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Everything posted by DerDiedler

  1. Oh, das erklärt warum ich mich wunder musste das mein Beitrag nicht mehr da war, und ich ihn nochmal tipen musste.
  2. Das wird wohl nicht als Multi durchgehen. Wenn du die "Stationen" einzeln als Tradis logbar machen möchtest, und in jedem Informationen auf einen "Final" geben möchtest, dann wird das klasischer Weiße ein Bonus-Cache in Form eines ?-Caches
  3. Als Multi wird das vermutlich nicht durchgehen. Das klingt mir eher nach einer Tradi-Serie, an deren Ende ein Bonus in Form eines Mystery folgt.
  4. I´m finding the samller ones even worse than the "normal" ones. They tempering top to buttom what most likely makes the logbook to be forced in by unpatient up-rollers.
  5. Do we have a actual case here or are you just thinking of a hypothetic scenario? In case of a case I´d like to have a glance at the listing, just out of curiosity
  6. From the cache page: Barely even a Virtual cache. There's nothing to visit. All the work can be done from a computer using Google Maps. That's...interesting. From the logs, it looks like that language was in there from the get go, and not edited in after publication. + thats one of the owner hwo made the effort of finding his own cache. Amazin! He even did it in the spirit of the "found before published" thread. Wonder if he emailed the answeres to him self and claimed FTF
  7. I think the word "requiring" is miss used here. A personal need to contact the CO (or instead anyone who has solved the puzzle already) for getting a hint or two, doesn´t mean that there is no way to solve the puzzle without contacting the owner.
  8. Yea, in Germany we say "Ablage rund" wich translates to "filing round" or so. Round referes to the general shape of a wastepaper basket
  9. Please implement a "report this message" link in e-mails via geocaching.com and a "report this message" button in the message center.
  10. I kind of feel the inconviniance to report things like that. A "report this Email" link in case of an email you recive via geocaching or a "report this message" button in the message center would be a contemporary feature.
  11. Dude, don´t be so ignorant. You are helping this guys to spread theyre message into this forum including links to the promoted web pages and all the not so suitable for kids language. Just delete the copy of the Message you got or edit it massively. Right now you´re kind of a stooge to them.
  12. I don´t think that there will be any FTF hunt for only a badge. One station of a Multi is nothing FTF hounds want´s to find first. They cant claim anything online and they can´t put a [FTF] in any log to get it registered by Project-GC. Taking a badge home, invisible to any other competitors, is just not appealing to a real FTF hound
  13. Event requirements An Event Cache Takes place at the posted coordinates
  14. How about a ?-cache themed about alcoholic beverages?
  15. @baer2006 da sind wir wohl unterschiedlicher Meinung und das ist auch ok so.
  16. Sieh selbst: GC69P6D Ich habe 6 Wegpunkte angelegt um die Attendees zum Event zu lotsen. Bei jedem Multi würde die Aufgabenstellung der Navigation in die D-Wertung einfließen. Warum also nicht bei Events? Und der Fakt das es eine gewillte Besucherin an der Aufgabenstellung gescheitert ist unterstreicht für mich, dass es durchaus schwerer als D1 war.
  17. I´d like to suggest the implementation of finger print or iris scanners at all caches. THIS would realy reduce the no pen/logs
  18. No precedents There are no precedents for placing geocaches. Past publication of a similar geocache is not justification for publication of a new geocache. If a geocache was published that you feel violated the guidelines, you may report it. However, the existing geocache may have been placed prior to a guideline change, and may be grandfathered.
  19. Once a ?-Cache was published close to my home. After solving the moderate Puzzle I knew it´s at a location I was also thinking of hiding a cache, the listing was already prepared (and I was startled, thought the cords are blocked when already a listing exists). FTF was claimed by a well known FTF-hound while I was still asleep. I took STF a few hours later, but was kinda confused that the log in the film canister I found was still blank. I contacted the FTF-girl and she told me that the cache she found was not a film canister. I went back to search again, found the bison tube with the FTF Log an took the alien film canister to avoid further confusions. It seems someone else was about to set up a cache there too, but took to long to create te listing or what ever. Thing´s happen! Edit: The above is not entirely correct. I just went though the old logs and I did not return to take the wrong cache. Instead it caused further confusion
  20. Stimmt, das habe ich mich auch schon häufiger gefragt. Ich habe mal Event veranstaltet, dass etwas ab vom Schuss war und jede der 2 Anfahrtsmöglichkeiten 3 Wegpunkte hatte, an denen man aufm Acker falsch abbiegen kann. Das Event war mit D2 bewertet, was sich als zu niedrig heraus stellte. Es gab tatsächlich einen Event DNF.
  21. A list is the result of any seach, a PQ is a data package you can load to a device. For example all caches in one list.
  22. @barefootjeff I have the same feelings. And I am not saying that I would comply 100% with that guidelines. I´d also reward outstanding experiances whilst cache hunting, even when none of the listed four criteria is met.
  23. That´s just not the case. It might be the reality, but still it´s wrong that way. This platform we all are using implemented the Favorite Popints by intention. And including a set of guidelines (please no discussion about how bendable the word guidelines is). The operator of this plattform want´s us to hadle Favos like this (copy from help centre) (I highlighted some inteseting points): 4.7. Favorite points Geocaching Favorite points are a simple way to track and share the geocaches that you enjoyed the most. Premium members can award Favorite points for Interesting or unusual locations. Cool hiding places. Creative cache container. Challenging Mystery Caches. Geocachers can find the accumulated Favorite points of a cache in search results and on the cache page. Learn how to search for caches with a lot of Favorite points. Earn Favorite points Only Premium members earn Favorite points. One Favorite point just for being a Premium Member. One Favorite point for every 10 caches they find. (Duplicate finds and finds on your owned caches are also not included.) The fine print: If you found caches as a Basic member, you are prorated Favorite points the first time you become a Premium member. If your subscription lapses for any reason, you will not earn Favorite points until you renew your Premium membership, at which time the Favorite points will start accruing again at one Favorite point per 10 finds. Award Favorite points Award a Favorite point to exceptional caches when you log your “Find”. To award a Favorite point to a cache you have found in the past, follow these steps: Go to a cache page that you have logged as “found”. Select the drop down that shows the Favorite points. Select Add Favorite. Event Caches cannot receive Favorite points. The goal of Favorite points is to recommend great caching experiences to others, it doesn't really make sense to spend a Favorite point on an event which has already taken place. Archived caches keep their Favorite points. You can choose to remove a Favorite point from an archived geocache to award it to a new one. Visit your Favorites List to find out which of your Favorited caches are archived. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To conclude from my point of view, Favos ARE ment to award caches. Not for things like keepint track of FTF or what ever. And Owners EARN Favos, so it´s not just a matter of giving and taking these points randomly. There is always another side who recive an arward and beeing happy about it. And, it´s absolutely ok to take a Favo back from an archived cache. But no one have to. So there realy is no right or wrong way
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