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Everything posted by Pasha

  1. If y'all haven't seen Cav Scout's new coin, it's really great. Here's a couple of nice pics.
  2. I got a used (though basically brand new, in the box) Palm Vx from eBay for about $50; you can find Palm III's and Handsprings for about half that depending on condition, so it doesn't have to be a major purchase. Besides Cachemate and Mapopolis, I use the memo pad pretty often, and have a bunch of games on mine to while away hours. I also have a sun compass (tell it where you are and the time of day, point it at the sun, it tells you which way North is and so forth.) There's thousands of free-for-the-download Palm apps out there, covering just about anything you'd want to do.
  3. Try saving the cache to your hard drive first (click Save instead of Run on the download dialog.) I have this same problem when I use IE6 instead of Firefox.
  4. Was that in response to my Blackberry query, or just a general urging? Cause I'm already completely paperless with my Palm and so forth. Just be nice to be able to do it on the Blackberry since that'll be my primary phone/pda/pager/gadget starting next week sometime.
  5. My boss at work has decided that he and I and a couple other executive types need to have Blackberry 7250's. I'm fine with that, obviously. I'm wondering, of course, if anyone knows of any caching or mapping software that works with Blackberry's OS? A lackadaisical Googling doesn't really turn up much of anything. However, looks like the OS is Java-based, so perhaps this is my opportunity to contribute something to the sport if nothing already exists. It'll be hard to shake the PHP and VB work I've done for the past 5 years off and try to remember the Java work I used to do.
  6. Mapopolis works pretty well. Kinda pricey, though, $10 per county map or $35 for unlimited map downloads for a year.
  7. Mapopolis. Downloaded the demo but haven't tried it yet.
  8. Ahh, yes, that was a fun show. I have a bit less hair now. No theater plans anytime soon... got other things I'm doing lately. Definitely planning on going to the Fling; just hope the family cooperates.
  9. Very cool. The one thing I can suggest is a viewing window.
  10. Well, the problem is likely with your file associations and not with GSAK. .GPX files are basically text files, as are Mapsource .MPS files. If you export a GPX or MPS file and then double-click it, and it comes up in Windows Media Player or some such, that doesn't mean it's an MPEG file, it means that Windows has that particular file extension set to open in the media player. Try exporting your file, then right-click on the exported file and choose "Open with..." then "Choose Program". In the following dialog you can pick the program that you'd rather open your GPX/MPS files with, instead of Media Player. There's also a checkbox to force your files to open with that program in the future. Hope that helps and that I'm understanding your problem correctly.
  11. Haven't found anything in North Carolina, but here's one in Latvia.
  12. Suppose it should instead read: $10 fee allows YOU to place two caches per calendar year. Each preserve has a limit of three total caches. Better?
  13. Why, yes, yes you would. My fame precedes me! I knew there was a reason I spent 20 years doing theater and nothing else with my spare time!
  14. That's quite a good idea; I just stole it and did the same. It's interesting to look at them and see patterns in what I do that I can improve. Here's my Hall of DNF Shame.
  15. As did I... very nice. My youngest is wearing one now, down to her ankles. Thanks.
  16. I'll be glad to help - that park is about a mile from where I work. It'd probably have to be during the week, though, as I live a significant distance away and try not to make my work commute unless I actually have to work. In the meantime, one of these days I mean to get the caches in that park - they're now within my five closest not-yet-founds from the office.
  17. I like Markwell's criteria... it'll save me any skull sweat thinking about it. Generally one can tell from the car if it's worth the try or not; one can see any muggles about, whether the tide's too high or that hungry-looking bear is in the way. For longer hikes, I'll revert to my previous method, which is if I actually search for the final with a reasonable expectation that I'm in the right area, and don't find it, I log the DNF.
  18. New to caching (thanks to Gordo1013, who most of you Kitsap/Pierce/Thurston cachers probably know already) but making up for lost time at a pretty good clip. Likewise on the names - it'd be fun to put faces with all these names I keep seeing above mine on logbooks and as cache owners. The only factor is my family and whatever plans they may have made for me already that weekend.
  19. You actually don't even have to Copy it - when you click Log Cache on the Notes screen, it automatically copies the Log Section note to the clipboard. All you have to do is paste it into the box, choose Found It in the dropdown, and submit.
  20. I think Green Achers meant GPSBabel. Check the gc.com Caching software resources page. (edited because it's Achers, not Archers.)
  21. I may need to come, with all this great swag available. We'll see.
  22. I don't get it.
  23. If I go to find a cache, and am able to search for the cache itself for a reasonable period of time, and don't find it, that's a DNF and I log it as such. If it's a multi and I can't find a waypoint or my final coordinates are obviously wrong, such that I don't even get to the final, I usually don't log that. If I can't search for the final because of muggles or whatever, I may post a note to that effect but usually won't log the DNF. Today's rainy-day caching resulted in 5 finds and 3 DNFs; in all three cases I searched for a significant period. In one case I'm pretty sure on reflection that I was in the wrong place for the final, but still... it's a matter of self-respect, I think.
  24. Yeah, I had 4 different macros set up to import the PQ, export the PDB, export to GPS, etc. Just for fun, I cut/pasted them all together, did some condensing, and stuck it all on one macro button. I don't usually use it, since the PDA doesn't need updates very often, but it's sure a gas when I do. Wheee! Clyde, you should stick A-for-Automated somewhere in the acronym.
  25. Just write the letter you want to go to on the Graffiti pad; it'll jump right to it. I don't think there's any options for sorting by anything but alphabet, but the author can confirm that better than I.
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