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Posts posted by CENT5

  1. Long morning for me this AM. Took Tammy to the ER. (Kidney Stones)


    Just to confirm the plan. The McMorrows at my place at 0600, the Jester at the Grady Way Park-n-Ride on the way N. (It's a big Park and ride and I'll be pulling the boat so how about we meet adjacent to the cache thats there. Nothing Special I'll swing in from the south. (Probably 0615 ish)


    We should be on the water by 0745 or so. I think we will do Skagit Delta 1st then back track to Coulter's run. We should be done by 10ish. We will meet up with lamoracke and Sol Seeker at Gateway to make the 2nd run.


    If there are changes please let me know.

  2. The McMorrows if you could be at my place at 0600 please, Jester I think you are on the way up 405 which is my preferred route at that time of the AM. Somewhere we could meet you?

    The Park & Ride on Grady in S. Renton would be an easy spot. I was wondering if carpooling or me taking my own vehicle is best? I can give The McMorrows a lift back if we want to leave earlier than your return from the second trip. We can decide that morning, either is fine with me.

    We can meet you at the Park and Ride, no problem. If you and The McMorrows would rather leave early while I am doing the 2nd lift, (Which will take a couple of hours) thats fine too. In that case I would suggest the 2 of you get together for carpool arrangements and I'll just meet you all at the Skagit about 0730. Just want to make sure we don't leave anyone behind. :)

  3. That sounds good to me. Thanks


    I will bring my expensive life jacket and increase my life insurance.

    I've been running small boats on big water for over 48 years. My dad taught me well. I've been hunting the Skagit since 1990 and made these runs in the dark, gale force winds, sleet, snow, hail, floods (That was hairy and to be honest not very bright on my part.) you name it.


    Haven't lost anyone yet. :)


    The McMorrows if you could be at my place at 0600 please, Jester I think you are on the way up 405 which is my preferred route at that time of the AM. Somewhere we could meet you?

  4. Let me put this option out there. I have both the 20th as well as the 21st available to do this. (Unfortunately I do not have a weekend day off for a couple more weeks.) Is the 20th the best day for all, or is the 21st more convenient. (And if we move it to the 21st does it open the opportunity to others?)

  5. Much as I'd like to be able to get another into the boat, with 4 adult males it's full. (And a fair bit slower than with 3 as I am not a small man.:) ) I'd be more than willing to do a 2nd run at 11-12 ish provided the 3 people in the 1st lift don't mind. (It's a couple hour round trip Coulters to Skagit Delta Labyrinth and back.) To be honest they would then have time to walk to the other 6 caches in the area. The launch point will be the ramp just a couple hundred feet from Gateway (GC3FCXC). Coming from Whidbey Island your best bet is over the top for sure. If we do decide on a 2nd lift perhaps Sol Seaker would be willing to go on the 2nd lift with lamorake.

  6. Had a couple of DNF's this past weekend on Coulter's Run. (GCG794) It's been over 3 years since I replaced the cache and high time a new box was put in there. I plan on going up early (0600 ish) on Wednesday Feb 20th to replace the cache. If anyone would like to join me and spend a few hours exploring the Skagit Wildlife area. I have room for 2-3 people in my 14ft boat. I would be happy to make the run over to Eraseek's Skagit Delta Labyrinth (CG3A3) while we are up there. Based on projected tides, it might be a little muddy. Any takers.

  7. You can read forum posts about this topic until your eyes bleed. TPTB seem to have made their feelings pretty clear early on.


    The number in parentheses is the number of posts to each thread. (Totaling 986 entrys.!!)




    Forum 1 (78) Posts #1 and #4 from Jeremy seem pretty clear though the initial discussion WAS supposedly about TB's, the Geocoin issue is quite prevalent.

