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Posts posted by MamaMouse

  1. I went in and marked them all as missing. They still show up on my account, but that was the only way to do it and leave all the activity on the bugs. Some of them had unique icons so if anyone logged them, they would still get to have the icon.

    Thanks everyone.



  2. Hello all. Does anyone know how to remove all of my collection of GeoCoins from my profile. We recently had a fire and lost all of our GeoCaching stuff, including all of my coins. Is there an easy way to remove all of them or should I just go in one by one and delete them?



  3. I was happy to see the inclusion of the Alaskan Trail system. I will load them up into my GPS and watch for any missing trails as I do some serious hiking the summer with the newest addition to the mouse clan (MicroMouse). I was surprised that I haven't seen NorthWes or Lady Bug Kids posting about Alaska trails, since they seem to do lots of serious hiking adventures. I will send them a note and have them read this forum.



  4. Here in Alaska we have begun the “Last Great Race” the 2006 Iditarod Dog Sled Race. This is a race that is watched in many countries and has competitors from all over the world who enter and compete. I was looking to see if we could make the Burly Arch, located in Nome Alaska, into a waymark or if we have any Nome Cachers, perhaps into a cache site. (Perhaps a micro someplace near the Arch) This arch marks the end of the 1100 mile race and is a historical landmark for everyone in Alaska.


    For those that don't know: The Iditarod Trail, now a National Historic Trail, had its beginnings as a mail and supply route from the coastal towns of Seward and Knik to the interior mining camps at Flat, Ophir, Ruby and beyond to the west coast communities of Unalakleet, Elim, Golovin, White Mountain and Nome. Mail and supplies went in. Gold came out. All via dog sled. Heroes were made, legends were born.


    In 1925, part of the Iditarod Trail became a life saving highway for epidemic-stricken Nome. Diphtheria threatened and serum had to be brought in; again by intrepid dog mushers and their faithful hard-driving dogs.


    During the Iditarod race the city of Nome will swell with News media, racers, fans, dog handlers, and dogs. All of the hotels will be full and the people of Nome actually open their homes to extra people offering anything from a bedroom to a space on the floor for a sleeping bag. The race is always held the first weekend in March and has a ceremonial start in Anchorage, Alaska. The actual restart is scheduled for Wasilla, Alaska but depending on weather condition (mostly whether or not there is enough snow) the restart could be rescheduled to Willow, Alaska (which it is this year) or Fairbanks, Alaska.


    This year there are 84 mushers heading to Nome. Not all of the mushers will make it to Nome. It is a very difficult race. Many school children around the world track the race by picking a favorite musher and tracking their progress as part of a social studies assignment. There is a webpage set up just for the kids to track the race and ask questions. There is also an official webpage set up for others to track the mushers. The Iditarod headquarters gets phone calls for all over the world, 24 hours a day, asking for updates during this historic race.


    I was recently involved in sending a travel bug with Iditarod musher Paul Gebhardt (#84) to Nome. I realized that once it gets up there, there would be no way of tracking the mileage of the travel bug becuase there are no caches in Nome and Mr. Gebhardt is not a GeoCacher.


    I know that this probably belongs in Waymarking, but there are not any categorys that this fits into and catergory creation has been closed. :D


    Any ideas

  5. I have 3 daughters that I usually cache with. They are 9, 11, and 12. At first we all used my account and logged all of thier finds with mine. But now they want to keep track of thier own finds. I don't mind as long as long as I do not have to type them in for them. (Otherwise I am typing 4 logs for each cache!)


    We now have 2 GPS in our family, so two girls can use them when hunting. I am also doing paperless caching, so one girl gets to use the PDA and read discription, hints, past logs, etc. After we find the cache she then uses the PDA to log our find and record what was traded. I have them trade off so they all get experince using both the GPS and the PDA.


    The girls are NOT allowed to be out of my sight at all during the hunt. Too many scary things could happen. (Bears, Moose, Bees, Wasps, Boogey-Men :ph34r: etc.) When we are close to the hiding spot, we all start looking for obivous hiding spots. If I spot the cache first, I move away from the spot and then I'll tell them I know where it is. They continue to look for the cache until one of them finds it. This is a little game we play because they want to know who finds the most caches in our family.


    Each of us has our own little pack with carry with our SWAG. Each of the girls can trade an item. At first, I did not do micros with them because they loved the treasure hunt. After a while, I showed them a few micros and they thought it was so cool. Tiny little cache hidden right where you could see it, but only if you looked closely enough. My youngest doesn't mind doing some micros, but really prefers a regular caches. The older two are really enjoying the challenge of a good micro, but still like a regular cache here and there. (Gotta love the swag!)


    Hope this helps.


    MamaMouse and the Mouse Clan

    (NenaMouse, JazzyCacher, and MineeMouse)

  6. I would like to be a spy > er .. I mean a member > of another coin club.


    The Ghost group that procuces the Swags coin will vouch for me ... or maybe they won't. :D hmmmmm nevermind


    I would like to join, but I have no references. :D

  7. I import two different databases. I use a GSAK (GeoCaching Swiss Army Knife) filter to filter out my Found caches and then export the result into cachemate as my default database. I then use a GSAK filter to show my Found caches and export them into a separate "Found" database. Then if I need to switch and look at some info on the old Found log I can do that. But when I am using the defualt database, it does not show the found database in the search results.

    This also helps when you are ready to post the GeoCaches that you found that day. Once you set the 'Found" flag in CacheMate and do a sync with your PC, you can use the import feature in GSAK to import your found caches. Once they are imported, you can adjust the log (if needed) and then start posting them in geocaching.com with the click of a button.


    Hope this explanation helps. :(

  8. I am glad you had a good time in Alaska and that you got to see a dog team in training. Bet you weren't expecting that! Did you find anything else you weren't expecting along your way?


  9. I was very, very happy to be able to tag along with the Great Alaksan Cache and Dash Team for three days. I have decided to log the whole three days as my milestone event. It is hard to imagine that something else would be able to top GeoCaching with Cent5, El Santo, Globalgirl, GeoZuk, LindaLu, Lowrider71, Moun10Bike, Prying Pandora, and Reino for three days!


    Thank you everyone for a great three day adventure! May you live long enough to top it! :rolleyes:



  10. Hello


    I will try to help you. My name is MamaMouse and I will be traveling to Eagle River area today. I will try to get your exact coordinates ... or something very close. If you look at this cache Toy GraveYard (GCKAEC) it is near a river in a park area. It has the Longitude very close to what you want!

  11. After I drop off the Mouse Kids for school (8:25 a.m.) I will be able to go and play with the group.


    Don't worry too much about clothing, I was out today caching in the woods with my sandals and a dress on. Okay I did have socks on ... and they did get a bit damp, but no big deal! All is good.



    Look forward to seeing you all!


    MamaMouse -

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