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Printess Caroline

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Posts posted by Printess Caroline

  1. I don't recommend setting some arbitrary goal on hiding caches. I have seen folks try to keep hiding one for every ten they find. In the long run they usually end up hiding a bunch of crappy caches trying to keep up with their goal. I'm not saying that you are doing this, just that it often turns out baldy. Rather I usually recommend hiding when the muse strikes. In the end only those who find your caches can say if you are giving back or just giving headaches. Have the finders been enjoying your hides?


    And are you still having fun with the goal?


    edited to make clear that I was asking the OP and not the puppet.

  2. The fun hasn't run dry for me, but I find that I am more choosey about the caches I hunt these days. Park and grabs don't generally thrill me like they used to... unless there is something really wonderful to be seen there. I read cache descriptions and logs even more closely than I did at the beginning. Those generally guide me to the caches that keep me a happy cacher. :(

  3. I posted the below in the feedback. What are your thoughts???

    If you like it please go to feedback (link below) and vote your opinion.




    Being an avid cache hider, I would like to see the ability of a cache owner to publish his/her hides when they want to. Why can't there be an option, where as the reviewer places the new cache hides in a queue when they have been approved? Then having a feature letting the cache owner publish their hides when they want.

    Why?? It would give the cache owner more control of the publishing of their hides and would take a load off the reviewer with all the special publishing requests.


    I don't see how it generally matters when the cache is published. On the rare occasion that it does matter, a note to the reviewer should do the trick. Are reviewers overwhelmed with such requests?

    Generally we have no problem keeping up with special requests, including events, power trails, birthday caches, milestone caches, etc.


    If it is a problem, like publishing while I'm normally sleeping or while I'm making a management presentation at my paying job, I can ask a colleague to help out. Middle of the night for me is morning in Europe.


    Seeing as Keystone doesn't have a big problem with the occasional special requests that have expressed reasons, I am left feeling that the real reason that you would want to have the ability to publish your cache yourself is for more personal reasons. Those, I think, are best left out of the process because they could lead to the angst and "control freak"ish behavior that other posters have suggested. You do, however, have some control over when your cache is published. You could stagger the submission of your caches for approval, for instance, if you don't want to have all five of the caches you have hidden along a trail published on the same date. Beyond that limited control, I think it's best left to other powers. You might as well come to terms with it. While it is your cache, there are many aspects about it that you just can't control (who finds it first, what cachers leave in the cache, the length of an online log, and so on...). You might better just shrug and move on. You may have more fun with that attitude! :(

  4. I don't understand the usefulness of the friend feature. Please tell me if and how it has been of help to anyone here. Just curious.

    It doesn't actually do much.


    Actually, it is useful for those who want to know how many geocaches said friends have accumulated.


    Guess I haven't been missing anything then. :o

  5. When we have taken my nephews caching, I've given them each five dollar coins and told them that they can choose to keep the coins or trade them for swag that they want in the caches we visit. They generally find something that they will trade for one of their coins, but they tend to keep most of the coins. I know that, either way, they will be happy and so will the cachers who happen to find one of those dollar coins in a cache.

  6. Wow I can’t believe some of the responses on this one. Saying someone stole something is not the same as calling them a thief. Talk about a poor grasp of the English language. I agree with sbell 1 1 1 right down to final statement – ”it is shameful how some of you chose to behave.“ It’s also a shame that the OP choose to delete her posts, but frankly the way she was treated I can’t see why anyone thinks she shouldn’t have. She was doing her best to figure out the way this game is played when someone tossed in unusual rules.


    Some of us don’t have the luxury of using a game to teach our children the lessons we’d like to wait until the time is right for them to learn. They are learning them in everyday life. It’s so nice that all of you have perfect lives and are perfect parents. I’m glad you weren’t mine or my son’s. It’s easy for some people to sit in their well planned boxes and look down on others who often work twice as hard to give their children a decent quality of life. We don’t drag our children along as accessories or after thoughts. We don’t care to steal treasured memories from our little ones over teaching them lessons that don’t need to be taught. We take them caching so that we can have family time and enjoy the experience together.


    Some of us don’t have a lot and that small toy they trade for may be the biggest way they get a new treasure. They may be the most inexpensive way that we can find to spend time doing something our child enjoys and if the treasure at the end of the hunt makes that experience more rewarding then by God we are not too lazy to make sure that we carry a few trade items instead of saying “oh well they should have planned better.” It’s one thing to do that to a teen who needs to learn responsibility, but an awful thing to do to a toddler or preschooler.


