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Posts posted by LeGodFather
Now that you have a Grab Coordinates tools, maybe you could permit to enlarge the 1st column, i.e. the Code column. Because, what use to fit doesn't fit anymore when you add the 01 at the end!
Just a thought..
Hi Clyde,
When I click the "Show Full Change Log" link in the "Load Summary", it loads the "C:\Program Files\GSAK\data\[dbname]\Log.htm" in Internet Explorer, even though my default browser is FireFox.
When I type "C:\Program Files\GSAK\data\[dbname]\Log.htm" in the Start|Run box, FireFox starts no problem.
Is there an option in GSAK to fix this?
Oh, and while I'm at it.. could you make the mouse cursor snap to the active buttons (if option is set in the mouse properties)? If not, you might have a reason, if you don't mind sharing it.
Thanks for an extremly useful software! Keep up the good work!
Here's the top 25 (user id) as of today (August 9, 2005).
what is the name of your geocaching organization?
what is your website? (if you have one)
where are you?
when did the group form?
FORUM: Québec GPS - Babillard (Forum)
WHERE: Province of Québec in Canada
WHEN: October 4, 2003
Il faut simplement cliquer sur le lien
or convert to NAD27 at Jeeep.com
situé juste en dessous des coordonnées de la cache.. et la conversion se fait automatiquement dans les différents formats.
And the fact that you can load GPX files.. Tracks, routes, waypoints.. I just love it (but don't load too many tracks.. it really slows down the software!)
These are tracks in Québec City.
White Icons are NOT FOUND caches.
Green Icons are FOUND caches.
Test ;-)
Hi Clyde and all,
I use GSAK like crazy having all Québec's caches in it.. worth every $.
I have created the 2 followings URLs for Google Maps:
1- GoogleMaps(Directions)=http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=45.5,-73.7&daddr=%lat,%lon&hl=en
2 -GoogleMaps(Location)=http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=%lat,%lon&daddr=%lat,%lon&hl=en
1 - is to get directions from my home to the cache.
2 - is to get the start/dest "pins" to overlap (so I only get the cache location)
My question is about %lat and %lon.. are there equivalent Special Tags to have the lat lon of the "location" selected (home, office, chalet - defined in the locations tab of the tool > option menu?
This way, I wouldn't have to hardcode the lat lon on my 1st url.
Thank you for an excellent product!
Papa de la GrosseFamille
Sorry, no. You could however work around this by setting up a macro command using the INPUT and WEB commands
Set $locations = "1 - Home" + $_crlf + "2 - Some place" + $_crlf + "3 - Another place" INPUT Msg="$locations" # replace %lat, %lon below with the actual location coordinates IF $result = "1" WEB URL="http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=45.5,-73.7&daddr=%lat,%lon&hl=en" ENDIF # replace %lat, %lon below with the actual location coordinates IF $result = "2" WEB URL="http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=45.5,-73.7&daddr=%lat,%lon&hl=en" ENDIF ........
Now just add this macro to a tool bar button and all your locations in google are just a mouse click (and option number) away.
Thanks Clyde. I'll try it.
Hi Clyde and all,
I use GSAK like crazy having all Québec's caches in it.. worth every $.
I have created the 2 followings URLs for Google Maps:
1- GoogleMaps(Directions)=http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=45.5,-73.7&daddr=%lat,%lon&hl=en
2 -GoogleMaps(Location)=http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=%lat,%lon&daddr=%lat,%lon&hl=en
1 - is to get directions from my home to the cache.
2 - is to get the start/dest "pins" to overlap (so I only get the cache location)
My question is about %lat and %lon.. are there equivalent Special Tags to have the lat lon of the "location" selected (home, office, chalet - defined in the locations tab of the tool > option menu?
This way, I wouldn't have to hardcode the lat lon on my 1st url.
Thank you for an excellent product!
Papa de la GrosseFamille
.. that tends to happen when I think I get a brief stray signal from a satellite. As a result, the track suddenly shifts position for a few seconds a few hundred feet to one side, then shifts back. Those transition legs tend to be when it comes up with a speed in the 100-200 mph range. I'm not sure whether this is a result of a multi-path error, or a weak signal overall, but they don't tend to happen much in good reception conditions.
I get that too when I get poor reception. I've seen speed up to 1700Kph (1056Mph) while drive at normal speed.
But, the fastest my Legend has really travelled is 800Kph (approx. 500Mph). I was on a plane between NYC and Montreal. That was cool!
You're right.
There is an angle.
I didn't make the difference between aerial and satellite photo.
But for the price, I'm willing to overlook this!
Did you try the new GOOGLE MAPS (still in Beta)?
Try this link here
That's the Olympic Stadium in Montreal (Quebec).
That's clever
. You can put it into GSAK since Google Maps doesn't seem to care if the starting and end points are the same. The only catch is that it assumes you have to be on a road so the pinpoint is on the closest road - not where the cache is. Might be handy for parking though. A custom URL like this works:
Google Maps Point=http://maps.google.com/maps?spn=0.121826,0.226858&saddr=%lat,%lon&daddr=%lat,%lon&hl=en
1 - what is GSAK?
2 - The order is important.. if you want the "start" pin to be at the starting point and the "end" pin to be at destination. Plus, it make a difference for the turn by turn directions!
3 - Unfortunatly, yes, it has to be on the road.
Papa de la GrosseFamille!
I put in a suggestion for the ability to search by co-ordinates.
In fact you already can - just type the coordinates into the search box but you need to use the DD.DDDDD format.
If you use GSAK you can create a custom URL:
Google Maps=http://maps.google.com/maps?&ll=%lat%2C%lon&spn=0.01,0.01
which opens Google Maps at the cache coordinates - unfortunately it doesn't yet show a pin-point - the cache is in the middle of the screen. There was a work-around to get a pin-point but the work-around no longer works - that's what happens when you mess with Google Betas
If you go in Directions and enter starting coordinates in "Start Address" and destination coordinates in "End Address", you'll get both start/end pins with the trail in between the 2 points.
Ex: Starting: "45.5000, -73.5000" End: "46.5000, -74.5000"
Now, if we could export that to .GPX or something!
Papa de la GrosseFamille!
Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
in GPS technology and devices
Duh! Thanks Clyde! I really feel silly now..