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Everything posted by GPS Guy

  1. I think that depends on the individual park manager. Mine got to stay. They will have to move two years from now. I am archiving one because it is too close to another cache, and it would put me over the 5 cache limit for that park. Don't kill your caches until you talk to the manager of your park. You may be pleasantly surprised.
  2. Here are the permit stickers for cache containers in NYS Parks. (OPRHP) They are a quarter inch too tall for a film can.
  3. No, but I would! Ha Ha!!!! Congratulations Mrs Rusty! Now, get some rest!
  4. Rusty- You should demo that at our next tech meeting.
  5. My pal GeoKobi likes to lead the way on any hike we do. He is a 4 legged mobile entertainment system, and keeps me grinning all day. I just got the gc.com '05 calendar and lo and behold, he is one of the geodogs in the month of July!
  6. Holy cow! What a difference a lot of rain makes! Well, the first night and day of our event got drenched byIvan, but many campers and cachers still turned out for a soggy wet, cold day of good fun. I was impressed that so many came out to cache in the pouring rain. Our diehard campers had a blast partying, feasting and night caching. Always will we remember the comedy of CamillusGeo, who carried on for hours on end. Despite the rain, we all had a blast and a successful event. Thanks to all who helped, as well as those who attended in sub-optimal conditions.
  7. Bump!
  8. The Second Annual Capital Region Geocaching Picnic Will be held at John Boyd Thacher State Park September 18 and 19, 2004. We hope you can attend.
  9. Hope you have time to test the bike out well before you leave your sister's. Ride on!
  10. Voltaire- You still out there? How's the trip been going? I was back up at Kaaterskill Falls and Pancho Villa's for mexican dinner again today.
  11. Voltaire- I hope you enjoyed Zion. Have a great and safe trip!
  12. She logged this event on the 19th. GCJNDQ
  13. Voltaire- I see what you mean, now. When I enter the coordinates for highway 128 in Utah into the first seach page, I get results from far flung places like the Bahamas and Saskatchewan. When I manually enter the coordinates on the second search page like THIS, I get the proper results of all the nearest caches to the coordinates. Strange, but I don't have an explanation. BrianSnat- I had to climb a tree to get that shot! It resembles a historical photo I saw in a book that included the hotel and other structures atop the falls. I think the book was "Rip Van Winkle Railroads."
  14. I was at Kaaterskill Falls on Saturday. (Girlfriend wanted to get mexican dinner at Pancho Villa's in Tannersville.) We hung out at the top of the falls (Laurel House Rd.). I found one carving from 1829 and another from 1810. I also found ash, metal and china shards just upstream from the old Laurel House Hotel.
  15. Hey Voltaire, Check out these locations. NY Rt 23A west of Catskill, NY. Near Tannersville. See Kaaterskill Falls. I have some Southwest locations for you that topographically blew my mind. #1- Zion NP along Virgin River. N37d17.11', W112d56.90' Check the East entrance road, too. Major wind and water cut rock there. (See drainage below bridge at East end of tunnel.) #2- Glen Canyon Nat'l Mon. Anywhere you can see it. I hear the water is down to 60% capacity. I remember National Geographic covered the canyon while the waters were rising for the first time in the '60s. #3- Colorado River along Utah Highway 128. N38d48.23', W109d20.23' Red rock cliffs and water. #4- Colorado Nat'l Mon. South of Fruita, CO. N39d6.40', W108d43.97' Sleeping out under the stars is mandatory. Good luck with your trip!
  16. Congrats to Rusty on this new milestone! Many more to go.
  17. There was snow in North-South Lake Campground in the Catskills on the 25th. The temperature in my tent went down to 20 degrees.
  18. There are two caches on/near Cornell. Catskill Critters was last found on the 11th, and I found Maltby Hollow on the 25th. I had a great hike across Slide/Cornell/Wittenberg to the campground during the summer of '02. Met a bunch of yoga enthusiasts on top of Wittenberg.
  19. Yes, I do. On foot or snowshoes. I don't travel as far as I might during other times of the year, but I go. When I hide my caches, I keep in mind the future snow cover, so they won't be too hard to find in the winter.
  20. Sounds like fun... As long as no one is racing down the streets. [This message was edited by Marc G. on April 10, 2003 at 08:20 AM.]
  21. See the BBB report Here: http://www.labbb.org/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=wsbroker1/C%3A/Inetpub/wwwroot/SouthlandReport/default.htm?hCompID=13155800&hAKAID=1&hAddrID=1 They did not refund my credit card until several months later when I threatened to take action. I'll never do business there again. I believe anyone who does is making a mistake.
  22. When I started the nearest was over 100 miles away and there were fewer than 140 caches worldwide. So, I placed the first two in the region and waited a while before anyone found them. Finally someone else hid one not too far away and I could go seek. Lots of fun ever since.
  23. NOAA has posted a story here: http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories/s1055.htm The FCC has approved a NOAA request to allow hikers and outdoor enthusiasts access to the same technology that pilots and ships use to signal for rescue. Available July1, 2003. Comments, please.
  24. Here is a site to fit the bill. http://www.jesseshuntingpage.com/cams.html
  25. I use 2 gallon plastic paint pails with snap on lids. They do a good job of keeping out the water. I always use ziplock bags as a precaution. The pails are available at Home Depot.e
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