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Posts posted by Pasha

  1. I've been poking around with Smache for about a week, and the only thing that's not working is that the majority of GPX files I import fail out with various errors. The most recent error is this, importing a GPX from GSAK with nearly 1000 records:


    "There were errors encountered during the import. Error processing GPX file. Error writing caches. Error writing logs. Smache data structure exception: Error adding log to index. Log does not have a valid ID."


    After this error, the import summary shows zero imports, but the Total Caches database shows 825 records imported. None of them are viewable or show up when I open Total Caches, however.


    Similar errors all the time, with both Pocket Query GPX's direct from Groundspeak as well as from GSAK. When I export from GSAK, I just use the defaults because that will presumably be as close as possible to a "standard" GPX. I can send you sample files that fail if that will help.


    Thanks for the program - lots of nice features you don't see elsewhere.

  2. Yah!!! What Dick said!!! Congrats Jerry on #900. Thats alot of finds with that old gizmo you use. I think at 1K you deserve to upgrade to an X series. Heck, you deserve to upgrade now.

    Amen to the #900 congrats, and to the upgrade sentiments. I've been not-so-subtly trying to get Gordo to use my backup eTrex, but he just keeps sticking to that black brick thingy he's got.


    Actually, I have one too, slightly different model (GPS12). Still carry it around for emergencies.


    Congrats on 1K, Scoob, and thanks for waiting. :)

  3. It's a great upgrade, all sorts of new features. I found a cache with it already today.


    The one addition Geoniche needs is an easier way to get cache notes and/or found status back through the pipeline to gc.com - the export GPX works great but there's still a lot of macro writing and hand-editing to do to get my notes out of it and get them logged on the site. Thank heaven for GSAK's macro language. :lol:

  4. The worst part of the Fling was my email box Monday morning - so many cachers in the area, logging almost every one of my caches at least once. I had nearly 250 log emails today. Yow!


    The best part of the Fling was... well, you've heard it all by now. <_<

  5. There's radar? I get the feeling you people aren't telling me everything.


    I thought I could hold out until the Fling and make that #800, but it's just too hard to pass up new caches a block from my commute.


    Congrats to Pandora and Wienerdog as well. PP, I just checked your profile, fully expecting to see #2300 on there. It's been more than 24 hours. You're slacking! :rolleyes:

  6. Heh. I just came in here to find the URL to this thread so I could post it for you in the GSAK forum. Guess I don't need to do that now. :rolleyes:

  7. My favorite caches in the Sequim area so far are GCHWCF/The Plane! The Plane! and GCGG1T/Johnson Creek Trestle. If you haven't been to Trollville you should go - there's a virt there (GCGTAA). The various Track the Dragon caches up there are worthy trips, if only for the stories. I've only done a couple though, so YMMV.


    Depending on what route you take and how far off that route you're willing to go, I'd also recommend GCN2Z8/Just Past Point No Point at the northernmost point of Kitsap County, and GCKT6A/splish/splash in Ocean Shores.

  8. Sassy - check your email.


    Glad you guys had a good time on Whidbey, Dick - I meant to ask about how it came out.


    I hate that about Kitsap County. When my top 7 closest unfound caches are all on islands somewhere, that's just too much water.

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