery entry was not available any more.
  7. Here is a proof that you can do it without 3rd party services. I uploaded this image: https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/river-surrounded-by-forests-cloudy-sky-thuringia-germany_181624-30863.jpg?w=1800&t=st=1702424082~exp=1702424682~hmac=c329f05bb31f008ce58fa630040378ca2fe979419bfbe49f68828edd53882960 to the gallery of a cache page and I got this image in the gallery: https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/a4936ac7-ad70-407b-8a70-e0bf73aed696.jpg Now I can use the image embedded in the description. If you say that the image is already too compressed, here is another I just uploadad in the same way: https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/2d62a44e-c043-4735-9d82-89e910349960.jpg If this is not enough large then how big image you need for your puzzle?
  8. I checked the area where you have found all your 25 traditional caches. It seems that this area has very limited number of mystery caches. This helps you a lot, because normally, when you try to hide large number of caches, many of them can not be published, because there are already other mystery caches you are not aware. In your case, it is possible that most places where you are trying to place a new cache are really available for new caches. Reviewers will not criticize the number of caches or the area where you want to place new caches. The only limiting factor is other caches which are too near of your plans.
  9. Whether this bug will ever been fixed or not it is better to press Ctrl-key while you open a cache from the list. This opens the cache on a separate tab and you can go back to the list without waiting the list to populate again.
  10. I have also thought that it is not allowed but when I tried to find a suitable rule I couldn't find any. "Cannot require geocachers to email the cache owner for information needed to find the cache." This is the nearest, but you don't email to the owner so it may not apply. One published cache I know required that the owner answers manually to email and the cache was immediatelly disabled by the reviewer when this was noticed.
  11. I have a traditional D4 cache that occasionally gets comments that it is buried. A regular size cache is placed into a large hole in the bedrock and covered with thick fabric and on the top there is a small stone. Basically, it is like any cache with hint "under a stone", but the fabric makes it very difficult to notice, as you may see from the image above. The cache under the fabric is significantly larger than the pebble in the middle of the image. If you zoom in, you may see the edge of the fabric. To find the cache you must lift the pebble, which is fixed to the fabric camouflage and log the cache. I am considering it spoiling, when someone falsely reveals that it is buried, even it is not buried, because it gives an extra hint where it is placed. I don't understand why someone could think that the cache is buried. Could you understand this?
  12. Sometimes you can find this kind of answers from web. For example, you may find a video where this game is played. I know one similar mystery where the information requires massive playing or just using Google.
  13. I have made many mystery puzzle caches without a checker. Deciding, whether the solution is correct or not, is a part of the puzzle. Here is an example https://coord.info/GC7X78J One idea behind this approach is that the cache is more rewarding for finders who know how the puzzle was solved and more exiting for those who don't.
  14. Indeeed, there are some multi-caches with errors in formulas. CO should fix those formulas instead of adding a checker. Anything that encourages COs to make their multi-caches more like a guesswork puzzle is not good. The native checker is the worst option, just because it is hidden on field where the victim shoud be able to be warned about the nature of the cache.
  15. Surely, you are not the only one. Current versio just doesn't fit this purpose because there is only one coordinate check possible and multi-cache may need more. Basically there is someting wrong with the multi-cache if it needs a checker. My experience is that, if there is a checker in a multi-cache there will be problems.
  16. I suggest you to give a try if your FWIW phone is compatible with this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.opencamera&hl=en_US The default app in my phone is making about 4.5 MB images (no way to adjust) but I am completely satisfied with about 0.5 MB images I take with this app. The idea of making too large image files is just to keep you buying the next FWIW branded phone.
  17. There are also some email apps that can alert the user when a certain kind of email arrives. No need for SMS in that case.
  18. They will get archived at some rate - no problems
  19. I have used both methods. Two lists and corrected coordinates to save over 1000 soved mysteries. Additionally, I have a pocket query to to create updated GPX for download. The only problem is that the updated GPX file contains only one list.
  20. It is difficult to give an opinion when you don't know what the puzzle is in reality. I tried to solve this but I can not verify whether my solution is correct or not. Anyway, it seemed obvious how I would proceed. I have made difficult puzzle caches but when it is about field puzzle, I try to keep them easy and insightful. It seems that your example was alike.
  21. I tried to add this jpg image to a log and succeeded. I have no idea what happened but you may try to download the image from this thread and try again with this version.
  22. Try to print this https://www.geocaching.com/seek/cdpf.aspx?guid=10406b53-fde6-4ec7-b0f0-3d48cb87a9f8 If it works you can print any cache using the same link but you must use the "guid" code of the cache in the end of the link to print them.
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