    Forum 2 (167)

    Forum 3 (38)

    Forum 4 (31)

    Forum 5 (48)

    Forum 6 (42)

    Forum 7 (23)

    Forum 8 (100)

    Forum 9 (91)

    Forum 10 (50)

    Forum 11 (37)

    Forum 12 (36)

    Forum 13 (43)

    Forum 14 (49)

    Forum 15 (143)

    Forum 16 (10)


    IMO Paper coins are just that. If I seek a cache because the coin icon happens to be there and find a "Copy" it just doesn't do much for me. Nothing like the feel of a nice hefty coin thumping into your hand.


    Paper coins? Might as well just post all the coin numbers on this forum so we can all do the discovery thing and get the icon's.


    (Yes I ripped off this format from a post in one of the threads just to be expiditious about it. (Thanks Kealia)

  8. I started caching with a 76CS and upgraded to a 76CSx when they 1st came out. I used them for over 2 years. They are fine units no doubt. I initially purchased the 76 because of the floatability as I do a lot of boating. When both were stolen from my vehicle Prying Pandora loaned me her 60Cs as she had upgraded to a CSx and had a spare. I used it for a few weeks and liked it so much better than the 76's I went out and got my own 60CSx.


    (IMHO) The 60 CSx fits the hand SOOOOOO much better and (for me at least) is easier to manipulate than the 76. Even though the buttons are bigger on the 76 I did not find them to be particularly user friendly as they are above the screen. The buttons on the 60 seem to be more "natural" for me to use.


    The ONLY consideration I would have as to choosing the 76 over the 60 is the fact that it floats.

  9. Seems even the "experts" disagree.


    What appears to be a rather significant study done here: Oklahoma Academy of Sciences


    Quotes 2 studies in the conclusion section that appear to contradict each other a bit though the second result seems to indicate visiblilty was a factor..


    "This study provided insight into the mechanisms controlling the white-tailed deer population of the Wichita Mountains. The 90% fawn mortality was due primarily to predation by coyotes, which resulted in low recruitment of fawns into the adult population. There was no evidence that disease substantially influenced the predator-prey relationship. Color marking, intensive handling, and close daily monitoring activities did not appear to increase mortality above that experienced by fawns not color marked and usually monitored from a distance.


    McGinnes and Downing (7) stated that handling, marking with ear tags with 1.9 by 6.4-cm streamers attached, and ear tattooing appeared to have no adverse effect on fawn survival in Virginia. White et al. (8) indicated that capture and marking increased predator-related deaths of fawns by 6 to 18% at Welder Wildlife Refuge in southern Texas. Visibility of 3.8 by 15-cm ear streamers was the factor ascribed by White et al. (8) as causing this increased mortality of fawns; fawns with smaller markers (3.8 cm2 ) experienced less loss to predators. The ear streamers we used were only one half as long as the 3.8 by 15-cm streamers used by White et al. (8). We do not know the extent to which, if any, the presence of radio collars might have increased mortality.


    Michigan DNR No real guidance as far as "Handling" or Not "Handling". Just "leave them alone."


    Ontario Minestry of Natural Resources


    "You may do more harm than good. For example, female deer spend much of the day away from the fawns during the weeks after the fawn is born. This minimizes the chances of predators finding the fawn by following the female deer's scent trail. If you approach a fawn, you may cause it to run and leave a scent trail, making it easier for predators to find the fawn."

    South Carolina DNR


    "Human handling and disturbance of fawns can cause a doe to shy away or even desert her offspring. Also, a bleating response by the fawn can summon nearby predators."


    TexasParks and Wildlife


    "Abandoned deer fawns: In Texas, it is very common for people to encounter seemingly orphaned or abandoned deer. Mother deer typically leave their fawns bedded down while they are away foraging. If the fawn is not crying, is not covered with fire ants, the eyes are not swollen and there are no visible wounds, do not handle or disturb it. Your presence will only cause unnecessary stress for the fawn."


    West Virginia DNR


    "Forget the popular myth that human scent will prevent a parent from taking back its young. Return these animals, as soon as possible, to the place where they were picked up or better yet leave them where they are----their chances of survival may depend on it."


