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Printess Caroline

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Posts posted by Printess Caroline

  1. When we first started caching, we had an Australian Shephard who was a purpose-driven dog. When she was on a walk, she wanted to WALK. It made her anxious when we would stop and wander around with no purpose that she could understand. Her nagging whines got to be annoying after a while, which lowered the joy of caching with her...



    My pup is an aussie-poo but i dont see her being very purpose driven, she does a very good job of busying herself cause EVERYTHING interest her.


    Maybe the poodle part of her cuts the aussie herding instincts? Also, you're raising her to be a good geodog. Our aussie was about 13 and set in her ways when we started caching.


    Have fun with your sweet pup! I bet she's a real cutie! (A muggle magnet?) I'm hoping to find a picture of her in your gallery.

  2. When we first started caching, we had an Australian Shephard who was a purpose-driven dog. When she was on a walk, she wanted to WALK. It made her anxious when we would stop and wander around with no purpose that she could understand. Her nagging whines got to be annoying after a while, which lowered the joy of caching with her.


    Currently, we have two good dogs for caching. One is some sort of hunting dog mixture who is very good at busying herself with her own hunt while we are looking for a cache. The other is an old Australian Cattledog who is quite happy to rest while we search. We leave the old dog at home if we have a cache that requires more than a mile walk. The younger, hunting mix LOVES a full day of caching with us in the woods.


    Neither of them have the awwww factor of a pug, so our meetings with muggles don't usually last long. I can see where having a pug along could cause some unwanted attention, especially a cute, sneezy one.

  3. I listed a multi some time ago, and due to the lack of activity, am thinking I made the first stage too difficult, in terms of it's terrain location.

    I would like to relocate the first stage to make it more accessible to cachers, after which the second stage will be fine.

    Question: How does one modify cache information, i.e coordinates, on geocache.com


    I assume that you are speaking of the cache for which you describe a walk of 45 minutes and a bushwack of another 30 minutes since your other caches were placed just this month. I imagine that the bushwack will remain substantial, which makes me think that the change in the first stage placement may not change all that much.


    Multis, by nature, do not get as many visitors as traditional caches. Multis in sparsely populated areas get less. Multis in sparsely populated areas that have a difficult terrain are some of the least found caches around. It's just the way it is. You may not get a lot a lot of loggers, but the logs you do get are generally better than average.

  4. A Travel Slug is a type of Geocoin.


    well this geocoin is attached to a doll, and there was another one in a cache today attached to a toy turtle, i suppose the travel slug is cheaper than a bug or something?


    Nope. Not cheaper. The Travel Slug is just a coin that happens to have a hole in it. The hole makes it easy to attach something to the coin, so those owners decided to add a little something to their coin for fun.

  5. My mobile client kept telling me that it had failed to log one of my finds. It turns out that, not only is that not true, but I've also been credited with one extra find than I've actually made.


    Is there a way to delete found logs and make my record correct again?


    Edit: Never mind, I think I found it. Always the way - just after you've asked the question! :laughing:


    Re: your edit


    Yup. Just like caches are always in the last place you look for them. :laughing:

  6. This one isn't that mall cache, but similar concept. The coords on the cache page lead to the front door. You then have to go inside, finding all the info to plug into a formula to find the final cache (located outside)

    Let's Go Krogering #2


    That's cool, but wouldn't it be even cooler if there were a recipe on the listing that required those ingredients? :laughing:

  7. I had one that I ran into a while back that needed a new log. I just marked it as found and put in the log that I used the last space and it needed a new log. The CO archived it and is replacing the log.


    Just a note of clarification since I've seen others confused about this before... If the CO intends to replace the log, it should be disabled, not archived. Disabling is for maintenance; archiving is forever (though it can be undone with the help of a reviewer if a mistake has been made).

  8. I did a nice mystery cache located at a church that required cachers to determine the final's location by reading information about their historical bell tower. If your youth group were to put together a cache that highlighted the history of your church, I think that your church would probably approve. A reviewer wouldn't mind that as long as the information couldn't be interpreted as a solicitation.


    As far as swag is concerned, I would probably request something a bit broader in theme like leaving something of a spiritual nature; however, the best approach may be to leave a micro in which there would be little chance of the kiddos finding a possibly inappropriate item during their maintenance visits.

  9. I haven't found it to be that simple. When I had a similar experience, I contacted the owner of the TB who virtually put the TB where it belonged.


