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Everything posted by whizkidz

  1. Hello GC Forums users. i have spotted recently, a TB sticker on a Pajero in Penrith NSW. IF this is your Pajero, we chatted at the counter of the tyre shop you were at but I dont think i wrote the TB number down right and would love to be able to log it. PM me or direct email if you like whizkidz@bigpond.net.au
  2. We is here ..... newbies but we be learning at the time!
  3. We read about it in an Australia internet magazine .... NETGUIDE. It also fits our new year resolution to do more adventuring together. Cheers SF
  4. Thanks everyone for all the advice ..... finally a forum that encourages newbies. I look forward to landing my first cache soon. I am bidding on 2 items .... GARMIN Foretrex 101 and eTREX Yellow. 5 days to go. Cheers Simon F
  5. Cheers Rubberhead dude ..... off to track one of them suckers down . ..... get it ...track one down ..... very bad punn I know !! SF
  6. Thanks heaps for all your advice ... i will continue to ponder a purchase .. ebay seems up an down on pricing .... the eTREX yellow seems a popular choice and do-able in the budget. Will it find caches???
  7. As titile suggest ... I am total newbie but completely PC literate and am looking for some pointers on what to look for in a first GPS unit... Any help would be great SF
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