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Everything posted by SeekerOfTheWay

  1. Ditto! Except I don't have a shelter. I'll have to look into that. Here's some things I carry. I just got a new REI pack that I love! First aid kit Signal mirror Whistle Flare Emergency blanket Water purification tablets Swiss army knife Pepper spray Compass Bear bells Matches Small candle Flint Bug spray TP Itch lotion Hand sanitizer Small wood soaked in fuel or something Rope Hikers handbook I think that's about it.
  2. Will the La Crosse charger be able to charge both kinds of batteries? Or just the NiMh?
  3. I just started thinking about where to go for good hiking caches. Trying to locate some in Florida. I'd like to try Ocala, The Everglades. Are there caches in the Grand Canyon? I'd LOVE to do a multi day rafting/caching trip.
  4. Good information, thanks. I get it now!
  5. I do this, unzip and I see the two files. I drag and drop the firrst file that ends in .gpx into my Garmin gpx folder. I see the caches loaded into my Colorado fine. What is that second file for? Do I need to drag and drop that into the Garmin gpx file too?
  6. Honest question here, if there's not much to say about the cache why bother looking for these types? What are you getting from caching them? A quick fix, sure but to the point that you have to bulk log them? Wouldn't you rather be hunting the ones that leave you with a story to tell? I would rather but I can't always. I was hunting with another team. It was a nice way to get out of town and see an area I've never been to. But for the caches I didn't have much to say. I'd like to bulk log those.
  7. Aren't all lamp posts and guardrails owned by someone? Do the reviewers really believe the COs got permission for all of those?
  8. If the electric looks fake then I'll check it out. If it looks real or I can't get inside easily I stop my search of the electric box etc. Not worth it to me. I have a fake electric box stamped with GE in my yard drilled into a piece of wood stuck into the ground. It's pretty obvious that's its fake. Last week I was caching with a team and the one member found the cache on the end of a wire that was attached to 2 real wires. I suppose that none of the wires were hot..no idea really. I never would have found that one because I don't want to risk getting shocked. It was rated a 4.
  9. I'd like to find long hike caches in Florida. How can you search for those?
  10. Thanks for all the advice! Very helpful. I'm pricing a few now.
  11. That brings the whole lame cache and cachers who hunt them argument. It's been posted many times that lame caches deserve lame logs. I can't totally diagree with that. I try to not do caches I won't like, but I get tricked or am with a group sometimes. I usually don't even sign or log them. I don't want to encourage hides I abhor. Others can do that. I wish everyone would quit logging lame caches and they would slowly go away, but I won't hold my breath. I won't disagree with "lame caches deserve lame logs" either. Every time this subject comes up, there are multiple people who chime in with similar responses to Seeker of the Way. Most active cachers will find any and all caches listed on the website, be they great or lame. I, like M5, ignore caches I consider "lame", so you'll never see a 5 word or less park-n-grab log from me. Except for the time a n00b serial "TFTC" logger hid his first cache, and I dropped a "TFTC" log on it. I thought that was pretty funny, If I don't say so myself. Hey, my log wasn't lame! Nor was the cache. I never said that. My point is quick png gets a shorter log because there's not too much to say. Which is why I'd like to see a way to bulk log...
  12. Yes, , I am hopefully that Virtual will return. I missed them completely. I did one and it was great.
  13. That should go over well with the reviewer: "Needs maintenace because I stole the container". I would suggest putting the cache back where it belongs. As noted by others, none of your reasons are valid reasons for getting a cache archived. Lol! I should have posted that! However my reasons are valid. The CO is not active and not maintaining. There are 4 NMs logs. I, and others, have been replacing the container. I unstuck it from the mud yesterday and put it up in a log to stay dry. That *was my mistake. I'm not an evildoer here trying to steal someone's cache or get it archived! I'd rather adopt (and move it down a bit) it but I can't. There is no one to steal it from because it's an orphan. I just want to make sure the caches are in good shape, not trash and that the park stays clean.