    Wyoming Game and Fish


    ""Human handling also affects the fawn’s scent. Nature renders fawns nearly scentless for protection from predators. Handling by a human leaves a scent on the fawn and may make them more easily found by predators. Humans are urged to not even walk up to fawns, because coyotes have been documented to follow human scent trails."


    North Dakota


    "If a fawn has been handled, Jensen said, have it put back into the wild. "A misconception is that once a fawn has been touched the doe will not take it back,"

  10. One of my favorite logs of all time on my cache:


    Dead Doll Ditch


    :rolleyes: June 2, 2005 by globalgirl (1000 found)

    (geez, what a girl doesn't hafta do to skirt around the limits of technology, and force an - admittedly marathon - cache log to display in some semblance of order...)

    A few days late, but finally a moment to savor and log my adventures with the legendary DDD - no doubt one of the most ingenious, remarkable, and I dare say challenging multi caches on the Planet! (indeed, so much to peck, it may well take multiple logs - I mean there IS a limit on these logs is there not?) In any case, where to begin?


    Talk about testing the globalgirl's mettle...


    Once upon a time... the gg enjoyed a most golden morning playing in the geo-sandbox with the cinco centavo lad himself. Indeed, a wondrous adventure out to Blakey Rock, plus various and sundry post capers to warm the cockles of of any sturdy geocacher's heart (and tucker them fully out!)


    Ah but... one can never really be utterly satiated with this silly game, can one? And I'd already blown off the day grown-up responsibility-wise anyway so... Suffice that - armed with a gallon jug of H2O philanthropically supplied by the C5 gent (along with a couple of extra clues to wpts 1 and 2 - alas on 3, 4 and 5 he was keeping mum) - I set off just blocks from his abode in Burien, to tackle the Dolls.


    Chapter 1: Little Red Riding Hood arrives at Grandma's house (wpt 1) and grabs the cookies from the cookie jar in mere nano seconds. Given the extra hint - first reach: Houston, we have contact!


    Chapter 2: Grettel skips off (Hansel was back at the house taking a nap) to find the proper trail into the woods easy-as-pie, but then... So o.k. I overshot GZ and searched high and low ("knee in root, reach" hints notwithstanding), clamoring ALL over a very likely (albeit 100 ft. WRONG) "nurse". Suffice: a good 40 min. worth of fruitless YUK! and that poor nurse was crumbling apart in my fingers. But really, Grettel should know better. Know enough by now to reconnoiter the Maggie and see perchance where else it might lead. Sure enough - why I'll be darned, 'nuther "nurse" just a tad SW and... The prize was finally in Grettel's greedy little fist.


    (insert DDD error #2: having read every blessed one of the logs, I SHOULD have known/checked both the coord card here and - apparently - a second set of coords on the lid? In any case, suffice Grettel didn't. Which is to say...)


    (to be continued in the note that follows, due to imposed techno logging limits set here at gc.com coupled with my admitted penchant for blather - especially when it pertains to a supremely fine multi-cache like this...)


    June 2, 2005 by globalgirl (1000 found)

    Uh... as I was saying...

    Chapter 3: This little Piggy traipsed up hill and down dale - try this path, follow that road, see what's 'round this bend - all to no avail. The "distance to cache" was tantalizingly close (w/in 120 ft.) on many an occasion, alas only to turn a bend and grow again larger, and larger and larger. So much so in fact, that Piggy began to doubt her pig-brain and... actually returned to wpt2 to be sure she had the coords right! She did. So alls she could do is retrace her many steps and try anew. Suffice: thank GOODNESS for the blessed log of one Miss Cathy! "try adding .011" said she, and by golly - there it was!


