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Everything posted by LeGodFather

  1. I once thought I'd like it too.. but, I guess that if I had the choice, I'd like both!
  2. That what I want too! And had already started a thread here on August 16.
  3. Anyone of GC.com care to comment?
  4. Yesterday, I updated some of my PQs and they were sorted in order of "last generated (PST)" column. Today, they are ordered by "Name". Although I like the neatness of this sort order, I like the "Last generated" order too... Is there a way to make both columns sortable? Thanks,
  5. As previously mentionned, a great view now needs a container.. why not hide one and let people see this great view as they are getting to the cache?
  6. To me.. Traditionals are found at posted coordinates. Unknowns/Mysteries can be solved, to get right coordinates, before going outside Multis have to be solved out in the field. Although some multis can be solved beforehand because of knowledge (of an area, statue, etc) or good googling.
  7. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and Calgary, Alberta? I was thinking "Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan" too and "Saint John, New Brunswick" where the Moosehead beer is brewed..
  8. I love it and thank you for it!
  9. Suisse Site Web: http://www.swissgeocache.ch/fr/index.php
  10. No! Don't pAnik! You got it! You're next CZ! Edit: More info here: http://gpsinformation.net/exe/waas.html
  11. No. These are 2 EGNOS satellites. And for the previous answers, 47 is also a current WAAS sat.
  12. 35 and 47? BTW, my Company provided almost all the antennas on the Iridium satellites.... it was quite an exciting project from a technical point of view, but a financial and marketing disaster! Nope! 35 is an current WAAS satellite.. I don't know about 47..
  13. Woohoo! Here goes.. (I know this from discussions on our local forum). What are the NMEA Satellite IDs for the 2 new WAAS satellites that are partially available now but will be fully operational this fall?
  14. Iridium network.
  15. Voici une liste des sites de Géocaching francophones. Geocaching en France Site Web: http://www.geocaching-france.com/index.php Forum: http://www.geocaching-france.com/forum/fsb/index.php Association Géocaching Québec Site Web: http://www.geocaching-qc.com/index.php/Accueil Forum: http://www.geocaching-qc.com/phpBB2/ Geocaching.BE (Belgique) Site Web: http://www.geocaching.be/web/fr/index.php Forum: http://www.geocache.be/forum_fr2/ N'hésitez pas à en ajouter d'autres! Je vais tenter de persuader GC.com de "pinner" de topic.
  16. LeGodFather

    222 ?

    192.. 193.. 194.. it depends.. who you aks! Wikipedia's list of sovereign states in English Wikipedia's list of countries of the world in French
  17. Thank you!
  18. I have a PQ that gets me all caches placed since June 20, 2006 (until October 11, 2006 - in case there are any events planned). When I run the preview, it says "Total Records: 225 - Page: 1 of 12" but when I get the PQ, it contains only 212 records . And it seems I'm missing the last 13 newly published caches. (or caches placed on July 14 and after). Waisted 2 PQs today just to confirm that. Is anyone looking into it? Thanks
  19. Très bonne suggestion sauf qu'il n'y a pas de modérateur ici.. peut-être qu'on pourrait demander à un des 3 modérateurs (Cache-tech, hydee, mtn-man) du forum Canadien?
  20. How does you questions fit in the categories mentionned above?
  21. Isn't this the Geocaching channel? For those with Rino's?
  22. Similar idea was the "cloning cache" (GCNZ8C) where you would take a ready-to-hide container and hide it. Once your cache placement had been approved by the reviewer, only then you could log the "cloning cache" as found. Edit: Typos
  23. Si on se fie à Geocaching Groups by Country il ne semble pas y en avoir!!!
  24. To me, there is usually training involved in sports.. but not for hobbies, and I don't train for geocaching. So, to me, it's a hobby/activity/recreation. Although when it's over 32°C (90°f)and I'm deep in the woods and sweat like a pig, it feels like a sport!
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