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Everything posted by Henki

  1. I laughed at this because I DID ignore it because it's listed as a webcam.
  2. Y'all are very sweet to offer to set up events for us, but our time on this trip will be severely limited. I do thank you for the offer, though!
  3. So many great looking caches and so little time! Thank you all for the suggestions, and special thanks to Haggis Hunter for the emailed recommendations, including the bus route for getting to Rosslyn Chapel. We have a great list to work from now, and I can't wait to get over there. FYI The beautiful photos posted to the cache logs are great incentive to get others to do some of thee caches - so much nicer than the multitude of micros in parking lots we have around here. scottpa - Anglesey is definitely on the list of must-sees, thanks to you. The word "Druid" perked up my daughter's ears! Church in the Sea looks great; we'll have to try to do that one when we're there. SidAndBob - The Devil's Pulpit was already on our list. Tintern Abbey is our main reason for staying in Chepstow. Cathedral in the Forest looks amazing. Y'all have got some gorgeous countryside; I've wanted to visit these areas for most of my life and I have a feeling I won't want to leave. (By the way, is your user name the names of your dogs? Ours is, too.) Thank you all again!
  4. Ooh, y’all are giving some good recommendations. The cache page for Ghost Train has me spooked! This is something we can do during the day, isn’t it? I’ll be leaving my husband at home for this trip and traveling with just my mom and my daughter. I’d hate to get us lost out there at night. We will have a car once we leave London for Devizes, and we’ll have it all through Wales, dropping it off at the Manchester airport before flying to Edinburgh. If you live in these areas, you may want to stay off the roads 21 May – 30 May as I’ve never driven on the “wrong” side of the road before, at least not intentionally. My husband’s somewhat convinced I’ll wipe out 3 generations of our family in one trip, but I’m determined to prove him wrong. Mel - We have reservations at a B&B in Conwy for 3 nights; wish I had known your family had a place there. I searched for a while before I found accommodations. I’d love recommendations for caches in the area, though. We’ll be driving up to Conwy from Llandridod Wells (after spending just 1 day in Hay on Wye for the book fest), and plan to explore the areas of Snowdonia and Caernarfon (apologies for misspellings) and possibly Anglesey. The lions look cool! Are the Menai Straits near Anglesey? We had heard that there are some interesting old Celtic items there, but I haven’t found anything to tell me what we’d see there and where we’d find it. My daughter is very interested in Celtic mythology, ancient ruins, and the like. Unfortunately we won’t be able to do The Charlesworth Family Seat if it’s only open on weekends; we’ll only be in that area during the week. When we leave the UK, we’ll head to Ireland and spend one night on Inis Mor; I see that there’s one traditional and one virtual cache on the island. Then we’ll pick up another car on our way out of Galway, drive to Lisdoonvarna, and spend the next 2 days driving around County Clare. I don’t know if any of you know of good caches in those areas of Ireland or not, but if you do, please pass them along. Thank you!
  5. I will be in the UK for 3 weeks starting mid-May, and I intend to do a few caches while there. My daughter groaned when I mentioned this, fearing we wouldn’t get to see or do anything else. As my caching time WILL be limited, I’m trying to find listings for caches that will take us someplace interesting that we might miss otherwise. For instance, I found this one, Tiny Old Church, which looks pretty cool and is not far from where we’ll be staying. Can any of you recommend others similar to this in the following areas? ENGLAND: London Devizes – daytrips to Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury Hill (I already bookmarked the virtuals for those places); Bath, Wells, Glastonbury WALES: Cardiff (1 day only, to see St. Fagans) Chepstow, Monmouthshire Llandridod Wells (1 night only) Conwy SCOTLAND: Edinburgh Thanks for any advice! Henki
  6. Thanks again, Wombles; I didn't realize that. Bongtwashes - I'll put in a word for y'all, but my opinion and 50 cents won't even get you a decent cup of coffee.