  14. I put the container back...which was my container since I maintained this cache...this AM. I'll wait for it to degrade and then I, and others, will log a NM. Then I'll log a NA. Shouldn't take long because the area gets flooded. Then I'll move the cache using the same trail but further down in a dry spot and list it. The reviewer is very helpful. I don't think they're thinking I'm being annoying. Hopefully not. I just wanted to state my case. I learned a lot from this actually.
  15. This makes me think twice about doing any maintenance for others caches. Maybe it promotes CO laziness? I was under the assumption that COs checked their caches often. Now I don't know if that's true by the replies here. I'll still check mine often though. If I find that most COs don't maintain their caches I'd be really disappointed with this game.
  16. Ok, I logged a NM now asking the CO to check on this. I didn't know that was necessary. I've logged NA and the caches have been archived. I think only once did I log a NM first.
  17. I emailed the CO in July. No reply. I emailed them again today. They haven't logged on in a year. This CO has almost all their caches archived. That's about 8. With all due respect to the reviewer, who is more qualified to assess the situation? I've seen the cache, seen the area and have fixed it once. I logged a NA. Should I log a NM that say it isn't being tended to?
  18. Thanks, yes. You stated it better than I did. The parks that I frequent I do check on the caches from time to time and make sure they're ok. Dry and logs replaced. I don't mind that at all. I can't do this for this cache because it's in a bad spot now. I don't have a lot of spare containers around, and it wouldn't help this one. I'm not the cache police and I live and let live. But I am concerned about the parks and any litter. Any that I hide requires no buckwacking because I don't want anything destroyed. Nor do mine require a hard search. I'm stuck as what to do know. I have the cache container and it's active. I don't want to put it back because I feel that that is littering.
  19. You need to look for some of mine, my pine cone is probably my least imaginative! not all nanos are horrible or in bad places. I can't say they all are, true! The ones I have found are. Hopefully I'll find some that change my past experience! I'm getting good at rolling them tightly though.
  20. Moreover, the CO is in Kansas half the year! What more can be needed to archive! Lol.
  21. Cache police? I maintain caches when I see they need it. Logs, containers, cleaning. That is a good thing, not bad. The others that were archived 2 were in this park. I picked one up today that was archived. The other has been chopped up because of major clearing. I am more interested in COs maintaining their caches so that the parks aren't littered, rather than trying to convince a reviewer. They aren't local to here. I invited them to come look at the area. It states in the guidelines that a CO must maintain their cache. It seems black and white to me. You don't maintain, you have abandoned your cache, it can get tossed. How can you justify someone placing a cache and then leaving the game? As the cache owner, you are also responsible for physically checking your cache periodically, and especially when someone reports a problem with the cache (missing, damaged, wet, etc.). In the event that a cache is not being properly maintained, or has been temporarily disabled for an extended period of time, we may archive the listing.
  22. There are boring ones, but that can be said for all cache sizes. Have a look at the logs on this one http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...9b-8af679437cb2 or this one http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...89-15db19d04bfe Both are Nano's and the logs speak for themselves..... if you ignore this type/size of cache you will miss out on some good ones..... I'd like an easily found nano in a park if an ammo can couldn't be used. I'll agree to that. The second cache you posted doesn't sound like one I'd like. No walk, no good view. Just that I haven't come across that yet. Hopefully I do! I guess I could filter based on scenic view? Is that possible?
  23. I've found one nano that I liked. It was inside a pinecone. That was clever. Other than that I dislike nanos, their logsheet, and they think they're so cute. Ha. They're usually boring caches. I wish there was a size listing for nano so I could ignore them. I don't mind micros.
  24. I would like to place a cache there, yes. But that's not the reason it needs to go. I've gotten other caches archived for the same reason as this one. The CO isn't doing upkeep. That's a reason to archive to me. Someone who places a cache then leaves it is leaving garbage. I have no need to be sneaky. I told the reviewer that I removed the cache and that I'll reuse that container for another cache. I won't replace the cache in the same location. I emailed the CO in July about the cache. That is enough time for them to repair and update it.
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