    As for the pictures, you can post a note on the TB page without the serial number in order to add those.


    (edit: wrong word)


    By narcissa: "Why is it an added expense? If a n00b posts a dumb NM log on one of my caches, I just post an owner maintenance note to clear it. It happens. For some reason, geocachers in British Columbia really like to post NM when the logbook is full. It's annoying, but life goes on."


    That is the second post. Unless I'm not reading narcissa's comment correctly, narcissa is saying nothing about actually doing a maintenance run, but 'posting an owner maintenance note to clear it.' The first part of her statement is what gives the indication narcissa isn't actually visiting the cache: "If a noob posts a dumb NM log on one of my caches,". And her question: "Why is it an added expense?" is a pretty good indicator there is no expense involved in just clearing the NM log by posting an "owner maintenance note".

    Correct me if I'm wrong.


    I interpreted that post the same way.

  11. Someone stole my published cache and put theirs in my place, how do I report them/contact an administrator? Their name is on their cache.. Girl Scouts 4103. I don't think it is a coincidence that mine is gone and theirs is on my exact coordinates. Thanks in advance I appreciate the help!




    It's pretty obvious to me that the troop was trying to do a good deed by replacing your missing cache. While they were misguided in doing this, you are wrong to accuse them of stealing your cache with the little information that you have. Your response to the situation is far more misguided than their naive attempt to be helpful. I suggest that you rethink this and edit the log on your cache before you embarrass yourself further.


    By the way, since the cache is only disabled, this is still your cache. It just has a different container now.

  12. A cacher was looking for one of my caches. It is a little bit of a tricky hide, it is in plain sight though. He/she couldn't find it and requested that I verify it was there and email him/her.


    This cache was on my way home from work so I checked and email him/her to let them know it was there.


    Usually I look quite a while, come back and look again. I will put it on my watchlist to see if there are other DNF's or finds. Read the logs for clues. I don't know if this person did that.


    The thing that get me is they wanted me to make sure it was there for them, but they never emailed back to say thanks. Is that too much to ask.


    The way I understand it, the cachers posted a DNF and then emailed you to check if the cache was still there. Since it was convenient enough, you did that and emailed that it was. Now, you are a little miffed that they did not thank you for your extra effort. Well, that's understandable. It would have been very nice of them to acknowledge your kindness either in their log or by email, but they didn't think to do that. Oh well. Sometimes nice actions are not rewarded or acknowledged. I imagine, however, that you won't be so quick to respond to these cachers' future requests.

  13. Yes, we Americans take our humour very seriously. If your jokes don't have us snorting milk out our nose, we're gonna be on your doorstep demanding to know the reason why.


    You notice I spelled humor "humour"? That's because I secretly wish I was British, or at least Australian.


    Now, THAT's an example of humo(u)r and compassion!

  14. I assume swizzle meant this one?


    No experience. All I can say is that watching the video makes me feel itchy all over.


    Yes, that's it! Great little tick pullers! There is a cacher in swizzle's and my area who is a vet tech and leaves them as swag. I picked up our pair a couple of years ago and have found them quite handy. I found tweezers to be a bit difficult because they tended to damage the tick in the process. This tool easily pries the whole tick free.

  15. ...

    But I agree with an earlier poster about premium member only leaning toward elitist. I wish I could afford a yearly membership but I can't and neither can he. We took our tiny little bit of fun money and invested what we could in this. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy it as much as a paying member or that I'm not as careful with the caches or travel bugs. It means I'm poor. I wish I could keep up with the Jones' in this hobby but I can't.


    As far has PMO caches go, from my experience I can honestly say your aren't missing anything very special. Forget about the caching Jones'. We all enjoy the same cheap thrills that geocaching provides for basic and premium members alike.

  16. Hello all,


    lots of stuff deleted


    Now, all that and finally a question! LOL!


    Is it ok for me to include that gem show sheet of paper, since it could be viewed by some as an advertisement? Or would they recognize the goal of our cache trades, which is to be educational and fun for the kids to find?


    I've written enough now, but that's what we've got so far. We have 11 finds now, and hope to hide our own soon. :-)


    It is okay to include the sheet. Nice rocks are a great trade item that everyone will appreciate, especially if there is a little information that goes with them, which I am assuming is included on the sheet.


    Sounds like you and your kids are doing a great job and having fun. Welcome to geocaching!

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