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Posts posted by LeGodFather

  1. And I was just kidding!


    Now I have to come up with a Question!


    Uh.. ok.. here goes..




    The question is about the 27 Earth-orbiting satellites (24 in operation and three extras in case one fails)


    At what altitude to they orbit (give or take 500Kms)?

  2. Hey, Grosse Famille, want to go down on a weekend and place it ourselves? If somebody from Quebec City ever wakes up to the idea we could simply adopt it out to them.

    If I had the time, I probably would have done it already!


    But, I'm sure that if you find a partner willing, that would be great.

  3. PS - Glad to know that Quebec will remain distinct. :mad:

    Ah man.. that's so funny..


    I found someone that could place a cache in Quebec City only in October/November.. would that be good enough?


    And, another question people ask me: can a currently active cache be converted for this project?


    :D I don't know why people don't want to get into this great project.


    I'll try to find someone that can do it sooner..

  4. j'ai pris un course de français intensif pendant les trois derniers mois derrière, donc je "bump" aussi.. :)

    Félicitations!!! J'espère que mes corrections à ton texte ne t'insulte pas! Je veux simplement t'aider à ton apprentissage! Encore Bravo! Le français n'est pas une langue facile! :rolleyes:

  5. If anyone would be interested:


    My husband is flying to Paris around November 18 for a week. I could find out what hotels he is staying at. I would love to send over a travel bug that is on its way to Holland (a grandmother dropped them off in Arizona and would like them to return to Holland - this is the best I can come up with right now!) and a coin or two to get put in caches over there.


    I figure he could leave the items at hte front desk (he is not into geocaching) if I had a name.


    Let me know if anyone is interested or if this is feasible. I can find out more details and post them.



    You would have better chance of getting an answer on the forum of www.geocaching-france.com.

  6. OK. Even if I was born in Montreal, I did not know that. But, I found this:


    Mont-Royal, Outremont and Westmount.


    Actually, they are all part of the same big mountain but they are 3 peaks.

    You da man! A toi mon cher...


    I was thinking of making a multi that would take you to the exact top of the three peaks, but appart from Mont-Royal which is online, I was unnable to locate the exact coordinates of the other two.


    BTW Mount-Royal is the tallest and main one, Westmount peaks to the west of it as you may have deciphered and the other one, is called exactly that, "other mount", Outremont which peaks north northwest.

    Yay! Yé! :huh:


    Ok.. here goes.. a two-parter!



    Of the 13 provinces and territories of Canada:

    1) which one has the largest freshwater areas? and

    2) which one has the largest combined land and freshwater areas?


    Hint: It is not the same answer for both.


    Whoever will answer correctly the last answer will be next!

  7. The nearest cache page was just showing old data. Although they were listed there as "unpublished" they are, in fact, published. It should catch up within the next hour or so.

    There are now only 12 of the original 18 showing "Unapprove Cache"..


    Thanks for the quick reply.

  8. I wonder this same situation in my first post. And also those caches are not downloadable at all.


    It is the same situation. The .LOC file is not there, but - if you are a premium member - the .GPX file is available from the cache page.

  9. When I list the newest caches for the province of Quebec (in Canada). There are 18 new caches that have been published today and all of them show "Unapproved cache" in the listing, but the real name is there when you visit every cache page.


    Clearing web browser cache or forcing a full reload of the page doesn't change anything.


    All these caches were published today by Cache-Tech.


    And, the Finnish seem to have to same problem

  10. Sorry for writing in English, but I don't write Finnish! :blink: (but, I do write French!) :lol:


    (Online translator helped me figure out that) I get the same problem here when I list the newest caches for the province of Quebec (in Canada). There are 18 new caches that have been published today and all of them show "Unapproved cache" in the listing, but the real name is there when you visit every cache page.


    Clearing web browser cache or forcing a full reload of the page doesn't change anything.

  11. Je voudrais acheter un GPS récepteur à Paris. Recommandations?


    Pardon my horrible broken French. Since it is a French-language forum, I figured that I should at least try. I'm in Paris, and need to buy a GPS receiver (bluetooth would be great, but not required). Any recommendations on locations with a good selection would be tremendously appreciated!


    Merci! Thank you!



    I'm from Québec, Canada so, I wouldn't know. But, you can always check out http://forum.geocaching-france.com/index.php the France forum.

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