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Everything posted by The_Proffens

  1. That's a great looking coin! How about a "Spork" coin? We could ask GC to make the spork the official eating utensil of events and then it would be Geocaching related too
  2. Well Folks, A bunch of you already know because you have gotten them in the mail in the past few days, but The_Proffens coins are shipping!!!! There are still some on sale at the store, so it is not too late to pick one up. We will begin trading very soon as well Almost done with our move to Norfolk, VA (plus the movers packed up all our mailers to send the coins out in so I need to hit the store and get more! ) More to follow of course but any questions just shoot......
  3. Just reviewed the auctions again and it is nice to see that they are getting a bunch of bids!
  4. Just Recieved an update from the guys at the Geocoin Store, the coins are in and will begin shipping soon!!!!! Thanks to those people that have already bought our coin, we hope you like it! They are of course still on sale at the "store" in case you have missed it before
  5. Saturday at an event: Trades for California Micro DancingFool Crow LE Copper #012 And Awarded: Cache Across Maryland 2006 in the mail: April GCC Pretty good day too bad it took me half the week to get through the forum posts
  6. I have my April coin sitting here at my desk cause I haven't had a chance to activate it yet, but my guess is that the icon hasn't changed and just the generic is showing up for now. I am sure that it will be fixed soon and will be under the same CC icon Or who knows maybe a stained glass icon
  7. Just an update, The coins should be shipping out soon No date set yet
  8. Checked the website I ordered these from to see if there might be an update, but nothing. Still says Mid to Late April?
  9. Got Ours today and they look great!
  10. (2) Georgia Micro Original Stash
  11. Ours came today also and it looks great
  12. Any Other Hints ?
  13. MIGO 2005 Refurbished
  14. I got a notice via email that my order shipped on 5/2
  15. Our Set arrived today as well!! It is a bit tight but they turned out great! Thanks for fitting this puzzle together
  16. Thanks to those that have bought coins already! There are some still available too
  17. Congrats on picking the Nickel up during CAM! (They are still a working in progress) mine sits right in my binder next to the "World's only GeoFoam"! I am sure we can work out a trade or maybe you will be lucky enough to pick up the first unactivated geocoin placed in a cache too
  18. Hello All, Thread name has been changed to reflect that the coins are now on sale. Thanks to all that have made orders so far!
  19. Sale Starts Tonight at 9:30 PM EST
  20. Nebraska Geocorn Mtn-Man Admin Brick x2
  21. Exactly My wife would have made me sleep outside with it if I tried to bring something like that home
  22. Like everyone else the things we hope not to run into, especially with 2 small kids are: -Snakes -Ticks -Spiders -PI You know the usual stuff
  23. No idea, but that seems like a good guess
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