    Not that people who live in their own narrow world will ever care, but there are people who geocache who realize that the lessons some of you find so important mean nothing in the scheme of things. People who treasure every second they have with their family making “happy” memories, because they know that the clock is ticking faster for them or maybe even that child. They don’t take the time spent together for granted.


    There are also people who don’t take every word someone writes in the worst light. “Fighting” among siblings doesn’t always mean they were having a spat. It can be very good natured and be done in a loving way. It’s just a phrase. And in my opinion when a child takes a long car ride and makes a hike and searches for a geocache being extra good because they enjoy the “reward” at the end of the trip as much as they enjoy the trip, they have earned it. They have worked for it. But no let’s teach them that they need to learn that it’s all about the smiley and their feelings don’t matter as long as mama or daddy get one. Frankly anyone who ever logs a find online. Who ever rushes out to be FTF. Who has ever even once taken any kind of item from a geocache, is being a hypocrite to try and teach their child any lesson about geocaching that involves denying their child the pleasure that they take from it.


    I would like to say more but I’ll leave it at this.


    Here are a few to the lessons I’m teaching my son while geocaching.


    1. Watch where you’re going so you don’t destroy fragile things along the way. (plants, animals or PEOPLE)

    2. Take care of the planet and leave it better than you found it. (Same thing for the geocache if possible.)

    3. Empathy - Leave something so the next person won’t be disappointed, even if there is nothing for you to take.

    4. There are many different kinds of treasure in life, some are in the in journey; others are in what you find at the end of it and those don’t have to be mutually exclusive. `

    5. Perseverance. Don’t stop trying just because you didn’t succeed quickly.

    6. Just because others don’t play nice doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.

    7. You can trust your parents to try and keep their promises, but they aren’t always perfect.

    8. Try to find something good to say even if it’s only TFTC.

    9. Defend those who are unable to defend themselves, no matter what their reason is. (so applies to this thread)

    10. If you “want” something you “need” to trade even or trade up. Up is always best. See numbers 2 and 3.

    11. Some of the magic in life is worth holding on to.

    12. Your parents aren’t too old or self-centered to remember what’s important to kids.

    13. Your feelings are worthy of respect. We can’t always let you have your way but we aren’t going to say no out of some narcissistic need to rule your world

    14. Your parents care about you and are tying to make sure you enjoy the time we spend together.


    Sometimes the best thing you can say to your children is “let’s figure out if we can accomplish (fix, do, find a way) it together.”


    Oh dear. Please take a deep breath. I fear that you're getting a bit too worked up over this. I'm sure you're a fine mother.

  7. As I live in New York, I have no specific caches to suggest, but I do have a couple of ways for you to find what you are looking for. If I'm looking for something like you are suggesting, I click on "Geocaching.com gogle maps" from any area cache page. Then, I poke around and read descriptions until I find something that suits my interests. Another method would be for you to go to the bottom of the list of forums here and look for a regional forum to get more specific suggestions.

  8. Whaddaya say when someone comes up to you and asks..... What the hull are you duin?


    I spend a lot of time tinkin' 'bout 'dis when I am, sneakin 'roun da alleyways geosniffen'. :lol:


    Take tonite 'frinstance. I was in a slow sweat particularly since I hadn't brought the clue with me. Yep thas rite, I had no clues with me.... :P:D


    Clueless, eh?


    I usually tell them I'm geocaching, especially if they were to approach me saying, "What the hull are you duin?" in an authoritative manner.

  9. Hello everyone. I am kind of new to the whole geo cahcing and my family and I are wanting to put our own out there for people to find. I have read things on guidelines and ideas of what to do but nothing is about what you put in for the FTF person. I have never got a FTF so I am not sure what things people put in them. I seen in the geo store that there are a couple things you can buy to put as your FTF but I was wondering what other ideas people have done. Thanks for your help.


    Happy caching



    FTF prizes are not necessary. Most FTFers are just thrilled with an empty log to sign. We've found a few caches first and have never been given any other prize than being able to log first (not that a prize wouldn't have added to the thrill). Sometimes we will add a prize for the FTF in our caches. When we choose to do so, I like to add something that relates to the cache in some way. For instance, we had a beaver themed cache in which I placed a carved beaver for the first finder. In another cache, a multi with a Sleeping Beauty theme, I added a geocoin that was shaped like a pair of lips for a FTF prize.

