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Everything posted by The_Proffens

  1. Morning Dew
  2. wow congrats nice guess or job reading her mind
  3. 05/18/77 Fox Theater - Atlanta, GA
  4. (3)German Worldchampionship Geocoins World of Geocaching v.2 LE
  5. Very Nice!
  6. I've been told that I need to enter something along those lines too. MAybe I will see you at meetings Coins look cool too. We would be interested
  7. Wow that is fast! I was expecting a few weeks added on to that. I remember you saying in the other tread that you wanted a quick turn-around and that you were holding the presale to almost the last min, but that is still fast. Thanks again!
  8. Thanks to pdxmarathonman for the trade!!!! Still on the lookout for: GCC Benchmark Geocoin anyone have one for a trade? -Carl
  9. Wow! They turned out very very nice! Can't wait........... but I know I will have to for a little bit
  10. Sent you an e-mail. Reply'd to your email Still in search of: GCC Benchmark Geocoin Compass Rose 2005
  11. Looks like there are 5 left at the storefront
  12. I feel dumb now, and I knew that was there too Thanks buddy
  13. In search of: Compass Rose 2005 Frozen Bone Cache Zone Benchmark Geocoin My trade list as always is in my sig and is updated often. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks
  14. Went to the Post Office to pick up: German Geocoin - Bronze German Geocoin - Silver German Geocoin - Gold German Geocoin Pin - Silver
  15. Yeah I saw that too. I can't wait to see if they are any better.
  16. I knew that my chances of getting this coin were close to none, since I had to work when the sale started this evening. I was checking the store to see if any of my orders had shipped out yet, and what do you know there was 1 coin in the drop area. So I had to support the scouts . I guess I just got lucky
  17. Great looking coins! Got them in the mail, and thanks for the "Geofoam"!!!!
  18. I don't know about everyone else, but this is not showing up top in the pinned section for me?
  19. JeeperMTJ (trade) Screw Geocoin 2005 (2)DancingFool Crow Coins (1)DancingFool "Geofoam"
  20. Got 3 Silvers in just under the gun!
  21. Delaware 2005 LE- Gold (From Trade)
  22. I agree, and look how fast some of these other coins on that site have been selling out. This one will most likely do the same. Hopefully my luck will strike again for this one. You can count us in for a few.
  23. Payment Sent Here! Thanks again for putting this together!!!!!!
  24. Made in China Gold LE Not Another Micro! Antique Silver LE nielsenc 2006
  25. What other places are you looking for? What about Maryland or is that covered?
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