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Everything posted by Pasha

  1. I know several people who use the altitude field to store other information about the cache - whether it's a micro or a multi, or the dif/ter ratings. I haven't figured out how to populate it automatically when loading from GSAK else I'd be using it myself; I don't think it's actually possible.
  2. The work you put in to learn it is paid back ten-fold in the time saved and the information you can mine from it... seriously. Take the time. For the macro you want, try this: GETMAIL Settings="PQs" onError=Prompt EXPORT Type=HTML Settings="Plucker" EXPORT Type=GPS Settings="GPS" You'll need to have saved settings with the indicated names (or change the names in the macro commands) in the "Get data via e-mail" dialog, the "Export\HTML Files..." dialog, and the "GPS\Send Waypoints..." dialog. Check the help file for each one to see what all the options do. If you want to download the PQs manually instead of automatically from your email account, change the first line to something like LOAD Settings="PQs" Database="Default"
  3. Archived caches are not included in PQs, and there's (as of now) no way to get them short of going to every one individually and clicking the Download GPX link. Dunno how the one got through; I suspect you got it marked archived some other way, through an individual download or something. Edit: also, what Mr. Quick Typist said.
  4. Here's the story. Apparently the solar panel on the unit extends the power-on time from 20 to 30 hours on the average. Other than that, there's not much information.
  5. For the first thing, just create a new database to load your new GPX into, if you don't want them to be combined. Second, use the Corrected Coordinates dialog instead of updating the coordinates in the Edit Waypoint dialog. Corrected Coordinates will never get overwritten by new GPX loads, while the logs and other information will get updated. Third... not sure what you're asking. Do you just want to import a PQ GPX file, or are you asking how to update individual waypoints with information from the logs or something? Fourth, since archived caches are not included in any pocket queries, there's no way to automatically remove them from your database. I find that normally a cache gets marked disabled before it gets archived, so I periodically filter on only disabled caches, then check them individually on the site using the right-click menu to see if they're archived or not. There's probably an easier way and I know there's been a couple threads about this exact issue in the past. Hope that helps.
  6. Isn't the Treo about the greatest thing ever? I've had mine for a month and love it more every day. Importing 750 caches into CM takes about 2 seconds. Mmmmm.
  7. Pasha