    Chapter 4: Repunzel skipped blissfully along the wooded lane towards wpt 4 with her jug of H2O heaving weightlessly on her back, for she knew pretty much what lay ahead. And so it was. As expected, the clouds soon parted and a great light beamed down on the saxophone. Yessiree, right there, piece-O-cake, no need to even let down thine hair, right? WRONG! Oh the joy was there all right - tantalizingly there - just a matter of devising a bit of creative McGyvery, and playing the flute. Ah but... the dame was STUCK I tell ya! lodged ever so tightly that no manner of agua would turn the tide. SUBMERGED was she. Verily GURGLING bitty bubbles of "help me! help me! help me!" and alas all Repunzel could do was stand there helplessly watching her DROWN! Ah but finally - the fairytale fairies relented and suddenly - the tight-assed little lass with the golden tresses was FREE!


    Chapter 5: Growing weary now, from the drudgery of sweeping soot off the evil Step-sisters' (a.k.a. CENT5) rusty hearth, Cinderella happily jumped into her pumpkin coach and led her team of snow-white steeds deeper into the woods - in eager hopes of meeting her Prince Charming (the final prize). On Dasher, on Dancer, on Comet and Blitzen! (oops, sorry, wrong fairytale) Onward Cindy loped (for she was half shoeless after all, not to mention weary from a full day's geo-trotting to islands and waterless lakeview parks, to computer logging and geocoin trading, not to mention 4 full wpts of wooded trudge under her dainty gossamer belt.) Off she hied with every confidence of easily nabbing the joy and kissing her Mr. Right before day's end. Ah but this too, was not (so "easily") to be. Oh the ballroom was in full swing to be sure, with piper's dancing and Enya playing mood music amid the greenery. But could the Cinder-gimp spot Msr. Charming among the nooks and crannies of that wooded glen? Well most certainly not without a good bit of thrashing and flailing about, until... Plopping her demure little, satin swathed bum onto a handy mossy log right there near the bandstand to think things through (did I mention by now she was covered in soot and bean dip?)... She wearily rose, wobbled on her one glass slipper a fairly wide berth of the bandstand, and... OMG! There he is! My Prince! My frog! THE FINAL CACHE (and ohhhhhh my, such a splendidly cammoed bundle of sweetness it is!)


    What can I say C5? A most gloriously inventive cache - right up there among the best. Not for the faint-hearted mind you, but hey - fairytales are what this game is all about, yes? SL don't recall that I T anything, but L a bitty globalgirl passport # 17 ('twas all I had left, wished I'd had at least a globe to go with it, for this was surely a cache most worthy of the sweetest swag.) Oh and... TFTH would seem hardly enough for this one!

  11. Thanks for all the helpful info.


    My schedule has firmed up a bit. I arrive IND 30 APR at 10AM and will be driving to Springdale. (I will have worked and flown all night so I don't know how much fun I will be.) Classes run until 4PM every day and I'm basicly free T/W/Th evenings. Friday after class I am headed to IND to spend the night there as that is where I will be flying into/out of. I suspect I will get out of class early Friday and should be in IND by 4-5PM

  12. I'm going to be in Cincinnati May 1th thru the 4th to attend CFM school. I will be free in the evenings and would enjoy doing a little exploring. I'll be free T/W/Th evenings. I believe the training is in Evandale but can confirm that when I get more info. Any advise for quality/variety of caches that can be done in the evening would be appreciated.


    OT here: My buddy here at work just informed me that I HAVE to try the Cincinnati chili. Any recommended spots for that near Evandale?


    Thanks for your help :huh:

  13. Unquestionably the highlight of my brief Geocaching participation.


    A 2+ day trip to Alaska with 8 other cachers in Sept. '05. The Alaska folks rolled out the red carpet at Great Alaska Cache'N'Dash Meet'N'Greet Dinner and we had a ball.




    From L-R Lowrider71, SonTrekker, globalgirl,CENT5, Moun10Bike, Prying Pandora, Reino, Linda Lu, El Santo


    We returned in Dec '06 for 24hrs to a fabulous event 2nd Annual Anchorage Holiday GeoFest '06 and some over the top Night Caching:



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