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Everything posted by Paledunn

  1. Thanks all. Some really good stuff here. I’ll keep them in the bottom of the geo bag I guess. Just locked...
  2. I keep getting couch logs because I inadvertently posted pictures when activating a few dog tag trackables. I removed the pictures once I realized they automatically post to a public gallery but apparently the pictures were copied and circulated before I deleted the originals. I’ll take it as a learning lesson and just keep them locked and trash them.
  3. I’m not finding a method to delete a trackable. I see that there’s a lock option but no delete.
  4. I have activated a trackable but still have it in my inventory. I’d like to gift it to someone else. If I delete it can it be reactivated by its new owner.
  5. I understand now... thanks all. I had posted a picture of each trackable when I activated each not realizing that the pictures would end up on a public gallery. I deleted the pictures as soon as I realized the pictures were not protected. I don’t agree with the practice of “scalping “ trackables in that manner.
  6. How are users logging my dog tag trackables when I haven’t placed then in a cache yet.
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