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Everything posted by The_Proffens

  1. They should be easy to drill holes through to attach traveler's tags to Might be a mess though
  2. Ordered 2 of Each ...... And I can't decide on a vote for the LE
  3. Looks Nice!
  4. SoMDCacherz (2)Skully and Mulder Memorial Coin [Great looking coin!!!!!!!] GCC March 2006
  5. Well I am a new owner!!!!! Got 2 in the mail today and they turned out great!!!!!!!
  6. That would have been last week, did these get mailed out? and when?
  7. Any wagers and how long it will take to get shipped overseas at that rate?
  8. Really?
  9. Yesterday: (4)CITO 2006
  10. My made it in the mail yesterday and they look great!!!
  11. Paypal'd for 2. Thanks!
  12. Not yet! I know some have been hand delivered but I am not sure if any have been mailed out yet
  13. Wow They Look Great!!!!!
  14. robert as a kid: Oh and I am in too!
  15. Cool! I may need to come over to your house then
  16. Looks Great Buddy! Even better then I imagined it!
  17. We also got ours yesterday, and they both had different tracking numbers, YAY!!!!!!
  18. Yesterday: 2 MIGO 2006
  19. Yesterday: 15 BikeDog Coins! Today:(Through trades) (2)DNF Pins! TFTC Geocoin New Jersey Geocoin
  20. Cool idea!
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