    Geoluau II

    OK, I might not be able to come now.
  8. Yeah, depends on what I'm doing - if it's the only cache of the day, on the way home from work or something, then I'll just delete it. Otherwise I change the icon so I have another record of the day's travels - it's useful to be able to see them on a map to refresh my memory of the order I should log them sometimes.
  9. Awesome Clyde, thanks. Posting my bodacious logger here turned up a few bugs so it's probably ready for prime time now.
  10. It's just amazing to me that Microsoft hasn't fixed this thing - it's been like that for years. I do a lot of web development and the hoops I have to jump through to make a simple download->open work correctly in IE are legion.
  11. A moon pony! KacheKrazy, you're going to love that Treo 650 - I got one a couple weeks ago and it's the bestest gadget ever. wap.geocaching.com works great on it. For that matter, the regular site works pretty good on it as well.
  12. I always just edit the waypoint and change the symbol to the "Geocache Found" symbol. I can then batch delete all caches with that symbol from the waypoint listing page. The easiest way I've found to get to the waypoint edit screen is to go back to the Nearest Waypoints listing - the one you've just found will usually be the closest. There really should be an easier way to edit the waypoint you're currently navigating to other than going back through the whole Find process.
  13. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you haven't tried it yet) a user pointed out a bug in my monster logging macro. It should only manifest if you try to set the saved Cachemate settings value to "none". The below code will take care of that. If you've already run the one above, you'll need to delete the "logem.dat" file in your GSAK\Macros folder before running this one. If you haven't seen any errors, don't bother replacing the old one. ############################################# # Macro to get the latest copy of Cachemate's # backup database, extract the finds, update # the local copy, then sequentially (by found # date and distance from home) open the # GC.com logging page with the user notes # from the local record copied into the # clipboard. Once logging is complete, finds # are moved to another database if the user # has defined that. # # REQUIRED: you must have a filter to # separate your "found" caches from the rest, # with (at least) "Found" checked under Found # Status - else you're going to be logging # non-finds. ############################################# Debug Status=Off # Data file path SET $datafile=$_Install + "\Macros\Logem.dat" # Does it already exist? IF (FileExists($datafile)) # Yes? Read config values and assign to our vars SET $vars=GETFILE($datafile) IF Left($vars, 7) = "*Error*" PAUSE Msg="Unable to read $datafile! ENDIF SET $database=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 1) SET $cm2gpx=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 2) SET $cm2options=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 3) SET $findsgpx=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 4) SET $cmsettings=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 5) SET $pdbfile=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 6) SET $findsfilter=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 7) SET $movecopysettings=EXTRACT($vars, ";", 8) ENDIF IF .NOT. (FileExists($datafile)) # No? Then we have to ask for the various values and check to see if they're valid. # Database in which to import finds SET $database="Default" SET $inputmsg="Enter the name of the datase to which to import finds from Cachemate" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$database" Varname=$database WHILE .NOT. (DataBaseExists($database)) SET $inputmsg="That database doesn't exist! Enter a valid database name:" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$database" Varname=$database ENDWHILE # Location of cm2gpx.exe SET $cm2gpx=$_Install + "\cm2gpx.exe" WHILE .NOT. (FileExists($cm2gpx)) SET $inputmsg=$cm2gpx + " not found." + $_NewLine + "Enter fully-qualified path to CM2GPX.exe" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$cm2gpx" Varname=$cm2gpx ENDWHILE # cm2gpx.exe command line options SET $cm2options="-f" SET $inputmsg="Enter cm2gpx.exe command-line options." + $_NewLine + $_NewLine + "(The default is to only import records in the 'Found' category. See the cm2gpx help for more information.)" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$cm2options" Varname=$cm2options # GPX file to write SET $findsgpx=$_Install + "\Macros\newfinds.gpx" SET $inputmsg="GPX file to write:" + $_NewLine + $_NewLine + "(The default should work for any installation.)" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$findsgpx" Varname=$findsgpx # Saved "Load Cachemate logs and finds" settings name, if any SET $cmsettings="New Finds" SET $inputmsg="Saved 'Load Cachemate logs and finds' settings name" + $_NewLine + $_NewLine + "(If you don't have one, delete this value and we'll use the defaults.)" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$cmsettings" Varname=$cmsettings # Cachemate database backup file to grab finds from SET $pdbfile="C:\PROGRA~1\palmOne\YOUR PALM USERNAME\Backup\DEFAUL~1.PDB" SET $inputmsg="Cachemate database file to grab finds from:" + $_NewLine + $_NewLine + "(Change YOUR PALM USERNAME to match your backup location, and change DEFAUL~1.PDB to match the PDB file to want, if different." INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$pdbfile" Varname=$pdbfile WHILE .NOT. (FileExists($pdbfile)) SET $inputmsg="No such file exists!" + $_NewLine + "Cachemate database file to grab finds from:" + $_NewLine + $_NewLine + "(Change YOUR PALM USERNAME to match your backup location, and change DEFAUL~1.PDB to match the PDB file to want, if different." INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$pdbfile" Varname=$pdbfile ENDWHILE # Filter name to only show found statuses. Crucial if you don't want to log LOTS of caches you haven't found. SET $findsfilter="Found" SET $inputmsg="'Finds' filter name:" + $_NewLine + $_NewLine + "(You MUST have a filter that shows only records with a 'Found' status, else you'll be logging LOTS of caches you haven't found yet.)" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$findsfilter" Varname=$findsfilter # Move/Copy saved settings name SET $movecopysettings="Found" SET $inputmsg="Move/Copy saved settings name:" + $_NewLine + $_NewLine + "(If you don't want to move or copy your new finds to a different database after logging, delete this value.)" INPUT Msg="$inputmsg" Default="$movecopysettings" Varname=$movecopysettings # Now save all those values for next time into $datafile, separated by; # If there's blanks SET $vars=$database + ";" + $cm2gpx + ";" + $cm2options + ";" + $findsgpx + ";" + $cmsettings + ";" + $pdbfile + ";" + $findsfilter + ";" + $movecopysettings SET $result=PUTFILE($datafile, $vars) IF Left($result, 7) = "*Error*" CANCEL Msg="Unable to write to $datafile!" ENDIF # End "No $datafile" IF ENDIF # Whew. Now we can actually do something with all those vars: # Select the database DATABASE Name="$database" Action=Select # Create a batch file to run cm2gpx to get around the inability to put quotes into a RUNPGM line SET $batfile=$_Install + "\cm2gpx.bat" SET $battext=$cm2gpx + " " + $cm2options + " -o " + $findsgpx + " " + $pdbfile SET $result=PUTFILE($batfile, $battext) IF Left($result, 7) = "*Error*" # If we can't create the batch file, we have to cancel. CANCEL Msg="$result" ENDIF # Run the batch file to create $findsgpx RUNPGM Pgm="$batfile" Wait=Yes # If the user hasn't defined a saved Cachemate setting, use the defaults. IF $cmsettings = "" CACHEMATE File="$findsgpx" ENDIF # If they've defined one, use it instead IF .NOT. ($cmsettings = "") CACHEMATE Settings="$cmsettings" File="$findsgpx" ENDIF # Filter so our list is only new finds FILTER Name=$findsfilter # If there's records in the filter, sort 'em and log 'em, pausing between each for the user to confirm. IF .NOT. ($_FilterCount = 0) CENTRE Location="Home" SORT By="FoundByMe;UserSort" WHILE .NOT. $_EOL CLIP tags="%UserLog" WEB url="http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?ID=%gcid" PAUSE Msg="Click Continue when logged successfully." GOTO Position=Next ENDWHILE # If the user has defined $movecopysettings, use them. IF .NOT. ($movecopysettings = "") MOVECOPY Settings=$movecopysettings ENDIF ENDIF # Done with everything. Remove the batch file and the GPX file. RUNPGM Pgm="C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" Parms=" /C del $batfile" RUNPGM Pgm="C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" Parms=" /C del $findsgpx"
  14. mrking, I just posted my "Logem.txt" macro to the existing GSAK Macros thread for this purpose. It's significantly more involved and more capable than the one that comes with GSAK, and you should be able to run it as-is without editing, as it asks for any configuration values it can't determine on its own. It should streamline the Cachemate->GSAK->GC.com logging process even further. Check it out and let me know what you think.
  15. With the release of GSAK 5.5 I can post my extra super-duper Cache Logging macro for taking finds from Cachemate on your Palm directly into GC.com's logging pages. It's very user-friendly - just run it and answer the questions. There's only one requirement: you need to have a filter to show only Found caches, else you'll find yourself logging all sorts of caches that you haven't found. The setup dialogs will take you through it. If you're NOT running Windows XP, you may need to change each instance of C:\Windows\ to match your own Windows location - on Win2K it should be "C:\WINNT\" but otherwise should work. Please advise if you have problems - about the only way the beta group has found to break it is to give it a bad Finds filter name, since there's no way (yet) for the macro language to check for the existence of a filter. (Edited to remove macro code - use the one 4 posts below instead.)
  16. It's like living with an older sibling that's better at everything, isn't it?
  17. GC5158. Haven't logged it yet but I know of a listed course pretty close to me that hasn't been logged. Keep meaning to run down there but keep not doing it. I've been noodling for a while on an idea to combine caching and disc golf, or discs anyway, but haven't fleshed it out enough to want to post about it yet.
  18. Well, I don't see anything wrong with them, but I've seen funky behavior with GMail as well. Nothing I've ever been able to isolate, but it just seems to sometimes miss files or say they're downloading but never actually appear. I think it's likely due to GMail's weird POP support, and again, I've never been able to reproduce it so I can't be sure. That said, it would be real simple to use a macro to get all your PQs with one GETMAIL and then import them to the correct databases. Here's what I use for a similar purpose: GETMAIL settings="Gmail" onerror=Prompt DATABASE Name="Found Caches" Action=Select LOAD Settings="Found Caches" Database="Found Caches" DATABASE Name="Default" Action=Select LOAD Settings="Standard Load" Database="Default" The GETMAIL gets all PQs but doesn't import any of them. The first LOAD uses saved settings to only import my "Found" PQ into the correct database, then the next LOAD imports all the rest of the PQs into my main database. Edit: Yeah, what Clyde said.
  19. Pasha

