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Everything posted by pppingme

  1. For me, 500 caches barely covers 12 miles, for others it covers less than 5. When I'm out and about, my typical work area (and fun and play areas) are well over 12 miles, and definitely well over 5. 500 caches just doesn't cut it.
  2. Since ALL pq's are saved forever, this obviously isn't a space or resources issue. Don't believe me? Create a pq, bookmark the preview url, delete it, the preview will now work forever. A handy way to not have pq's that are only for filters or preview purposes count against you.
  3. Myfinds is no longer emailed, somehow thats supposed to be an improvement.
  4. I would consider that a possibility, but I just looked at the page 2 days ago and I'm about 99% sure everything was still selected, so these aren't unselecting as they are being run, and some that ran yesterday were still selected, some were not. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason and what was unselected and still selected doesn't seem consistent in any way that I can see.
  5. This happened to both me and my wife. We each have several pq's that run weekly, on different days of the week. Almost all of them were unslected this morning, and of course we didn't get our pq's. These are all 500 pq's that have been running for quite a while. Is gs unselecting pq's again without notifying?
  6. If they have run in the past 24 hours this is normal, they will disappear after 24 hours. Most likely you have logged some cache twice. You probably have 167 finds logged against 166 caches, so both numbers are technically correct. Ahh, this very issue is being discussed in a couple different threads right now. Most people use pq's to automate and make things easier, not to have to sit at the site downloading a bunch of files. You probably noticed they don't get emailed too.
  7. You should assume anything you've downloaded is invalid shortly after you download it. Only go caching with fresh data. Otherwise you will be looking for archived and disabled caches. Because of this, there is no reason to track what you've downloaded. If you want to maintain an "I'm actively looking" type list, bookmarks may be the answer, but even then, re-download daily.
  8. A p&g attributed has been suggested MANY times before and would probably address what you're asking for (in your case filtering out any that have the attribute).
  9. Dakboy's solution will work; however, I would prefer that the cache not be "deleted" from the GSAK database. I use the GSAK database for multiple reasons one which is to identify my "found" caches. If you deleted an archived cache that you had found then the information derived from the filter would be incomplete. Then mark them as archived or disabled. Once you have a filter set for "last update gpx", then choose database | global replace then choose available status and set it to your choice of archived or disabled.
  10. PQ's seem to have the l&f event type, individual pq's do not.
  11. Seems like including a .gpx would address all of these issues.
  12. GC doesn't supply any mapping at all. The map/sat/terrain all come from google, who gets it from a variety of sources, the topo comes from mytopo.com The fact that a change made to one of the three carries to the other two isn't much of a surprise.
  13. Retraction notifications have stopped working. I used to get them, but I've come across two caches recently that I never got the notification on.
  14. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=gc165ex or http://coord.info/gc165ex
  15. WRONG!!! When you buy a canoe it comes with an owners manual and warning stickers all over it. Before you use it you're supposed to read all of that. Unless you have kept all of that info and make any "borrower" read it, then yes, you do indeed have a level of liability. Liability laws vary from state to state, but as a general rule, if a piece of equipment is involved in an injury, the owner of that equipment does indeed have some level of liability.
  16. So a lackey attended event gets a less glamorous icon than a non-lackey attended event?
  17. It seems that the picture is currently being served off of their "banman5" server, which is a "well known" ad server, and is probably blocked by most ad blocking software. My guess is that they did this so pics on the main page wouldn't die while they take weeks to copy the images from an old image server to a new one. From another post, there is about 1tb of data on the image server, so I'm not sure why its a production of weeks to copy this over, all of my servers can copy 1tb of data from another server in a matter of hours, not weeks. You said the problem started a couple days ago, and thats about the time they fired up the new server.
  18. I would estimate that to be at least 300k for the file size. Have you checked the original email it came in (assuming you still have it) to see what size it is?
  19. That page seems to indicate that a special icon will show up on the page, but nothing special for attendee's.
  20. If thats a full size (500 caches) PQ, it seems too small. How many caches do you think are in it?
  21. I assume you mean a Garmin Nuvi 265. I agree with everyone else that its not that good for finding caches, but its real good for getting you to the area where the cache is (the driving part). A handheld "on the trail" type unit is going to be a little more durable (can handle a bump or drop), will be waterproof (if it rains or gets dropped in the creek) and will usually have a compass screen that makes it easier to navigate to the cache. All of these are features that a typical "driving" unit wouldn't have. I use a nuvi to get me to the area (so yes, its very useful for that) then I pull out my handheld once I'm in the area. A Garmin Etrex H (the "yellow" unit) can be had for under $100, it will hold 500 waypoints, a short name and coordinates for each waypoint (or does the newer "h" hold 1000?). Or you can jump to the higher end and get something like a Garmin Oregon 550t (the top Oregon model) with tons of features, terrain maps, and the ability to hold full cache info (description, hints, logs, etc) for 5000 caches for the $500 range.
  22. Am I missing something in that or is that the puzzle itself? You may want to email the owner for a hint to get started. The cache page is showing correctly. Can't, his account isn't validated. He hasn't logged in since 2008.
  23. The Garmin 60csx has a very good reputation, and is considered to be better than some of Garmins newest units (Oregon, Dakota) in terms of accuracy. There are a couple things you can do. Make sure battery saver mode is not on (this does degrade accuracy) Make sure WAAS is on And biggest of all, remember that any accuracy reported by the gps is its way of saying that might be a worse case scenario of how far off it could be, and is only an estimate. The correct term is EPE or Estimated Positional Error. GPS's work by triangulating where you are compared to the sat's are, and if the math doesn't come out perfect, the gps will boost that number. This is why your gps will report really bad accuracy when in a down town type area or on a covered steel bridge, because the signal is bouncing and the gps receives that bounced signal and it just doesn't line up mathematically. (Search multi-path error to learn more about this).
  24. I found an unactivated coin in a cache. Its not a simple easy design but a rather elaborate design and digging around it seems to be a bit on the pricey side (about $12) so my thought is to sit on it a while to see if the owner does activate it. I thought about contacting the owner of the coin, but not sure that would be so easy. I found it in a cache that was near a mega event, so it had well over 200 logs just in a couple of days, so emailing the last couple of finders isn't really an option. The logbook in the cache was literally just a list of names, no one really saying anything, so there is no hint there of it being dropped. I've read all of the online logs too, and keep checking back for more (although by now everyone has had time to log it) and no one has said anything about dropping a coin that even came close to this coin (there were other mentions, but I could match them all up in the tb history page for the cache). No one is watching the cache page so I doubt a posted note would get a response there, plus I did indicate in my online cache log that I found the coin. Should I assume this was some type of gift or give away from another cacher? If so, how long should I give it before trying to activate the coin myself? Any other ideas what I should do at this point? I grabbed this with the intention of moving it along, and will do so after it gets activated.
  25. All of the Oregons and Dakotas hold at least 2000 caches with full info as well as 1000 additional waypoints and unlimited POI's. Some of the Oregons hold 5000 caches. When I say it holds caches, that's will full cache info, hints, logs, the whole 9 yards, everything you get in a .gpx file or PQ.
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