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Everything posted by SeekerOfTheWay

  1. I will fast forward through any commercial caches! I hope commercial ones are never allowed. Not everything is this world needs to be a cash cow for someone.
  2. I'm really not into swag. But I went caching with kids once and they totally are. So I try to stock my bigger caches with kid crap. I put in things like necklace making kits, colored pencils, stencils, shrek action figure. I kinda have no idea what kids like though! In one of my ammo cans I left 2 or 3 DVDs in single cases in a plastic bag. I found a DVD in a cache once and while I didn't take I thought it was really neat. I have a bag in a cache that's meant for cachers to leave their signature items in. Love those. Other than that, swag is mostly dusty and creeps me out!
  3. Low 31, High 58 one day. That was the coldest day so far.
  4. You must have the VZW 8330 Curve. The GPS is locked down on that BlackBerry. That's a pretty old BlackBerry. All VZW BlackBerry phones now have unlocked GPSr, starting with the almost 2 year old Storm 1. Time for an upgrade for you I think.
  5. I was surprised anyone went after them yesterday! Crazy snowbirds!
  6. Q. I have just bought Geocache Navigator. What should I do now? A. You need to do the following: 1 . Install the software on your phone. To do this, please follow the instructions from your service provider. 2 . Choose a PIN number. You only need to do it once, when you start the Geocache Navigator application for the first time. 3 . Create an account at Geocaching.com if you don't have one 4 . Link your phone to your Geocaching.com account.
  7. To link the app to the geocaching.com site: http://www.geocaching.com/my/linktodevice.aspx
  8. Have you tried using your BlackBerry PIN #? I have this app but I bought it so long ago I can't quite remember if I used my BlackBerry PIN or if I created a PIN in GCN app. If the BlackBerry PIN doesn't work, open the app, go to settings, change PINS. According to this, you need to create a PIN within the app itself. In order to link Geocache Navigator to your account, you need to enter in your phone's ID from the application, then enter the PIN you created for your logs on the phone. Once finished you will be able to retrieve all of your outstanding Field Notes.
  9. It's freezing! Ok, not literally but I feel freezing! I hid 2 caches yesterday and they'll go unfound until it warms up! This is horrible. The heat is turned on!? Ugh
  10. I wish I could adopt one of the ECs! I'm too far away though. I hope they're saved as is. It seems like making, and getting ECs published, is a lot of hard work and effort. I've only done one EC because there aren't any close around here.
  11. Thanks so much for the information (and welcome), guys! I'll start researching all that! Yes, I can see it takes more effort than tupperware. I may give it a try!
  12. Ah, ok. Thanks. I'll search for it there then. Will be a good start to learning Wherigo until I can find one around here!
  13. I've only done one Earthcache and I loved it! It's nice to be taken to a special spot and actually learn something! How do I go about making one in my town? How do I find what qualifies here?
  14. I was awesomely gift a Colorado GPS and it has 5 Wherigo caches loaded onto it by the owner, including a demo. I'd like to play these, and I will, but I can't seem to locate them on the website. I'd like to get the smile for completing them! Any insight into this? The names are: Astro Toolbox Primitive Compass Navi For example. And they say, Play Anywhere. Thanks. I'm looking forward to trying Wherigo!
  15. I would love to be a full time RVer without a base! Maybe someday I will do that in my Subaru with a tent! Sounds great.
  16. Surprisingly, my new cache is the longest hike in this town! It's a small town that I'd consider...suburban...I guess is the right word. It's definitely not a city. There are so many parks here that are truly "wild" in that some have large trails that are overgrown with lots of animal paths. The Charlotte Harbor Preserve for example. There are caches in there and they are pretty tough (to me). 2 local cahers have that placed locked up! I won't hide in their area. That's cool with me. The caching community here is fairly recent; within the past year new cachers have emerged. It's also probably considered a retirement community. There are a lot of park and grabs but also lots of caches in no man's land. The SnowBirdsVT have around 8000+ finds and have hidden tons around here! The issue with the parks is that they pretty much all need permits. I think that has stopped a lot of hiders. The reviewer for this area (Palmetto) has been SO helpful in giving me contact info when I submit a cache that needs a permit. It's really a simple process and those that issue the permits are very nice. I think I'll get good responses to my hiking/park caches. So far I have. I know there's a few local cachers who won't be able to do them because of physical limitations. I'm sorry for that. But I have to hide what I like. I have a few easy T caches too though. I know a few cachers that just don't like rural hides. There's room for all kinds imo. What I'm finding is a lot of abandoned caches. I think I've had 7 or so archived so far. 1 I took over the spot. I'm not sure why that is happening... Also, my new caches may get melted in the next controlled burn so I have to replace them with ammo cans asap and watch them closely! I can't believe how many new parks I've discovered through geocaching. That's why I love this game. As for my rating, I'll watch the feedback. It seems that it's a bit subjective! The more experience I get, the lower I'd rate harder hikes!
  17. If you read the entire thread, instead of selectively quoting me, you'll see that LPCs permissions were brought up and someone mentioned that owners would not give permission to hide LPC because of the danger factor. So it does fit in with the topic. LPCs usually have no permission from property managers (or whoever owns them) and permission probably would be denied because of the risk of injury.
  18. Thanks for the feedback. I did lower them a bit and posted a note to finders for their input. The trail is even and easy. I don't require bushwhacking because the trails and park is what it's about for me. I plan on hiding more in there, up to a 10 mile hike if possible. So I'll use higher Ts for those. Thanks for the help. As far as being as effective closer ...not sure what you mean. It's a big park with lots of animals and scenery! I do have one closer to the trailhead than those in another nice spot. Part of the purpose of these caches (to me) is the actual hike in. I want them to be far. I need more ammo cans!
  19. If you have a smartphone get an app for it. That's the cheapest! The BlackBerry apps range from FREE to $20! Paperless!
  20. That one is on my must do list!
  21. Thanks for all the tips! I don't have a local REI but I can get a book to learn to use my non electric compass. I'd like to be able to do that in case something happens to my GPS and BlackBerry. I'll also research for paper maps of the trails around here, I never thought about that. The topo map on my Colorado is pretty good. It shows me water (canals and etc) so I've found that very useful. Maybe someday Google will come out with a GPS and we'll have google maps on it. I use google maps on the BlackBerry once in a great while now...because it drains my battery. I want my BlackBerry charged in case I need a lifeline. Lol, I've only hikes 4 miles so far...but I plan on further! Thanks again!
  22. He did not have orange on as far as I could tell. He was in all camo and had a rifle. As soon as I noticed he was there I stopped singing (mostly out of embarrassment). But it made me wonder if I should be quiet the rest of the hike. lol @ married men. Any man or pack of men makes me a bit nervous in the woods. What are those crazy guys doin out there!? Ha. But, seriously, I'm cautious but not fearful. Just passing nervousness.
  23. I've received very positive feedback on my yard cache! I hunted a yard cache too, right in the front yard where there was a big window. Didn't feel weird at all. As I saw it, I was an invited guest had a blast!
  24. Thanks for all the input so far. I now agree that distance is a factor when rating the T. The more I thought about it, if my caches takes an hour and a half to complete that's a pretty big commitment. Some planning is needed. I rated that a 3. The other I rated a 2.5. They are my "Take A Hike!" series if anyone cares to look them over and offer further suggestions.
  25. Wow, awesome! Thanks guys! Not sure I could do that on my BlackBerry. I'll work on getting permission. My other 2 caches just got their permits just now. Publishing now... Thanks for all the info!
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