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Everything posted by The_Proffens

  1. Some of them were also set up to have 2 sales tonight, one a t 8 or 9 and then the other after midnight. But I can't remember which ones now.
  2. I will take them all, and is shipping per coin or for the whole lot?
  3. That's nice, I like it!
  4. I am not going to quote myself, but I may have been on to something. Users that are not registered the coin will stay in their queue for 10 mins if it is not paid for by then it will reappear. For the free registered users it is supposed to be 24 hours, and then the VIP's get something else? If you guys are still interested in this coin, keep checking back all 5 coins that were on sale tongiht just popped up again! They are not there as I am posting this but they could pop back up.
  5. If you guys are still interested in this coin, keep checking back all 5 coins that were on sale tongiht just popped up again! They are not there as I am posting this but they could pop back up.
  6. That's good, Hopefully it will!
  7. Now this is just a theory I have been suspecting over the last few days, I think these are all from the same sale. When someone clicks the buy now button it removes that number of coins from the available stock and then if payment or something goes wrong it returns them back to the storefront to be sold again. I have noticed something along these lines happening before.
  8. I ordered 1, and was also wondering how many different storefronts they have?
  9. Maybe you got mine? Let me know if you get one you didn't pay for
  10. It's a nice way of saying "You're too Late!!"
  11. If you are really going to give me some GOLD, then this $8.00 coin is yours
  12. That's a good point
  13. Well there's the bright side
  14. I am also a registered user but I really didn't notice any advantage. Especially when I didn't even see the egg drop.
  15. Probably not. Sorry but good luck, maybe it did
  16. I wonder how many people have been on that site tonight or if it really is just a couple of coin groups
  17. Did anyone who saw them drop, not refresh their browser?
  18. Wow those went fast!!! I didn't see the LE pop up this time like the Mississippi Coins.
  19. I double checked and I do have a paypal receipt, but I will email them about it later. I don't need to add to the hundreds of emails they are getting right now.
  20. I tried to grab 1 and everything went through fine but it doesn't show up on my list with the regular one under my account page.
  21. I think it may start over from the last site upgrade?
  22. We can use the money we tried to spend on the coins that didn't go through
  23. I like that Or TLGCLNG -> The Loose Group of Coin Lovers Non-Group
  24. They look good, I will buy 1 in a few mins
  25. A couple of bills and tax statements but no coins
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