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Posts posted by Mandollyn

  1. When will a decision be made about the icon?


    I will definately have an ICON... I decided that today!




    As far as:


    Just have a few questions as I didn't see the information here or on the order page.

    Who is minting your coin?

    When will you be invoicing us?

    When do you expect delivery?

    I have updated my site to reflect the answers...



  2. i am having a problem with placing an order it says an error occurred and won't let it through. i have checked all fields and don't see a problem


    If you are having web page glitches, feel free to e-mail me with the specifications...









    # of Antique Silver

    # of Shiny Gold


    Remember, I am counting on the preorders as real requests.


    Thank you!

  3. Will you be doing any trading? ;)




    Great idea, but remember, this is a preorder... :P


    I've been saving a Geocat for a special someone who might want to trade.


    :( Hummmmm


    I am getting a few for me...


    We'll see if you have my little kitty once I get the $$$ to complete my $3000 order!!!

  4. As some of you may be aware of from this thread a fellow Geocacher by the name of Ladycacher has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. During this same peroid of time her husband has been laid off.


    We are asking for donations of unactivated Geocoins that will then be sold as a lot on E-bay with the proceeds given to Ladygeocacher to help her through this difficult time.



    :rolleyes: So sorry to hear about the cancer diagnosis... That is why I don't have many caches under my belt...


    I was diagnosed with uterine cancer last year and had a complete hysterectomy in December - I hadn't even turned 30... I don't have any kids either... <_<


    I wish great outcomes for her & would donate my 1st coin if I have it in time...


    My surgery & radiation treatments cost me a total of $6,723.75 plus $739 is gas...

    I know what she's going through!


    Good Luck... My prayers are with her. :unsure:


    Mandollyn: Web form didn't have a space for the country, so have put "UK" in the state field. Presumably that's not a problem as the address can be obtained via the Paypal information?



    Sorry for that! The address will be verified through PayPal as you indicated...


    Thanks for the preorder!!!


    Going to update my site right now with stats & COUNTRY line!!!

  6. Is it just me or is it strange that someone with 4 posts and 3 finds is selling a geocoin?


    I was diagnosed with Cancer shortly after starting this hobby - I've had all the time in the world to sit around after surgery and design a coin.


    Now that I'm better, I'm rearing to go! We did go caching the weekend before last - DNF. Turns out the coordinates were wrong & it has been disabled for now.


    Caching this weekend!!! Maybe even tonight?!


    Hope you trust my intentions. My eBay ID is MrsMartini if you have reservations about me.

  7. Finally! My geocoin is now available for minting! This coin will come in Antique Silver and a Limited Edition Shiny Gold. This coin will be trackable and will feature it's own unique icon if demand is high enough!




    The front of the coin showcases four of the different activities a geocacher may find himself doing on the way to his next cache. The cacher on this coin and the text ringing the outer perimeter of the coin are going to be raised and the darker areas of grey will be recessed for contrast. There will also be black filling the ring of the outer perimeter.


    The question is: How will YOU get there?


    The back of the coin features three trees along with a twist on a well known phrase. When someone “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” that indicates that they are too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole. This twist reminds fellow geocachers that they may need to step back from the details and take another look and “See the forest for the trees.”


    A total of 350 Antique Silver and 150 Limited Edition Shiny Gold coins are going to be produced. Preordering is made available to establish interest & as always: first come, first served. The cost per coin will be $7.50, for both Antique Silver and Shiny Gold. The shipping cost is based on the actual weight and there is a $2.00 handling fee per order (not per coin).


    ~ ~ ~ To preorder please go to my web page ~ ~ ~



  8. I, for one, think the boys at the store do a great job considering that they have jobs and lives as well.


    I agree with you there! Making coins is a hobby for them just like it is a hobby for us to geocache or collect these coins. I chose these guys to make my first coin based on my inspection of several of the coins they have made.


    There are 16 coins for sale through their site right now & you can click on the details link of them all to see an actual sample of each coin.


    I do have to admit that the e-mail addresses on their website don't seem to be responding as well as they should, but the product is excellent - Let me see YOU make a coin anything as good as these guys!

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