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Everything posted by GPS Guy

  1. The Event Page has been posted by Peter0224. A number of cachers have already booked their campsites in loop 4. (The ones who like to stay up late.)
  2. I also am in the Capital Region, and with an appointment to meet the park manager, I walked in, gave him the information he needed, and left with the permits in my possession. edit typo.
  3. This time be sure to bring the right sleeping bag...
  4. I really wore out Geo-Kobi the day Rusty O Junk and I bushwhacked Spruce Mtn on Lake George, then climbed Vanderwhacker. Kobi pooped out at the summit. He still insists on going whenever I reach for my boots, or go near the truck. I feel so guilty when I see the look of anticipation on his face turn to disappointment when he realizes he has to stay home "this time".
  5. The New York Capital Region Geocachers (NYCRG) announce their 4th annual picnic to be held on September 16 and 17, 2006 at North-South Lake State Park in Haines Falls, NY 12436. Now that the pavilion reservation is locked in, we hope this early tease will enable you to plan on being there. We have moved south this year with hope that our fellow cachers from downstate NY, CT, NJ and everywhere else will be attracted like moths to a flame for a weekend of caching, hiking, camping and fun. North South Lake State Campground is on the east side of the Catskill State Park with 219 camp sites. It is perched on the escarpment, 9 miles SW of Catskill, NY, with commanding views of the Hudson Valley, and the Catskill and Taconic Mountains. Details will be posted as they become available. Look for a sunrise hike to Artists Rock, and a sunset hike to Sunset Rock. Join us! Reserve America campground details View from Sunset Rock of North Lake, Hudson Valley to left and Kaaterskill High Peak to rear. Edit: add photo caption.
  6. HERE is a link to The FAA's NOTAMS for select areas. Click on the button for "All GPS NOTAMS". It verifies the lack of good GPS signals over Tonapah. I would suspect a ground based "jammer" at the location due to the fact the effect is at a shorter range at lower altitude.
  7. There was a period of time that the various parks had not yet been issued the permit stickers, application forms and instructions. Perhaps this was the cause for the delay. HERE is a link to some info on cache placement in NY State Parks. edit added link.
  8. Hmmm, What are the odds of my gettin' it done from the pavillion? The good stuff always happens when I'm working. At least I can look forward to those things that we shall not speak of here... Bowman had a lake, so does Moreau Lake.
  9. Excellent!
  10. And a flashlight and map and jacket. At least she told her husband where she was going, and knew to sit tight in one place.
  11. New York Capital Region Geocachers Annual Picnic This year the event will be on Saturday and Sunday the 24th and 25th of September at Moreau Lake State Park, southwest of Glens Falls, NY. Camping is available in the park. We hope to see you there.
  12. THIS cache would make a big loop. Or, if your boat driver wants to drop you off a couple of times, then pick you up later west of Hatchet Island, you could make a point to point hike of it. Have fun!
  13. Too close to a multi already there.
  14. HERE are recent guidelines for cache placement in areas managed by NYS OPRHP. Thanks to Peter0224 for posting them.
  15. Bump! Some of us are going overnight to the Rocky Lounge Cache on 4/2-3/05. Details are HERE.
  16. On the trails and roads around North Lake State Campground in the Catskills, I have come across a total of four bears and five cubs on three different occasions. Mamas and the cubs were looking for garbage and food in the campground, and the two loners were on the trail. I've seen plenty of berry filled scat on the trails around there, but no bells, whistles, or cans of pepper spray.
  17. NYS DEC plans to require the use of bear proof food canisters in the eastern high peaks of the Adirondacks. LETTER I see EMS has stocked up on canisters at $70.00 a pop.
  18. I probably wouldn't have confronted 4 men with an axe either, but it really should have been reported right away. Complaining here didn't do anything to solve the problem. Calling the rangers would have.
  19. A number of us plan to rush the border from the Albany area. See you there.
  20. Just the Facts NY DEC comments on Black Bears.
  21. Just to draw a distinction on the map that NYADMIN links to. Two of the regions shown on the map are DEC managed areas, not OPRHP. They are the "Adirondack Park" and "Catskill Park" regions. The only OPRHP facility within those regions that I can find is the John Brown Farm State Historic Site near Lake Placid.
  22. Rusty just hit 1000 today. At least, according to his stats page. His log meter still shows 999. Apparently it doesn't count the CITO or maybe the locationless he did. Anyway, it's close enough for me. Congratulations Rusty! Now take a vacation, or something!
  23. We are planning a CITO event for Schodack Island State Park.
  24. I just got my permits from another state park today. I will have to archive one multi cache in the spring to comply with the 5 part rule. I will also have to move one part of my multi cache a few feet due to the manager's concern for a hazard that caused a problem in the past, unrelated to caching. (I had told him exactly where the cache was. Doh!) Once again, the process was easy. I called ahead to meet with him, marked up a park map, filled out the permits and now have the stickers for my pre-existing caches. I have no info on the 1/4 mile rule, as my 2 caches are over the limit, and I registered first, so no conflicts with any other cachers. It remains to be seen if the manager is concerned about strictly enforcing that. I remain hopeful that he is not. By the way. His opinion is that the 20 foot rule will be more likely to cause stub paths to form, compared to hiding further from the trail. He allowed me to exceed 20 feet from the trail.
  25. They only want to know which website the cache will be listed on, and the name of the cache as it will be listed. Not the GC number. As far as maps go, all you need is a copy of the park map with an indication of where your cache is. I don't think they expect you to create your own topo map. I usually can find maps at the trail kiosks or outside the park office. Or, just plan ahead and bring a map with you to the park.
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