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Posts posted by Chaotica_UK

  1. Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the update was far too late (not your fault I'm sure). My PQ arrived at 9.42pm. Mad as I am, I was not about to start a day out caching at that time, so I have saved it for another day.

  2. Mine is still not showing as run, some 6 hours later. Groundspeak - can we actually have a meaningful update on this please every link seems to show the same update as 9am (UK time) this morning when I last checked.


    Thanks very much


  3. The only time I log into this forum is for this problem in the last few months, its shocking that its taken so long to track down and fix.


    Anyway for the record - Server: WEB13; Build: Web.HotFix_20120710.2

  4. Thanks - I didn't know about this either. Have bookmarked it. Interesting that the site is still very slow today and some of the pages are not loading or loading with minimal data - status says all OK?

  5. Domo!!!


    Is the site down, or having a problem now?

    Status page says nothing bad, but I cannot access anywhere Geocaching except for this forum.



    Tried Safari & Firefox on Mac OS 10.6.8.

    No go.


    What going on?


    Im getting a runtime error, its been pretty poor performance for some weeks on and off, particularly bad on Sundays. Like back to the good old days again.


  6. I seem to have a cupboard littered with old walking boots.


    Berhaus Storms - lasted 12 years, waterproofing and outerlayer finally cracked. Replaced with the following:


    Berhaus GTX - lasted 18 months then leaked.


    Salomon Quest (first pair) - lasted 24 months then leaked.


    Salomon Quest (2nd pair) - just started leaking 24 month (have put up with leaky boots for the last 5 months)


    After reading this thread which is full of great information Im still not that sure what make to go for next.... :huh:


    Might have to try on a few in the shops before deciding!

  7. I had a blank DNF log the other day. That tells me nothing about the reason for DNF and as we know some cachers flag DNF's at the drop of a hat rather than following a sensible search of the correct area. I had no idea whether it was a quick look on passing, or a problem with the cache site, access issues or a 30 minutes figertip search of the whole double gate. Now I have had DNF's from two more experienced cachers with logs explaining the situation I have disabled the cache. If the original log had given some useful information I would immediately have disabled the cache and investigated.

  8. Ive done similar to some of the other replies on here. Ive taken scouts and explorer scouts out caching. Both times chosen cache rich areas that they know. With cubs I would set them some local ones around the scout site and pre programe the GPS.


    We did a rather good game last year with each leader taking a laminated letter (or picture puzzle if you like) and the explorers had to find the leaders in the dark and get the letters this gave them coordinates (we have 8 /9 old GPS units) for a final cache I had placed within the campsite with a bag of sweets for the winning team to share. Of course, its worth doing a prep talk beforehand on how sweets and other consumables should not normally be in publically available caches. Also the fun bit which got the enthusiasm going was when I was able to give them different size cache containers, TB's and coins to handle.



  9. I think everyone knows what a HDR image is. I only asked because it seems a bit pointless to have a competition to capture the natural beauty of the outdoors and then edit it to perfection…


    I didn't know what HDR was until this weekend. Thanks for the visual and written explanation. Im going to look into this now. Although Im not one to alter any of my images, except creating a few B&W version. :)



  10. I try to leave my very local ones in Bristol and Bath for the winter, or days when I just want to pop out for an hour or two. I tend to aim for the harder terrain ones in the summer. I did clear my 5 mile radius once but when I had done it I didnt bother to maintain it, the goal had been achieved. Now I also plan weekends away around the puzzle caches solved, events or special series that I want to do.


  11. For our groups Expedition Challenge badge we sent them off with an etrex, for emergencies only, set up for British grid reference so that if they got lost they could use the GPS to work out where they were on the map and so get back on track. They have also been out caching with us and have loved it. We use the GPS to enhance map reading rather than totally replace it.


    Exactly what we do with our unit.



    The end result is that they are going to buy 2 GPS units and are planning to roll out the GPS side of navigation across the entire district.



    Am I the only one shocked that Scout groups don't include a handheld GPS in their usual kit as a matter of course anyway? Or has Scouting changed that much since I were a lad?


    Tim, for many years cost was a problem for our explorer unit. We have recently sourced 6 yellow etrex GPS's for me to teach geocaching and for them to use for navigation in general. Ive set them up so the first screen that appears when they turn it on has all the information on it that they need to relay back to base if they get lost so we an pinpoint them. Sometimes they walk with a leader in tow and sometimes not depending on the terrain, experience and general weather conditions.



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