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Everything posted by Westerner

  1. I'd suggest giving it to a local boy scout troop with information about geocaching. Maybe even ask that they do a hide with it.
  2. I believe geocaches are allowed to a degree in the San Juan National Forest. I saw this draft in a search: http://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes/docume...RAFT-Policy.doc
  3. If it had a log sheet that you signed it probably is not part of a multi. Perhaps it was archived but not removed or a geocache listed by another website.
  4. One idea that I have toyed with is to make a multi cache where each stage requires you to look at a 3D Magic Eye type image and use that to get the coordinates for the next stage. There are images you can find on the internet to use (or buy a Magic Eye book and cut out the pages needed). For coordinates, you may require the cacher count the number of a particular item in the image (ie. number of horses, number of wheels on cars, number of ears etc.) and use info that for the next waypoint. Some people have trouble seeing 3D images, so you might include a sample in your listing (yes they do stand out on a PC screen). Hopefully your waypoint images won't get muggled, but I am sure you can figure out a way to minimize that. A nice multi stage hike in the hills would make it best.
  5. Hey Tahosa, What trail did you see the cat on?
  6. To Dave W. National Geo TOPO does not support the 60c/cs USB connection. You need to buy National Geographic Topo & Streets 3D (a $20 upgrade). It will allow you to connect via USB to the 60c and the 3D feature is really quite cool.
  7. E-mail has been sent, thanks and Merry Christmas!
  8. My favorites here in Northern Colorado are caches placed by Tahosa & Sons. They have taken me on many great hikes during my first year of caching. He is easily the most prolific hider around here and a great contributor to the game.
  9. I have been using the standard Garmin suction cup mount for the 60cs the last 6 months and have been very pleased. It has never fallen off the windshield once yet, even while driving off-road. I have seen where some folks have modified the mount slightly with a pencil grinder to notch out more clearance for the power adaptor cord. I intend to do that one of these days to make it easier to snap the gps into the mount while the cord is being used. I mainly went with this mount versus the Ram mount because I'm cheap. Everything I've read about the Ram makes it sound superior, but, pricier.
  10. I would not delete an online log if the person didn't sign the logbook. I would just assume they were actually there not worry about it. It makes me wonder if cache owners would write an online note for those cachers that signed in the actual logbook but did not go online for some reason.
  11. If you expect to spend a good deal of time where poison ivy is you might consider some preventative drugs. When I was going to spend a summer in the Adirondacks back in the early 70's for forestry school I had a series of 4 shots of Ivyol in advance and never did get the rash. I can't say for sure I came in contact with PI leaves while there but I was very allergic and seemed to get it far too often in years prior.
  12. I agree with Redwood, get the Streets & 3D Nat Geo upgrade. It is worth the 20 bucks by itself and I think the only way to get NG TOPO to recognize the 60CS.
  13. Oatway - Given that the bearing and distance to the cache from a waypoint are what you have for your quest you might want to simply project a waypoint in your gps and not worry about the compass too much on this particular cache.
  14. I too have been using the $10 telescoping hiking stick from Wal-Mart for the past 6 months. It has worked just fine so far. I've had no issues with it sticking when trying to collapse it or any other problems. I think the light weight, adjustability to varying terrain and compactness of the telescoping hiking stick easily beats the strength and feel of a wooden staff (just my humble opinion). I will likely upgrade to some better quality Leki sticks in the future, but these Wal-Mart cheapies are a good way to start out to be sure that you like this type of hiking stick.
  15. Great, be sure to buy a soft case for it to protect the screen. Cheap enough on e-bay.
  16. I am currently using Mapsource 3.02 to load topo maps into my 60cs. The other programs I have (NG Topo and Delorme TOPO 5.0) I just use to print paper maps to carry with me. They are much better for planning your hikes in my opinion.
  17. Thanks "azdesertcat". I missed that information when I visited the NG website that the streets and 3d view was an update for the state edition. I just placed my order for it. It should allow me to connect to the gps to transfer my tracks. I also look forward to the 3D enhancement. I have that on the Delorme 5.0 software and like that perspective when looking at hikes I am planning. In response to Spyderwebs question I highly doubt this upgrade will allow you to put the maps on the gps itself. I believe only Garmin mapping software allows for that. Such a shame!
  18. Thanks Sputnik 57 for the reply on the NG TOPO. Mine is the state version 3.4.3 for Colorado. The 60cs appears to be available for the Streets & 3D version but not for mine. I believe the 3.4.3 is the most current upgrade available for the State Version.
  19. Does anyone know if tracks and waypoints can be transfered from the 60cs to National Geographic TOPO maps? I don't see where the NG TOPO supports the 60CS. Is there another setting in either/both the GPS interface wetup or TOPO software handheld settings that will allow communication? I didn't see this information at the TOPO website.
  20. Don't bother with the zip for Estes, just search based on latitude and longitude (ie N40 deg 21 min and W105 deg 35 min) for anyplace in the park. I did that earlier today and found some nice virtuals that I plan to go after this weekend.
  21. I bought the same Danner boot as Blazerfan cites. I have been very happy with it as well. I was told it would take longer to break in than others but I did not find that to be the case. You probably won't go wrong with any quality boot you buy though, as long as it fits you well.
  22. Like Briansnat I switched from the Vista to a 60cs and love it. Being over 50 I always seemed to need to put my reading glasses on to read the Vista which was a pain while hiking. I find the color to be significantly easier to read and need to use the glasses much less than before. If you can spend some extra bucks on color I don't think you will regret it. If you amortize the cost out over the years you'll have and use the gps is really isn't expensive in the long run.
  23. "Buried" seems to appear in most articles. It's what newcomers expect. I saw an article today in the May/June issue of "Country Discoveries" on geocaching which starts out about "buried treasure", but quickly switches to the use of "hiding". (I'd upload the scanned image of the article but I don't know how to get a jpg in here). Anyway, just another positive article promoting geocaching.
  24. I got the premium membership mainly to support the geocaching website. I have only done one pocket query so far and loaded it into a pda. Since I normally only go after one or two caches in an outing the PQ doesn't really do much for me. I always research my caches before I head out and take the paper copy with me. If you want to do a bunch in one day I can see where it would be worthwhile though. Certainly the folks with large numbers of finds think its great, and they should know (I only have 28 finds to date in 5 months). Maybe if you are in a high cache density area it would be of greater benefit than I see so far. It is nice to be able to do the member only caches if you want (fortunately there aren't that many of them though, but you get that option). Again, it is good to support this site which we rely upon.
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