  10. We don't usually do those unless we need something at a nearby store, so I generally talk about our purchase.


    Here's the one I wrote for the last LPC that we did:


    "We were looking forward to a little shopping at Cabela's while we waited for our daughter to finish her end-of-the-school-year duties today. We had a lot of fun looking around and left with a lid-lifter and lid rest for our dutch oven. We're looking forward to some good camp food soon!


    And, what good fortune! A cache here for us to find as well! I thought your note at the end of your description told us that it wasn't hidden this way (Now that I have re-read, I see that is not true.), so this took longer than it should have as we looked at other things very carefully. Before we left, we thought we had better check, and there it was! Thanks for the cache. Printess Caroline and CJM55"


    Interesting question. I am NOT a big fan of Micro caches. I cringe a little every time I see another Multi has been listed as a Regular size but the stages are Micro. I do not hide Micro's. I do hide Regular Multi Caches and the Stages are at least Small. But enough about me.


    You are proposing a radical new concept in my experience. A Micro Multi Final with at least 1 Small/Regular stage. I can't think of any rule guideline prohibiting you from using a Small/Regular stage and placing a Coin or TB in it. Is this supposed to be a one time launch of your TB, or are you hoping to house future placements from seekers as well? If so, do consider this. Some cachers will not read your cache page. Even if you put a notice on the page in huge red flashing letters, some seekers will not see it. Unless you put a clearly worded notice in the Small/Regular Coin/TB stage, many WILL be confused. I also echo the Bear and Ragged concern here.


    Good Luck with your Multi experiment, but please consider a better final container than a "filmcontainer". Unless it is well protected from the weather it will leak. The log will get wet soaked and the cache experience will be diminished.



  12. I've gone to several book trading caches. I see little difference with your idea if you were to ask for gently used CDs. Use the name of the cache to help cachers know what to expect. "Music Trader cache", for instance, would give a heads up. Garage sales would be a good place to pick up some seed CDs and others for restocking the cache.

  13. I think similarly to simplyred, though I have not yet had so much to say that I needed to add a note to write it all. I have fun writing my logs and primarily write to please myself. I also enjoy reading interesting logs written by other cachers,... especially if they relate to my cache. :laughing: I confess that I am disapointed to read "TFTC" or a cut and paste log on my caches, but what is there to do but sigh and move on? There are all kinds of people out there. I'm delighted when one that thinks like me logs one of my caches. A unique and thoughtful log really makes my day!

  14. This question reminded me of a thread in the forum a while back that had pictures of cachers' bags and their contents. I tried searching for it but didn't find it. Maybe someone with better searching skills will think it worth looking for and add a link.


    Tried again and found it! :laughing:link

  15. This question reminded me of a thread in the forum a while back that had pictures of cachers' bags and their contents. I tried searching for it but didn't find it. Maybe someone with better searching skills will think it worth looking for and add a link.

  16. Depends on how much you want to spend on it. It's entirely voluntary, of course, so don't feel obligated to do so.


    For about $5 you can get a Whiskers the Cat travel tag. geoswag lists it as pre-order. Shipping is going to add another few dollars to the price. You could also give a small cat charm, or a small Japanese maneki neko figurine.


    I think that these are great ideas!! I particularly like the Whiskers the Cat suggestion. I'll just add one more idea... Since you seem to associate bells with your kitty, maybe you could find a real nice bell to put in the cache for the FTFer.


    And to reiterate what Chrysalides said, you don't have to leave a prize.

  17. Hello,

    In the last cache I found, (les marmottons, GC14GQ9) I saw a geocoin. I decided not to take it because:

    1/ what is the "trade" for a geocoin? another one? none? It was my first geocoin and my third cache found

    2/ I was not sure if I would be able to put it in another cache soon. Living in Paris, we have a lot of nano or micro so putting a big coin is not easy.


    Can I have some insights about what to do!

    thanks in advance


    Geocoins and travel bugs are not swag, so your first reason to not take the coin does not partain to the situation.


    Now, the second reason is a good one that I am glad that you considered. Geocoins are meant to travel, so if you don't foresee having the opportunity to move it along in the near future, it is best to leave the coin in the cache.


    You may "discover" the coin if you do not choose to pick it up. Just copy the tracking number, go to the log page for the traveler and choose the discover option. That way, you will have the coin's icon appear in your list of trackables found and a record of having seen it.

  18. How can I remove gallery pics from one of my cache pages? A recent finder has all but ruined the challenge of the find! :mad:


    I contact the finder first to ask them nicely to remove the spoiler pictures. It seems to me to be the kinder way to educate. So far, that has worked, and there have been no hurt feelings.

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