    Yahoo Maps

    Also be aware that adding &t=k to the end of that Google Maps string shows satellite photos instead of maps, so: Google Maps=http://maps.google.com/maps?&ll=%lat%2C%lon&spn=0.01,0.01&t=k
  20. Boxer Crew, I have a Palm Vx as well and while I've never seen it take an hour, for around 750 caches it takes perhaps 5-10 minutes. On my new Treo it takes about 2 seconds for the same number.
  21. Be sure that you don't have those particular records locked, as this will keep them from being updated by new GPX loads. I'm not sure what you mean by setting a cache to Archived other than manually... do you mean via macro or something? Be aware that GC.com does not provide archived caches in Pocket Query GPX files. The GCxxxx code of Disabled caches is by default shown with the red highlight, while archived caches have strikethrough text.
  22. Got all mine, up to the ones I logged last night. Seattle area.
  23. Clyde, I'm pretty sure you've got the right of it; Hotmail doesn't support POP3 access, but if you have Outlook 2000 (I think) or above, it has built-in extensions that allow direct downloading of Hotmail messages.
  24. User flags are your friend. Set your centerpoint. Press F7 to clear all User Flags. Go to the User Flag menu and choose Set for Next nn Records. Enter the number of caches you want. Filter using the built-in or user created "user flag=set" filter. Voila.
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