  7. What a great idea! Thank you! I'm not 100% sure of where we'll be going just yet, but I did want to play around and see which areas have caches that would coincide with our proposed itinerary.
  8. Thanks! Like a dolt I didn't even think about the fact that I could probably enter a postal code and run a PQ. I was strictly looking at the Hide & Seek a Cache feature which won't allow you to enter a postal code unless you're searching in the US. It would be awfully nice if they let you search by county, wouldn't it?
  9. We'll be visiting the UK next summer, and I'd like to do a bit of caching while we're there. Since I won't be bringing my computer, I'll have to figure out which caches are near to where we'll be before actually leaving home. When I travel in the US, I can run a pocket query for caches in a certain postal code. When I looked at the Hide & Seek a Cache page and clicked on the UK, it brings up all the caches in the UK, not separated by area or even country. Is there a way to narrow this down a bit? For instance, say I'll be in the Bath, England area. How could I narrow it down to just show caches in the Bath area? Thanks for any assistance!
  10. This event is really shaping up to be a big one. We have commitments from cachers in LA, MS, and TX so far, and would love to have more of you. Plenty of games for the kids, and plenty of good fun for all. The event's at Percy Quin State Park in McComb, MS, and the weather promises to be nice. Why not join us? Cache page - Katrina Survivors Event
  11. Okay, I checked really quickly, but I don't think anyone's given you this article. I bought a Tungsten E-2 and went paperless using GSAK & Cachemate. It gives step by step directions, along with pictures of what the screens will look like. I'm no techie, and I think it's a breeze. Florida Paperless Caching Article
  12. I've been away from this thread for a few weeks and missed all the excitement. So sorry to hear that Ozzie's missing, but I've enjoyed this thread immensely. Thanks!
  13. You must have a better camera angle than I do
  14. Thanks for the info. We've been to Pensacola many times, and I've always wanted to visit the museum there. I don't know that I'll have the time this trip, but Dad's staying for the week and may be able to get over there.
  15. Thank you for being a responsible trainer! We experienced problems in this area every year when a local school district has a tech training day. They use existing caches. The teachers stuff micros with their calling cards, leave caches out in the open, etc. We're trying to get them to contact a local cacher to work with the tech trainer. In this way we can set out special caches for their purpose (as you do) without the worry of them muggling our caches. Some local cachers had so many caches damaged by these teachers, that they made them all " members only" caches for a while. To the OP - You did the right thing!
  16. Thanks, Rob, for all the great info! I like to buy local maps of anywhere I stay, and not just for caching purposes. I love exploring new places. We WILL be staying at one of the overpriced condos on the beach, but fortunately the owner is a friend of my parents and we've got a much reduced price. (I've paid the hotel on the beach prices in Navarre, and this is cheaper!) Do you know anything about the aviation museum at Eglin? My dad has been hinting that he'd like me to bring him there.
  17. We'll be in Destin for Labor Day weekend. My caching time may be limited by family obligations. Any MUST DO caches around?
  18. This is by far the best thread on the forums. We'll be watching Ozzy's progress daily. FYI Gailois - I was certain you made all that stuff up. Who knew there were so many names for bird poop?
  19. Looks like a snake to me.
  20. You could always e-mail the current holder and ask him/her to place it in an actual cache after the event.
  21. The Yahoo group is up and running at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lageo/
  22. FYI The La. Geocaching site apparently has gone up in smoke. EDIT: Apparently the site is just experiencing server problems.
  23. Thanks for the work you're doing on this, N2S! We already have our cabin reserved, and we're looking forward to meeting our MS caching friends.
  24. Excellent idea!
  25. We were caching on a local college campus over the Christmas holidays, figuring it would be pretty empty. I was trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, putting my GPSr down by my side whenever we encountered someone. We walked past a building just as someone was walking out, and as we passed, he called out, "Finding any good caches today?" Turns out he's the one who's hidden most of the caches on the campus. It was a nice chance encounter.
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